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Status Updates posted by NM11046

  1. Anybody else have a newfound appreciation for french leadership?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zoogs


      Macron is very inexperienced and (probably) quite flawed, to be clear. He's not unlike Obama in that regard, except Obama's public service record was much stronger and did not include buying himself out of a government contract to become an investment banker.


      That said, he was EASILY more competent and far less evil than his opponent, and he's embracing

    3. zoogs


      ...the opportunity that has arisen with the United States' unforced exit from world leadership. I'm glad he's there and hope he does well.

    4. TonyStalloni


      Yes Corn.....I remember my history. I was there for most of it.

  2. Disliking the ad popups, but grateful to know I'm entitled to $4240 if I'm a homeowner, and that there are 5 foods that kill testosterone.

    1. TonyStalloni


      I didn't know Beyonce had ugly feet.

    2. OH HSKR FAN


      5 foods that can kill an erection FAST!!

    3. huKSer


      I will donate the $200 needed to meet the HuskerBoard Fall Fundraiser IF the damn ads go away

  3. I know many Trump supporters no longer frequent P&R - I'm hoping for some sincere dialogue - how do you feel about him now as a leader? Has his behavior lived up to your expectations? Exceeded? Disappointed? Embarrassed?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. QMany


      Yeah, that's the remedy. BUILD THAT WALL!

    3. NM11046


      OnlyHskr - I don't watch the show, so I'm wondering how she is a "nasty woman" deserving of the comment?



      Behavior = F- (Total Disaster) / Foreign Policy = A+ / Immigration = B (Down50+%) / Economy+Jobs - C / Environment - F- / Bipartisanship - F- / Supreme court pick = A+ / Budget = F- / Appointments = B (Mattis, Tillerson are 1000 times better than Carter & J. Kerry)..... EPA - Pruitt is a disaster for our country.. I wouldn't vote for Trump again UNLESS he was running against "Crooked Hillary"




  4. I'm not sure many click on my "resistance" thread, so if you are interested in doing something to show your support of Charlottesville, and your disgust over the white nationalist activities here in the US - search by zip to find events near you: STAND WITH CHARLOTTESVILLE: Punch in your zip to see local events near to you: http://act.indivisibleguide.com/event/stand-in-solidarity-with-charlottesville/search/

  5. Looks like we're almost half way to the fund raising goal for HB. Guys, just think, for the price of a pitcher of Elk Creek's you can make sure HB sticks around with limited penis ads.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      +1 to Tony.


      I'll discard my donor virginity and give a little. MATCH ME?!

    3. macroboy


      What's the goal and when is the deadline? I gave at the last one but the time I spend here is easily worth some money.


    4. NM11046


      The goal is $500 and someone else would have to clarify a deadline - Dude ... I gave last week, so consider yourself matched (I gave the equivalent of a pitcher of Elk Creeks, a couple Fish Bowls and a Hot Damn shot).

  6. Seeing a new "Donate" button on my home page - I assume this is what we asked for in lieu of the offensive ads. Just waiting on some guidance from leadership - is it legit?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NM11046


      For what it's worth - when you go through the steps you'll get to the stage where it asks for payment and it says you can use Paypal - hit the first button and then it will open up a window that allows you to choose Paypal or to put in a credit card directly. Don't want those who aren't PP folks to think that their hands are tied.

    3. HuskerNBigD
    4. teachercd


      Zoogs, can you start a poll with the choices of ads that they offer...we can all vote!

  7. Very sad to hear of McCains condition last night. Truly went to bed feeling very depressed. He is a true American, politics aside he is someone like no other in our existing generations. We have been so lucky to have him so visible in the US for so long - it will be the end to an era.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Dude

      The Dude

      Well said.

    3. ZRod


      Saw a note on twitter about a wife who's husband died of the same condition. They wrote to him aboit healthcare, McCaid responded that they may want to move out of Arizona because he didn't consider healthcare a right. Kinda sours my view of him...

    4. Michiganball


      Yea he was an A hole, healthcare is a privilege, remember that one? While spreading he's hands calling us dear friends like some sith lord, yea so is health I guess John. I'll pity the millions without access to medication that died because of him before I shed a single tear for that man.

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