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Children and immigration reform

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I honestly can't keep score anymore.


Democrats have held the same line and rhetoric on illegal immigration forever, and for years they could swap lines with Republicans because it's the easiest political position to take. The Obama/Biden administration was often derided by the Latino community for being deportation happy. 


Talk was cheap and action was wildly expensive and problematic. So when political and drug-cartel violence in Latin America sends the number soaring, the solutions get even dicier. Trump scores electoral points with doomed over-reaches like walls and mass deportations, fed with the ugliest possible stereotypes. Democrats naturally denounce all things Trump and start quoting the Statue of Liberty, declining to acknowledge that they've spouted the same boilerplate tough-on-immigration/pathway to citizenship position for years. 


Something has to be done. Republicans use the situation to demonize immigrants and scare voters. Democrats get to say "hamana-hamana-hamana" as they dare Republicans to pass the tough immigration rules that will give Democrats the credit in an election year. 


If nothing is done, the chances of the immigrant surge receding and things going back to much as they were in the still-problematic and largely bipartisan past remain high. 

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One huge issue (a feature of the Biden immigration plans) is the number known gotaways.  People we have no idea who they are.   When you have an immigration plan that creates a porous border with little consequence, these things tend to happen.  Unfortunately.   Thanks President Biden. 



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7 minutes ago, Archy1221 said:

One huge issue (a feature of the Biden immigration plans) is the number known gotaways.  People we have no idea who they are.   When you have an immigration plan that creates a porous border with little consequence, these things tend to happen.  Unfortunately.   Thanks President Biden. 



You're so good at following Republican talking points.:laughpound

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