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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. Minnesota, a team that beat us, losing to Syracuse, does say something about us and the B1G conference. Michigan, widely acknowledged as our best victory of the season, getting abused by KSU, does say something about our team and our conference. Problem is that many of us already realized just how poor our team and conference is. Some others just don't realize how bad we are and still others are just tired of having it pointed out. Our team is what it is and so is our conference. Nuff said.
  2. This thread had potential......until people started posting in it.
  3. I usually lean towards guys staying in college......Bridgewater needs to go NFL. He's scary good.

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I picked the U in the donkey bowl but I still like seeing them get beat by a team wearing red.

  4. Come on guys, suck it up, somebody needs to dislodge NUance from first place. This incessant trash talking must be put to bed. It's like 90's Miami up in here and NUance is Warren Sapp taunting the good doctor.
  5. Update. Went the Chromecast route and it works like a champ. Shout out to carl for the $35 solution. It's a bit redundant for a smart tv but was required due to comcast being stupid dicks. After seeing what Chromecast can do, I would highly recommend it for anyone wanting to convert a regular tv to much of the functionality of a smart tv. Also a shout out to my employees for providing the Best Buy gift cards that covered the Chromecast purchase.
  6. Idk, a USU victory by about 10 would get me real healthy.
  7. The greatest gift I received was the peace of mind of knowing sdsker is brushing his teeth again. 2nd best was a Samsung smart TV.
  8. That's crazy talk.....no way Erstad hits a two run bomb in the ninth.
  9. Maybe it still has "Two time national champions" and the Big 8 logo on it.
  10. I'm just spit ballin here but I don't think cfb players are going to be leading the charge to get us outside the universe or solar system or even beyond our atmosphere. If they want a ps4, I say let em at it.
  11. My mother was trying to insinuate herself between us and the statue.

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      The entire neghborhood was turned on.......the glow of electric sex gleaming in the window.

  12. Merry Christmas to all HB'ers and to all a good night.

    1. Decked


      Merry Christmas to you too!

    2. TheSker
  13. If we use the history of our program as a guide we can begin to answer some of these questions. The offensive identity needs to centered more on the guys up front than on the higher profile players. Control, I mean really control the LOS and things get simpler and much less susceptible to injury. We lost arguably one of the best option quarterbacks, Tommie Frazier, to injury, and he was backed up by a guy who could throw, Brook Berringer, but wasn't the greatest option qb, who then got injured and was backed up by Matt Turman, who was lesser talented in both areas. TO adjusted game plans and play calling to fit their strengths, it didn't require wholesale changes to the scheme, just some tweaks, depending on who was in the game. However, the constant and more important factor imo was that we built depth on the OL and controlled the LOS. Time has not changed the importance of that approach to the offensive game. Flash forward to Minny game circa 2013..........Our coaches stick with an injured immobile read option qb and try to utilize him as a pocket passer. Imo, it wasn't the "system" that failed but rather the guy(s), Beck and Pelini, who are responsible for tweaking any system. Losing TM hurt, but it shouldn't be team season ender, ever. Yes we had numerous injuries on our OL that contributed to some problems but I feel those guys filled in and stepped up just fine. The thing that didn't fill in , step up, and meet the challenge were the coaches. I assume and hope they are learning these lessons.
  14. Siberian Sleigh Ride- 1 1/4 oz vodka, 3/4 oz creme de cocoa, 1/2 oz creme de menthe (white), and 3 oz light cream. Shake with ice, strain into cup, garnish with shaved chocolate. Yeah, you'll thank me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. funhusker


      I got shotgun in Duke's sleigh!

    3. WAHusker


      sounds great for the wife. I prefer straight scotch, beer and wine.

    4. Marf


      Yeah I'll take a dimplepinch neat and preserve my testicles, thanks.

  15. You're all over this like white on rice, good job Mavric. +1
  16. I like renegade and much of the grand illusion album. I think my fav is Miss America.
  17. I really don't give two sh#ts about this story or duck dynasty. I saw one of the long bearded guys sing a Christmas ditty on a country Christmas special (thought it was on par with grandma got run over) and it made me curious what all the hubbub was about dd, so I watched part of a show prior to this incident. I don't plan on watching it again but I do feel I got a taste of what the shows about. What intrigues me about this story are the people reacting as if this guys opinion is wrong. Imo, opinions cannot be "wrong", only popular or unpopular. An opinion is an object just like a cloud. Who can say a cloud is right or wrong and prove it? I feel a&e overreacted but that is their prerogative. But, it made me think, what if the roles were reversed. What if a reality show star said he felt homosexuality was A ok and the company felt differently and suspended that person for voicing their opinion, outside the context of the show, just like Phil did? I get the distinct feeling some of you who are calling him a backwards racist so and so would not see that is the exact same thing.
  18. Guys, do fellow HB'er a favor, would ya? If you see me out in the yard or driveway or anywhere......shoot me, please. tyvm

    1. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      You'd be dead if didn't live in Oklahoma. :)

    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Now that's a real friend. Thx mlb.

  19. Up on the rooftop click, click, click........it's those damn squirrels again.

    1. GSG


      That's why my dad got a pellet gun with a scope lol

    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I've got an older, retired neighbor who will pay the neighborhood kids to bring him dead squirrels. They've gotten into his attic space and messed up his house- he despises them. I think they're fun to watch....

  20. As many have suspected (and only few have known), Yes Virginia, knapplc IS Santa Claus.
  21. i'm sure there's some sort of complicated way, but I wouldn't be able to give any advice on that. How far away is the computer? 20ish feet as the crow flies, but it would be about 50' to wire it. Plus there are some other issues. I'd go without before I'd run a cable to it.
  22. I wholeheartedly agree, imo. The comcast forums on this subject are ridiculus. If my customers hated my company even 1/1000th as much as people hate comcast..............well I don't know what I'd do but it would be pretty damn extraordinary. I'm almost positive they are the only provider that won't allow it on samsung tvs and also roku I think. If I had an xbox360, no problem tho. Stupid.
  23. Brjr- There are no other cable providers but I could go to dish or directv. Sd- I have been contemplating a change but leaning heavily towards directv. If I do go dish, I'll give ya a shout out. Stu- thought of that but pc is quite a ways away. Is there a way to wirelessly stream it? Carl- Those might be 3 good ideas. I think there might still be a problem with Roku but I will look into the other two. +1's for everyone.
  24. Let's not stop there, heck the fat guy/gal 4 rows ahead or behind me doesn't affect me at all. Howabout- Charge set amounts for each cough or sneeze or fart. You are trapped in that tube with that air, I want to be reimbursed. What about the foreigners with the funny (or disgusting) food odors on them? Charge them extra. Stupid people should have to pay more just because they're stupid. The people who bring two full size suitcases, board late, and have to stow them 14 rows behind their seats. (oops-already listed stupid people) Charge the dick in the row ahead of you that leaves his shade up when the sun is beating in. And let's not forget about the guy that stands in the aisle, arms above his head with stained armpits, blocking our view of the hottie in row 17. There's a lot more problems on planes than fat people. Don't discriminate because the airlines want to sell 20% more seats than what their too little plane is designed to hold. Of course the freakishly fat (300 Lbs plus) should buy another seat. I'm not paying to have their jelly roll belly hanging into my seat.
  25. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Got a Samsung smart TV this past weekend and discovered I cannot activate the HBO GO app. Our cable and internet provider is Comcast Xfinity (aka money grubbing bastards) and they will not let anyone activate the app on Samsung TV's. I can use HBO Go on mobile devices, computer, etc. because we do subscribe to HBO through Comcast but they will not allow it on the TV. Apparently they are the only major cable provider who prevents this. I've called Comcast with no luck (imagine that). I've looked on Comcast forums and it is simply a bunch of other people bitching about the same issue. The only work around I've seen requires getting a user name and login from someone who subscribes to HBO through another cable provider. Volunteers? Didn't think so. Anyone got any other ideas how I can make it work on my TV in some roundabout fashion? It sure would be nice to watch the programming on a big screen in HD rather than on a little screen.
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