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Everything posted by UniversalMartin

  1. I really dont think not playing, if the other conferences implode due to COVID, will win any recruiting bonuses for the BIG or PAC.
  2. Kinda hope SEC teams poach, teach our conference a lesson...basically I'm just bitter. All P5 conferences should have made a unified choice
  3. Regardless of all of this...remember the Alamo...and its basement
  4. Was the vote based on anonymity? I would assume it was, if not..likely a different vote
  5. In your opinion, are college athletes who live in a bubble, that have a fairly regimented schedule while in said bubble more likely to attend online courses than students who really have no one monitoring their attendance and dont live in a structured environment
  6. Please, tell me. Are we talking traditional students who have no academic oversite and have ample amounts of free time outside of scheduled online classes to do/go wherever they want?
  7. Online? There are many times teams have away games 2 out of 3 weeks, leaving on a Thursday or Friday to get there. This actually provides them a more stationary home for 3 weeks. I mean come on, let's not act like online learning is not completely possible for this.
  8. Bubble 4 teams together for 3 weeks. Each team gets 3 games in 3 weeks. Take a week off, 3 teams charter to another bubble in that time another 3 come in...rinse and repeat for 3 times. That is 9 games in 11 weeks.
  9. I dont know...I'm just giving my opinion on how I think this all went down. Basically expected people to think "smart choice" and when not received that way it went.."look over there" mode
  10. Of course they do, it's a face to an opinion, radio goes in one ear and out the other
  11. Simply put..University leaders came to a majority decision out of conversation and litigation mitigation, Warren had to deliver the news, news based solely on "smart" people having a conversation... the backlash happens and now Presidents are backtracking because they dont want to be the one who has to tell their university and donors they advocated to not have a season, so they hide under "there wasn't a vote" although their feedback was "the vote"...I feel bad for Warren as he was only delivering a message that apparently a majority agreed on and now they are backpedaling due to fans saying "F you, tell us why when other conferences are moving forward." Honestly feel Presidents thought other conferences would follow suit, so why bother with facts when it is all going to be a "in the best interest of players" narrative
  12. Sideline deepballs (in practice)...these are things we celebrate. I made a grilled cheese with havarti, cheddar and pepperjack... granted it was from the Gods eye tower, if you want to see it....just imagine it
  13. We could go back...but we would really look like a school that couldn't handle their own against Big 10 teams and went scrambling back to easier grounds Not saying that is the truth, but narrative trumps reasons
  14. Joel Klatt was on point on BTN...other news, I have a 115% return since starting on stocks this year. Both statements are true..yolo Edit: is "yolo" a thing still?
  15. Likely missed this somewhere but I assume conference only games pushes season start date back to late september/1st week October or something like that...correct?
  16. No season this year...send me your ticket money and I will make everyone some badass scrimshaw, that's my COVID built skill...that, and embellished skills of grandeur
  17. At this point...Give me a virtual full season via xbox over a 5 game (my estimate) season played in empty stadiums. Sure it would be weird, but it would be a season with the best asterisk ever On a side note, Dr. Fauci has replaced C. Everett Coop at the top of my list of doctors that I've seen the most on tv
  18. "AM looking to rebound per Frost"....well, yeah, i would hope so
  19. COVID is an ESPN product, ESPN has hated Nebraska for like, EVAR!!!! So connect the dots...COVID is ESPN'S Tonya Harding(Jeff Gillooly), Shane Stant
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