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Everything posted by Lorewarn

  1. Nothing to see here. Someone from tropical/coastal places doesn't think the midwest is as good - opinion shared by a very large swath of people. Don't even waste the click.
  2. Well you seem completely incapable of recognizing that more money helps the team have a better chance at being good, which gives you something of value, so yeah, if you want to whine and moan about a business doing what's good for the business, you should hope the team sucks. At least that way your high horse will stay strong and high.
  3. I know that. Just seems a bit off to focus moreso on the "hey poor person you don't need this luxury" personal responsibility angle than the "hey powerful corporation systematically preying on and exploiting people for gain" one.
  4. Yes, it is. More than 150 people involved with the team knew, and someone spilled the beans to the wrong person, either on accident or in a, "don't tell anyone" way. Occam's Razor is your friend. Baseless conspiracies are not.
  5. I agree with you on principle, but there are a lot of contexts where there's rightfully some blame and condemnation towards SBux. Their business model is to monopolize coffee in neighborhoods leaving no other 'restaurant' coffee options and also strategically picking zones full of people that are less likely or able to easily have and make their own. BUT, pro tip, regular hot and iced coffees at Starbucks have unlimited free refills if you have the app, and even if you don't a refill is .50c
  6. Conservatives would lose a not-insignificant slice of their base if they vehemently disavowed racists in word and in deed.
  7. Most good faith participants in the conversation would know what was meant and engage based on the point being conveyed instead of, "hErP DeRp nO RePuBlIcAn hAs aCtUaLlY LiTeRaLlY SaId tHaT EvErY SiNgLe sOuThErN ImMiGrAnT HaS CoViD AnD UsEs fEnTaNyL"
  8. Not sure if you know this, but you can compare things even if they aren't similar. Apples and bananas is a fine example. Both are fruit. Both have sugar. One's round, one's long and curvy. One is mostly red, the other mostly yellow. One you can eat the skin of, the other you probably shouldn't. Let's try two things even less similar and see if we can still compare them. Hmmm.... bicycles and a cardboard box. One's primarily meant for storage, the other for transportation or exercise. One's made of cardboard, the other of metal. Both could cause potential injury. So on and so forth.
  9. No I think he means the one that purposefully did not attempt to make a legal conclusion about what it was investigating, but did say that if the President would have been exonerated by the investigation, they would have said so, and they didn't.
  10. Good game, I had the Bengals in a small bet and was pulling for em. If I was that left guard for Cincinnati I don't think I'd be able to sleep soundly for a few months.
  11. The Mueller report ended with 37 indictments, 14 criminal cases referred to other parts of the justice department, proof of a systemic Russian interference in the 2016 election, and overwhelming compelling evidence that Trump's team obstructed justice. That's not really a whimper.
  12. Color of gatorade dumped on winning coach being orange
  13. It had some moments but the overall craft of the writing was so lazy as the first big criticism from me. I'll go ahead and rant about some specific examples and hope they paint a larger picture (spoilers below): • Why do the raiders take him prisoner? What's their motivation? Is it to repeatedly rape him like they did with Shmi Skywalker? Doesn't seem like it, since Disney is trying to "humanize" their culture and make them interesting, but then...why? Why does an isolated hidden tribe of nomads take a prisoner that is just going to take up more food and water of which there is very little? And why ignore their documented savage history instead of integrating it? • Why does Boba decide to become crime lord of Jabba's palace? What's his goal? Is it for a more interesting character reason than they already have all the sets and costumes and renders for Tattooine and they did this series on the cheap? People might say the answer is for riches, which doesn't make sense because (for some inexplicable reason) there's nobody around when Bib Fortuna is on the throne and he could have just emptied the vaults and left to go anywhere. People might say it's for revenge, which would make you think he'd say a single thing about the raiders and that story at least one time ever in the later storyline. • Why are all these local tribes giving offerings to the new crimelord? He has a crime syndicate of....two total people. How s#!t are these established crime families that they let this happen? If it's because he's so feared, then you'd think that fear would quickly disappear with how often he gets his a$$ beat. Jabba ruled because he had infrastructure, fealty, the Hutts working as a mafia-like family, etc. Boba Fett has Fenic Shand and that's literally it, and everyone's like, "oh thank you for your protection here's a lot of money". What protection? A literal line from the series: "I'm confused." "He wants you to pay him." "What? I'm the crime lord, he should pay me." A+ work there. • The biggest gripe I have is this awful writing crutch where the new characters explain stuff to the old characters that the old ones should well already know. They just write these characters to be convenient exposition dumps moving the "plot" forward. So many times we see Fennic Shand saying things like, "They're used to seeing the Hutts parading around these streets." Boba Fett lived in Jabba's palace for 3 years and worked for him for longer, why is she saying all of this to him and why does he just stay silent acting like he's never set foot in this town? "Jabba rarely left his chambers" Oh but you just said... nvm.
  14. I saw Jurassic World in theaters and maybe once after, and I saw JW2 in theaters I think? Haven't seen it since, can't even explain how awful of a film it is. But this one looks to potentially actually be decent.
  15. Worked really well for Cody Glenn!
  16. I don't find anything questionable about what started all of this. He found something important to him, encouraged by a vet, and started kneeling on his own "privately" and did it for seven games before anybody even noticed or made mention of it. Later on is when it started to feel opportunistic, but I'd blame that on Nike as much as anyone else. "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything" is a bit sanctimonious for a millionaire getting paid more millions to be the spokesperson for the message.
  17. I still don't understand exactly why or what the judging metrics are, but we've been considered pretty far down for a while.
  18. Piggybacking off my previous post (and please don't ascribe arguments to me that I've already made because I have zero ideological conviction against Kaepernick), this means nothing. Unless you think that winning a grammy or an oscar is what defines success as a musician/filmmaker, then you're at least consistent but awards like this are really just about compelling narratives and very little to do with performance. I mean look at all the years Nick Saban hasn't won SEC coach of the year.
  19. To be honest, those might be the last four things I'd look for on a list trying to measure quarterbacks. Trent Dilfer won a superbowl, quarterbacks primarily pass, and the other two are popularity which as we've seen with Tebow is not correlated with talent.
  20. Robert Rodriguez is so trash as a director my god. That finale was traaaaaaaaaash.
  21. At best Rogan is 50/50 "real life" compared to pop culture format. He doesn't present himself as such, and often disclaims that he ISN'T an authority, so if that happens that is 100% the burden of responsibility on the listener. I.... don't think a stand up comedian/MMA fighter with a podcast has anything even close to responsibility "in the same way" as an elected government official who has sworn an oath. The spirit of being truthful in regards to who you are and where you're at is a very different thing than truth as a set of objective material facts. I don't think people find Rogan truthful in the sense of only regurgitating all correct information - if they do, again, that's on them. Rogan's truth and honesty comes in his lack of lying to himself and to his audience, not in being an expert or being right. It's an obvious contrast against the purposeful and willful agenda setting of corporate or mainstream gatekept media.
  22. Not to try and steer the conversation entirely this way (more just trying to keep it light), but I've seen a number of instances that were pretty hilarious, or at least didn't receive any blowback, but only because the joke is very specifically on the ignorance and idiocy of (white) folks who would actually use the word. Content warning for the n-word
  23. The only thing to learn here imo is how easily and successfully people are being manipulated into rage in the exact time/place/subject of outrage that powerful organizations want them to be angry at.
  24. If you're not going to bother with big furniture and such, one thing I found out is that you can actually ship boxes on Greyhound busses for extremely cheap! As long as it's in a box and can be lifted by someone/slide into their bus storage bays, they'll ship it and usually have options to pay a little more to come straight to your doorstep on the front or back or both ends of the trip. Saved myself hundreds of dollars moving everything that didn't fit in my car from Chicago to ATL years back.
  25. If I knew the answer, why would I ask it as a question? I don't know. You tell me.
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