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Everything posted by Warrior

  1. http://www.espn.com/blog/ncfnation/post/_/id/138889/ucf-coach-scott-frosts-new-role-scout-team-quarterback A good look for practice! Don't know if it's posted or not.. I'm not going through this whole thread to see either.
  2. We can pay Frost the question is will you pay his assistants and do they want to come to Lincoln. Knowing the expectations vs UCF and Orlando.
  3. Was this the year they started the Power Towel and Willy chant!
  4. Just curious what factors in the the average. No Doubt he played a great game and well deserved. It was just a thought especially when the percentage is labeled to the tenths.
  5. I remember feeling this way about OU when TO won #250 by a score of 69-7. Now here we are SMH..
  6. I agree. It does put pressure on the D to cover more of the field if the QB can pull it down on occasion and pick up some chunk yardage. Even if it's 3-5 plays a game with a slide or run out of bounds at the end of each.
  7. GKF great post. I've always felt the change from Clownahan to Bo was due to a lack of personality by the Clown. Then Bo to MR was to bring in the nice guy from big bad mean Bo. Lost in all that is if you don't make system based decisions you are constantly chasing your tail. It was a long read, but well worth the time to read it.
  8. I agree with this thought, but those changes have happened when the sitting AD was in full support. The change in AD shakes the team up too. The players have to be wondering what's next.
  9. Real Question.. Will we pass Texas before Bama Passes us?
  10. Much better track record than the last guy. He starts the 23rd how soon before his presence is felt?
  11. http://www.aseaofred.com/scanning-fcs-coaches-salaries/ This was interesting. Gill is the Highest paid FCS coach Pelini's pay is below the average salary by $40,000. Turner Gill received a base salary of $658,492 and a total compensation package of $750,116 Youngstown State’s Bo Pelini had a base salary of 213,894 in his first year this season.
  12. Nebraska and Tennessee fire their coaches by the end of the weekend!
  13. Yes, but just like Bo they take less money at the new job on the front end in hopes of getting more later. You also have to assume that some hires Riley or if he even wants to work again. I don't think the cost of living is High in Corvalis.
  14. Top of the BIG West... Win all NON-CON's Have the fans focus be on the players not the coaches!
  15. I get it, but should he really come out and say this is a dumpster fire! I'm done at the end of the year anyway who cares? He's got to show some idea of working for the program to get his buyout at the end whenever that is...
  16. I believe Scott Frost is showing signs of being a really good Head Coach. His approach has been molded by several successful HC's on different levels. I would just like him to come in and be Scott Frost not the next TO, BD etc... I know the expectations will be huge, but he needs to do the job his way..
  17. Voted 2-4 finish and it was difficult to go that high because the "winnable games" those team smell blood in the water.
  18. I didn't know that. Then that would be a viable option.
  19. Can he leave he's already used the Grad Transfer option?
  20. I don't think previous experience as an AD is a must. The last guy had experience you saw how well that worked out.
  21. I like the idea of Reilly as AD. Smooth transition out for him. Then look at these guys for HC Frost Aranda (LSU guys will be looking) Canada Neal Brown
  22. That looks good for next year, but also shows our lack of experience.
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