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sho last won the day on May 21 2023

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  • Birthday 07/28/1975

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  1. OhNoTheConsequencesOfMyChoices She can find plenty of jobs at tattoo parlors, Hot Topic, sex shops and some warehouses. Just not at 98% of customer facing jobs. Or maybe she can move her @$$ to Europe where they are "more accepting" (they really aren't) of her look and she can be gainfully employed there.
  2. I mean, besides AZ being stuck in 1864, TIL that parts of Fl and parts of Oregon are separated by only one time zone. If that's the case, let's just eliminate Eastern and Pacific time zones and just move everyone into Central and Mountain and get rid of daylight savings at the same time.
  3. I mean, you don't want to make it TOO OBVIOUS that you are cheating. /S
  4. Worth a listen. It's a great podcast overall, provides some great detail of what Congress is doing and why. This episode about what's going on in Israel provided me new information and came with links to verify. Well worth the listen. Just about 90 minutes or so. This is a podcast, that if you are interested in politics and what and why the US is doing what it is doing, I would highly recommend subscribing, IMO this is a non-partisan podcast that doesn't always paint a rosey picture of what the US is doing. https://congressionaldish.com/cd287-war-money/
  5. They have to rule before their current session is over. This session ends at the end of June. We should know by end of June if CO (and other states) can remove him from the ballot and if there is presidential immunity. If the SC says there is presidential immunity, that gives Biden at least 6 months to "hire seal team 6" or finally do some crazy ish that the Rs have been accusing him of since his term started.
  6. I could see both AOC and Klobuchar throwing their hats in the ring, both are national names and may want to try for the big chair. Might be 4-8 years too soon for AOC, but Klobuchar seems like a strong candidate to run. I also wouldn't be surprised to see Pete Buttigieg try again and maybe Josh Shapiro. All that said, it's Newsom's nomination to lose, unless something comes up in the next 4 years. ie, Harris becomes President and shocks everyone and knocks it out of the park.
  7. I'm no legal eagle, but can the judge use this and fine her for perjury or contempt of court or anything? I know witnesses cannot knowingly lie without consequences, not sure if that holds true for council, especially when asking for continuance.
  8. Popular vote is meaningless. Biden can win the popular vote by 10 million and still lose the election. It's all about which states he wins, and Dems need to be careful because of this. We all know the red states and blue states. It'll be once again the battleground states. Wisconsin, Ohio, MIchigan, Florida, Arizona etc. And with the 'Brain Drain' happening in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Indiana those states could start turning red instead of purple. Typically the young/educated group is a left lean and if they are leaving these states to go to California or a traditional blue state, it doesn't help Biden at all, the key then would be is enough of the drainage going to Texas, Florida etc to help recoup some of the lost electoral votes. If enough drainage happens to the Pacific coast and NY from the 'grain belt' area, regardless of the popular vote, Dems may not have enough electoral votes to ever win the presidency.
  9. Dollars to donuts she understands her loan now, whether she did when she got them, is pure speculation, but she’s pointing the issue, not saying woe is me. The issue isn’t about her. You are missing the point completely, not surprising as you stay on the edge of issues trying to dunk on people with some asinine point but more times than not you It’s quite comical watching the spin and continue on missing the main point, staying with your fringe scenarios that you think make you sound informed on the topic when everyone can see that you are just a GOP cuck happily lapping up the mess while those who you support openly reach into your wallet while telling how great it can be, knowing you’ll never be included.
  10. Good for her that her family have an income that she can afford to pay her student loan and still get this house, I'm not sure why Greg (or Fox/Republicans et al) is questioning this. I don't see where she is in default on her loan, just mentioning, as I posted earlier, what one of the biggest problems with student loans is, if she got a loan for $180,000 and has been paying for 11 years, the payoff balance should not be more than the initial loan, let alone over 10% increase in payoff amount. This is a predatory loan that should be fixed. Retroactively fixing predatory student loans would go along way in fixing the student loan issues that too many people are dealing with and are not nearly as fortunate as Alessandra. Doing so would be a boon for the economy and coming to a solution for this issue that is financially crippling so many Americans should be a top tier priority for all elected officials.
  11. the biggest issue with student loans is the predatory nature of the interest rates and scamming 18 year olds that have no idea on what a good loan is versus a bad loan. I'm more in favor of restructuring all current student loans and future loans to be more manageable. Just making up random numbers as an example, but something like all student loans are at 5% interest compounded annually, interest is waved if your adjusted gross income is under $50,000 annually for people filing single and under $80,000 for all other filing options, and still have these excluded from bankruptcy filings. People shouldn't be paying monthly minimum and seeing the payoff amount go up, which is happening, because of predatory loans. This could also go in the Education thread, but there needs to be a financial literacy class (teaching kids about credit cards, loans, investments etc) that is required for graduation. Personally I think it should be two classes a more basic class you take sophomore or junior year of HS and an advanced class you take your senior year, to help kids understand what happens when you get credit cards at 18, when you get your 100,000 student loan and the risks involved with that. Yes, parents need to help with this as well, but there are A LOT of financially illiterate parents out there and these kids have no idea what they are getting into when signing that document.
  12. sho

    NBA 2023-24

    I'd rather have Mark Jackson gone. If the NBC rumors are true, I hope JVG and Jalen get picked up by them. Mark Jackson can retire, or better yet, go become the HC of the celtics.
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