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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. I have no idea why, but I cant stop laughingUh oh, you might be gay. jk But I laughed too. Damn, I might be gay too.
  2. I don't like waiting for kickoff but night games are still my favorite time. Afternoon starts are ok but if we never have another 10:00 or 11:00AM game, I'll be a happy camper. Those morning games suck.
  3. Probably because we have to accept these halfass design efforts while so many other teams actually come up with some cool alternates. I just wish they would do a better job with them. Might just be me and a few others but I have not been impressed.......yet.
  4. Only 4 more to 1000. I think I'll make it by Christmas.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      But I'm lazy, that's why I decided to beg in a status update instead. lol

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      3 more.......really picking up steam.

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      1 more, who will the lucky poster be?

  5. One game per season is an aberration. Three to four games per season for six or seven years is pretty much a trend. We're 4-0 right now. We can call McNeese an aberration.......until it happens again, then we're headed back in line with the trend. Let's hope this is the season we begin a new trend. It sure appears this could be it.
  6. I'm concerned about teachers liver, you guys. Seems like somebody should do something before it's too late.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      I'll take it if he's done with it.

    3. Chaddyboxer


      Be a weekend warrior....like me!

    4. ZRod


      Benging is still alcoholism Chaddy.

  7. Guys, just received my prescription and am happy. Had a really expensive Rx prescribed (no generic available in US) so I ordered through a Canadian pharmacy. Generic was made in INdia, shipped out of Singapore, and I received it within 13 days. Everything is legit. Excited that all my research paid off.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Marf


      Aleve woulda worked fine.

    3. Minnesota_husker


      Did you try rubbing dirt on it?

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Tried rubbing it out......is that the same thing?

  8. Well it did help rid Afghanistan of those pesky russkies. But once again we screwed up the end game. Maybe it's inevitable with war.......people get too fed up, disgusted, and averse to it before it can be ended properly.
  9. *face palm* Losing a recruit because we aren't green enough? Lol. The day I'm concerned about that will be the day I officially give a rats ass if we have a football program or not. Let me know when this impacts our ability to field a team.
  10. Has our scarlet/red color changed on our unis since the mid 90's? Maybe it's my eyes or old TV coloring but I sure think it used to be a little darker shade of red than it has been for quite awhile now. Any insight?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Landlord


      It's very very highly dependent on the lighting conditions.


      Check out the difference in how dark the red looked on our uniforms against Fresno compared to how bright it looked against Minnesota or Georgia during the day.

    3. tschu


      I think they're the same, photos seem to confirm. If you want a team whose color has changed, check out Michigan's yellow. They've gone back to a little bit darker maize but for awhile in the mid-late 2000s it was practically neon. It's still not as dark as it used to be.

    4. Geaux Big Red

      Geaux Big Red

      Maybe it is different shades some random games just to see how grown men react on the interweb.

  11. The bolded all exist on this uniform. Along with RED! I'm not saying everyone should dislike them. It's just a personal taste thing when it comes to liking or disliking the colors/design/mixture on a uniform. Some people like em and that's fine by me. I just think they could be much better. I guess the imortant thing is if the players and potential recruits like them. Grumpy old bastards like me will get over it for one game per year.
  12. It's pretty simple, make absolutely gd sure the balloons are biodegradable. We have the technology. Then continue to use helium until it is actually outlawed for use in mere balloons. If little Timmy can have helium balloons at his friggin bday party, I think we can float up a few thousand red balloons seven times per year. There's a lot more helium ballons than that being filled every day of the year for other reasons. Nebraska football is not offender numero uno here.
  13. Really obscure status update, deal with this.

  14. Maybe these will look better on the field during the game.......the ones last year did. I'm really not opposed to alternates. I just wish they would do a better job with them. Hell, go way overboard with them. I like what Oklahoma State has done, Oregon, Navy, and some others. I just think Adidas is stuck in a rut, they tend to look like some sort of throwback youth pajamas or something. I could handle some matte colors on the helmet, blacks, grays, silvers, golds, heck even some full color corn or something but, these aren't doing it for me......yet anyway.
  15. Why oh why do we seem to struggle so with these alternate unis? Is Adidas incapable of coming up with something cool or neat or at least not nauseating? These are worse than the last ones and they weren't good. The only piece of these that I even sort of like is the matte red on the helmet.........but then they went and screwed that up by having the high angled gloss black bit on the back. I'll have to watch my alcohol consumption on Saturday because these things already have my stomach on edge.
  16. You're talking about Obama here? Yes. Don't take partial statements out of context and you won't struggle figuring it out. But, to make you happy, yes, GW also engaged in some simple-minded and one size fits all approaches to concerns with terrorism. I just give him a bit of a break on it because, unlike Obama, he was treading new water and dealing with more unknowns at the time he made his mistakes. Obama's national security "experts" requested him to not simply walk away from Iraq like he decided to do anyway. Like I said, it's easy to throw rocks when you're not the guy making the actual decisions and hindsight is 20/20. I think Obama is finding out much of his criticisms of W's handling of things is much easier said than done. At least I hope he is figuring that out.
  17. What plausible alternative wouldn't have been a sh#t sandwich? #ThanksW You are correct, most any alternate would still be a sh#t sandwich but I'm guessing most any of those alternate sandwiches would taste just a little bit better. Sure, we can thank W for originally getting us involved but that doesn't exonerate Obama from getting us uninvolved incorrectly. If I'm not mistaken, we are now still "involved" anyway. I guess it goes towards what I would consider his naïve and simple-minded approach to most foreign policy, and especially the middle east, terrorism, and anything having to do with his comments on how W mishandled things. It's easy to throw rocks when you're not the guy making the actual decisions. Karma's a bitch.
  18. ISIS may very well be the devil incarnate but I have serious concerns about providing any weapons or intelligence to groups such as Hezbollah. Nothing good can possibly come from that long term. The enemy of our enemy may be the situation but it will require weighing the lesser of two evils and exhausting all other possibilities first. Hell, it has to be against the law at this point in time for us to provide these things to Hezbollah due to anti-terrorism efforts. What a sh#t sandwich we let take a foot hold over there by walking away with no plan to maintaining any advances made. This is one time where "Thanks Obama" is warranted.
  19. I agree that this years group is ahead of the curve compared to last year and I think they will get better (with some adjustments at LB) and will be just fine. BUT, last years D was never "scary good". Yes they looked better towards the end but please, let's keep it real.
  20. Makes ya wonder if Herbstreit is somewhere getting bent about this.
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