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Us Ambassador to Libya killed by Militants

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But, yet you are NEVER willing to admit when your side does the same thing (as wrong as both sides are for doing it) (wish I had a rolling eyes emoticon).

Link to an example? It shouldn't be hard since I do it every time.


Also, I don't have a side. I have principles and beliefs. I'll vote for anyone, regardless of party affiliation, who I think will further those principles.






(Here is your emoticon. :rolleyes: )

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All politicians seek to play the 'politics game' whenever they can, to move the needle. Romney seized at this opportunity when he shouldn't have, because it was distasteful and very insensitive. And wrong. A terrible gaffe that reflects very poorly on the campaign he's running.


OK, are we all agreed? Can we then also agree that this really doesn't matter?

I think that it does matter. The character and tendencies of the man who would be president are always relevant.


We want our politicians to discuss the issues. But what incentive is given to them to talk about the issues, when plainly people would much rather chatter about the meaningless? Our interest in jumping on these things to tear down one candidate or another's character is precisely the reason why 'the game' is the focus of those campaigns.

Again, I don't think that it's meaningless.



But, yet you are NEVER willing to admit when your side does the same thing (as wrong as both sides are for doing it) (wish I had a rolling eyes emoticon).

this is not a sport. tit for tat does no good. plus, i am not entirely convinced carlfense has a 'side'.


I agree...that is why I condemn both.

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Unconfirmed by any other source...




Unconfirmed reports of at least four peacekeepers hurt when scores of Salafi Bedouin linked to al Qaeda stormed the Multinational Force’s camp in northern Sinai with grenades, mortars and automatic guns Friday night Sept. 14.
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I object to the notion that we should sweep stuff like this under the rug.


Not sweep it under the rug. I just find it interesting that this is what everyone is most excited to talk about. Not just this specific instance, but any instance that invites an opportunity to proclaim negative things about an opposing candidate's character.


It's greatly distracting. Not that there isn't a place for it. But discussions in this vein absolutely dominate political talk. It's silliness.

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I object to the notion that we should sweep stuff like this under the rug.


Not sweep it under the rug. I just find it interesting that this is what everyone is most excited to talk about. Not just this specific instance, but any instance that invites an opportunity to proclaim negative things about an opposing candidate's character.


It's greatly distracting. Not that there isn't a place for it. But discussions in this vein absolutely dominate political talk. It's silliness.

In part due to the politicians running on stances that they are the more 'moral' guy, and particularly in national races, a refusal to talk about policy details. "Hey, elect me and, trust me, you will like the policies I set, but I won't tell you what they are now" leads to a lack of being able to even talk issues.

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My biggest problem with Romney on this topic is his continued lies about Obama's "apology tour", making it seem as though any attempt to have a dialogue with the Arab world somehow weakens our stature. Many of people out in the streets protesting, burning flags, attacking our embassies, and killing people do not understand that the anti-Muslim video posted on the Internet is not something our government created or condones, but that is what people tell them and they believe it. That may seem ridiculous since we all understand that the video was made by a radical preacher with all of 50 followers, but they don't understand that, and that's why it's so dangerous. Looking from the other side, we often don't understand that the radicals in Muslim nations are an equally small group...even though 99%+ of us can read and have access to Internet / non-propaganda news (not the case in many Muslim nations).

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Define "helpful."


That friggin' depends what the definition of "is" is.


This is similar to Karl struggling to determine what a fact is.


No, it's quite obvious what I'm asking. There are varying levels of help. To what extent are you saying they helped us?


You have problems on this board because you toss nonsense out there, you get called on it, and you dodge the answers. I'm trying to figure out what you're even talking about because, frankly, the Iranians didn't "help" us invade Afghanistan, but certain things were done, and I'm trying to decide how narrowly you're defining "help."

And, for the record, this is all going back to yet another undefined statement that you've made, which you still will not respond to, which is, "Iran is only our enemy because we insist they be."


I'm going to keep asking you to explain that every time until you do, or agree that it's BS. Your choice.

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I object to the notion that we should sweep stuff like this under the rug.


Not sweep it under the rug. I just find it interesting that this is what everyone is most excited to talk about. Not just this specific instance, but any instance that invites an opportunity to proclaim negative things about an opposing candidate's character.


It's greatly distracting. Not that there isn't a place for it. But discussions in this vein absolutely dominate political talk. It's silliness.


Nope, not an accurate definition. It's worth talking about, it's the subject de jour, but it's not by any means what people are most excited to talk about.


I'm not the drum-beater of these negative nonsense points. But when lies and ridiculously stretched truths like this become the campaign, it is worthwhile to focus on them as they come up.


If you don't like this as a talking point, decry Romney & Co. for making it a talking point. Once is a mistake. A few times is politics. Every single time becomes a worrying trend that needs addressing.


Let's address it.

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About a page ago this thread derailed into a pissing match declaring each others's candidates did this and your's did that. Meanwhile our embassies all over the middle east are being assaulted and in some cases over run. I think all personnel have been evacuated and more marines are being called in. Lets hope they have live ammo this time. Let's not forget the families grieving at the loss ot their husbands,fathers, sons and brothers. Does anyone know if the ambassador's body has been recovered? I heard that Libyan police had taken the body to a morgue yesterday.

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You have problems on this board because you toss nonsense out there, you get called on it, and you dodge the answers. I'm trying to figure out what you're even talking about because, frankly, the Iranians didn't "help" us invade Afghanistan, but certain things were done, and I'm trying to decide how narrowly you're defining "help."


Perhaps my security clearance is not high enough to get all the info I need.


Perhaps your clearance is not high enough for me to tell you.


You're right, I do have problems on this board. Generally i speak with a more informed group.


Perhaps i should dumb down my argument, or just go along with the crowd.


If you want I can get you some info on those other topics if you believe we can have a conversation around them.


But somehow I do not believe that that will happen.

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