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krc1995 last won the day on September 28 2019

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About krc1995

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  1. Always sucks to lose the last game of the year. But the line was moved forward this year. So here’s to a BIG championship and a successful year
  2. Never felt like we were going to win this one, but played pretty scrappy at times. Ballpark played small or was the wind blowing out? Need the bats to show up. Onward.
  3. I feel the wind blowing in favors us. Shots versus bombs all day long. I don’t think this is ‘23 version of the Gators, although recency bias says different.
  4. What a month for SS. Masters, baby, jail #whatsnext?
  5. Scottie wears it best.
  6. Us too. We have dragged my then young son to one game a year since around 2014. Last year we went to three. Has yet to see a win. He asking to go to the CU game for a combined birthday/Christmas gift. It’s a first world dilemma
  7. And the show brags that’s it’s a live roast. AI sure changes the definition of “live”
  8. I think the part where she was booed was removed. According to Reddit anyway. People have mentioned that Netflix is pulling things left and right so watch it now.
  9. It’s still there I just watched it this morning. She looked at the teleprompter the entire time, but the material was pretty funny. he’s definitely doing her. Or is it the other way around.
  10. It was uncomfortably hilarious. Very rough though. Must be some serious cash flow to endure that length of cruelty. And I’m only half way through it.
  11. I don’t think it will result in better competition at the D1 level, and may actually reduce it. I think lower division teams may benefit more. I guess it would end the walk-on program. It might even cause some programs to drop baseball. Walk-ons add more to the success of a team outside of playing time.
  12. Not sure how I feel about this. Sucks for the 8 out. Less roster spots means less baseball opportunities. Even if you’re not on a full scholarship, there are plenty of other perks-and some involve money.
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