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Status Updates posted by icedavis

  1. It's Root Beer Float day at the office again. Too bad I worked 16 hours (until midnight) yesterday and decided to work from home this morning. :(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. icedavis


      Sorry GSG, I am with NUance RBF>>Shake. Guaranteed, period after it (as my high school football coach would say)

    3. GSG


      RBF seems like a white trash dessert lol

    4. NUance


      Yes. Yes it is.

  2. My first status update: Dayum Dayum DAAAYUM!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NUance


      Ham dayum!

    3. GSG


      That's so good

    4. icedavis


      Haha, thanks. I've been outta web range but good to see everyone enjoyed it.

  3. It's my (birthday) party. I will cry, if I WANT TO!

  4. The MLB All Star Game will be in my backyard next year. My buddy and I will be there. Can't wait!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KJ.
    3. icedavis


      Next year will be at Target Field in good ol' MPLS.

    4. redout22


      went last year, its awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. huskeraddict


      Techfits are so ill-fitting without pads. Anyone who drops $300 on that to wear it as a fashion jersey will be severely disappointed.

    3. Husker Richard

      Husker Richard

      Exactly what I was thinking addict.

    4. icedavis


      I agree too. I wouldn't buy one as I have gotten away from jersey buying the past few years but some around here I know would, good fit or not.

  5. BTN is tracking B1G team mentions. We are losing to the Hawkeyes. UNACCEPTABLE! :Phttp://btn.com/connect-nebraska/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GSG


      They did not put me anywhere close to my town lol

    3. Omaha-Husker


      Iowa is still playing.

    4. Chaddyboxer


      An Iowa? What's that? A disease?!

  6. So, not far from my buddy's house, these dudes were chasing this BEAUT.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShawnWatson


      That is awesome.

    3. True2tRA


      Are you freaking kidding me? Holy crap. Damn nature, you scary.

    4. 95huskers


      you guys use the TVN weather app or website to watch live streaming storm chasing? its crazy! but the dominator and reed timmer shut theirs off when they get close encounters due to them making money off the videos they produce

  7. Got to go to the All Star Game you guys. Thought I would share my pic. oh, and um...Belt Buckles. https://www.flickr.com/photos/icedavis/14482930397/

  8. I have.

    1. HuskerInLostWages
    2. C N Red

      C N Red


    3. icedavis


      Sorry, no. There is a period meaning the statement ends. Such as in the dialogue, "Have you done that?" to which you reply "I have." But when you type and read it on its own, looks weird to me today.

    1. Chaddyboxer


      Wicked cool pic man

    2. ShawnWatson


      You sir are an awesome photographer.

    3. Decked


      Safe isn't fun

  9. I will be on the sideline for the game this weekend. Got my DSLR ready. Should be interesting.

    1. Redux


      Carry a mirror to shine in their kickers face if things come down to a FG for them to win.

    2. icedavis


      Hmm. Mirror? Not a bad idea. Less obvious than the banana peel plan I had going. Not as funny though.

    3. suh_fan93


      That's awesome ice.

  10. Just opened the pandoras box that is the Official BS Forum. Consider my work day lost.

    1. GSG


      Come to the Dark Side...





















      We have cookiessss...

    2. icedavis



  11. Whew! Crisis averted. There is still plenty of root beer and ice cream left over from Root Beer Float day. And there was much rejoicing, yay.

    1. GSG


      *vomits* ;)

    2. NUance


      Mmmmm, that sounds good. The RBF, not the puke. lol

  12. This was the craziest sports event I have ever witnessed in person. http://deadspin.com/bring-it-on-comes-to-life-in-minnesota-high-school-danc-1685940900

    1. C N Red

      C N Red

      Craziest dance event maybe, sports event????

    2. icedavis


      Key words are "in person". I have seen some crazy stuff while on tv but most of the in person stuff has been pretty tame...until this. It got really ugly in the stands. Dance moms you know.

  13. Finished my first video production this weekend. It details my Special Hockey team's trip to Philadelphia for the National Disabled Hockey Festival. Thought I would share. Enjoy.

  14. I made this a while ago and decided tonight was worthy of a release. Mariano is so dominant. Hate to see him go and I am not even a Yankees fan. http://www.flickr.com/photos/icedavis/9305895236/

  15. Thought you would all enjoy this. Special Hockey kids are the greatest.

    1. Chaddyboxer


      Cool. I wish I could skate

  16. Excuse me fine patrons of the Huskerboard. Would the user who posted the URL for the page that breaks out web "lists" so that we dont have to click, please repost said website URL? Thanks.

  17. Streaming the Masters at work is the best. My company is awesome for letting us. My golf pro co-worker went last year and snapped pics that I made into this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/icedavis/7072421009/in/photostream/lightbox/

  18. Brazil has a player named Hulk you guys.

  19. Made this animated .gif from my shots of the All Star Game flyover, you guys. https://www.flickr.com/photos/icedavis/14506600278/

  20. Commence meltdown

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