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Moos is Loos

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Status Updates posted by Moos is Loos

  1. Cold a$$ game but worth it!!

  2. Love seeing Iowa fans cry

  3. Just fell outside and now by butt hurts. Hope i didnt break anything

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZRod


      Bruised my femur once when I slipped and fell on the ice and kneed the ground. Bone bruises suck.

    3. wiuhusker


      Fell down the bottom half of my split level entry on Wednesday. Got a nice bruise right above my butt on the right side. I know your pain. 

    4. huKSer


      Did your hip flask survive?

  4. Bohemian Rhapsody....go see it!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TonyStalloni


      Movies are made differently than a documentary.  Factoid geeks go see documentaries and they usually make about $1.89 profit.  A movie has investors and studios that like to recoup the millions it takes to make.  I'm ok with them tweaking some facts and changing the chronology a bit.

    3. Mavric


      Yeah, I wasn't complaining about the inaccuracies.  It was just brought up.  Apparently two of the band members were in on the development and they must have thought it was all right.  They were pretty close on a lot of things which is good enough in this case.  I just thought they tried to do too much so it wasn't a really great movie.  Still very interesting.  Not sure what they could have done differently.  Other than I personally would have not done the entire Live Aid concert, even though that was cool.  I would have liked a little bit more wrapup about what happened in the following years.  They really played up that finish and (other than the concert itself) that appears to be the most-fabricated part of the movie.

    4. TonyStalloni


      I'm guessing the band and perhaps the family didn't want the end of the movie to dwell on Freddie's last painful days.  They ended on a high note and left it there.

  5. Iowa sucks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Redux


      Careful, don't add anything to that sentence. 

    3. Moos is Loos
    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      It’s sad, I really want to suggest something about braying animals in a funny and clever way but am fearful it just might be my last post on HB.

  6. Where did this woodshed come from? It wasnt there before

  7. I think my house has some uninvited guests

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. 4skers89


      I think it was a feral cat so I don't think I could have gotten close enough with a string and he was probably too freaked out to follow a laser pointer.  I had an outside door open and pointed for him to go that way after removing him from my curtains.  I could tell he understood what I was saying but chose to run toward the bedrooms.  Cats.

    3. Moos is Loos
    4. Scarlet Overkill

      Scarlet Overkill

      @Toe - laser pointers also work on spiders.  HN1wwms.gif

  8. new guy here

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. B.B. Hemingway
    3. TAKODA


      A big Walmart welcome to you ya!


      ”Get your sh*t and get out” :D


      jk, welcome!



    4. ladyhawke


      Welcome to the Family! (Dysfunctional but hey what family isn’t!)

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