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Everything posted by HUSKER FREAK

  1. thats probably a good thing considering what hes doing. I noticed him on all of the long snaps, but I was looking for him I guess. Ha! he just walked by the camera.
  2. I believe you are saying this for more personal reasons. Correct me if I am wrong, I just thought I read that earlier in this thread. I would have to say though that I agree. I think he will be improved next season and is kind of one of those blue collar type work horses. The competition for playing time next season will only make them all better. Athletically and hopefully otherwise.
  3. Seems to be highly regarded. Let Suh show him around and the job will be done! let ekeler have a chat with him too!!! That all depends on the type of person he is. Some people don't like crazy monkey's jumping all over you!!
  4. IMO, and I hope that no one tracks me down for saying this. I realize he WAS a great athlete and was a HUGE part of NE back in the day, but I think I almost get sick to my stomach everytime I hear about Johnny Rogers. I just think that as a person and not a player he is way over-rated. JMO Don't shoot please!!!
  5. I just read an article on Spillers decision and I also agree that it would benifit him by staying. Not because he needs to develope as much as he will be able to prove that he can take the load. Anyway, Congrats to Clemson.
  6. I think Ganz succeeded this year and the end of last year, because he had the respect of the players on the team and Keller did not. That to me was evident when Ganz came in after Keller was hurt. IMO. BC just wanted to have his star shine and it back fired on him. I wish I could find the article that I read with Ganz stating that he had to basically step aside and keep his mouth shut. I believe it was his home town paper or something.
  7. the logic is plain and simple......we have no experience at qb and damn little coming back at WR.....key positions....they will stack the line, stuff our run game and challenge a new kid at qb to throw the ball. sure, we could overcome the newness at the skill positions, but not likely until we get 5-6 games under our belt next season. That is not Logic that is an opinion. We do have experience within the system, just not in game situations yet and either did Joe until Keller got hurt. I think it turned out to be pretty good. We do have experience at WR as well with Holt and Paul returning. The red shirts have sounded good as the coaches have stated, and I highly doubt they would lie about that I guess JMO. Also the tightend position will be another threat next year for us as well as the running game with most of the O-line returning with more experience under their belts. Now I am not saying that Tech will be an easy W, but I do think that it is winnable and will be a good game. They are a good team that has a very good coach. I just think that we both have improved at the same pace and have played some tougher opponents IMO which will only make us better as well. It should be an interesting battle. I can't wait.
  8. the logic is plain and simple......we have no experience at qb and damn little coming back at WR.....key positions....they will stack the line, stuff our run game and challenge a new kid at qb to throw the ball. sure, we could overcome the newness at the skill positions, but not likely until we get 5-6 games under our belt next season. That is not Logic that is an opinion. We do have experience within the system, just not in game situations yet and either did Joe until Keller got hurt. I think it turned out to be pretty good. We do have experience at WR as well with Holt and Paul returning. The red shirts have sounded good as the coaches have stated, and I highly doubt they would lie about that I guess JMO. Also the tightend position will be another threat next year for us as well as the running game with most of the O-line returning with more experience under their belts. Now I am not saying that Tech will be an easy W, but I do think that it is winnable and will be a good game. They are a good team that has a very good coach. I just think that we both have improved at the same pace and have played some tougher opponents IMO which will only make us better as well. It should be an interesting battle. I can't wait.
  9. Wow that was very interesting and a good article. Thanks for that CB!
  10. I am trying to figure the logic of the people who say we have no chance at a win there. I realize they will be improved as we will, and there are a ton of unknowns on both sides. I think at the end of this season the way the D was playing for us we would have won, but of course we will never know that because stats do lie IMO. I am wondering if the people who are saying we will lose think that our D will be unable to bottle Taylor up? Or if overall they will be to fast for our D? I also am wondering if people think that the coaches won't be able to adjust to the new QB enough to make the offense flow? I really Do Not think that the QB situation will be as big of an issue as some think. I think we are blessed to have the problem we have at the QB position. We have three QB's who have been practicing this system and have been studying both film and the play book. It will be an interesting season to say the least. IMO we all will be pleasantly surprised by the results of next season!!!
  11. I know this doesn't mean much but man this kid is small. I am 6'4" and 185# and i am not a big man. He is 6'1" and 160# wow he must be one hell of an athlete.
  12. I would think that having Mendoza in the slot next year with those two in the backfield would still be a good formation, Hell even better really. The power and the speed in there would be awesome to see.
  13. It doesnt matter if a player leaves after his JR year, redshirting gives a player a full year to get better without taking away a year of eligibility. I think redshirting is ALWAYS a great idea. A full year to study the playbook and go through strength and conditioning. Redshirting does nothing but make the athlete a better athlete. Redshirting has nothing to do about becoming a better athlete. If your blessed then your an athlete, and how much you are blessed determines what kind of athlete you are. If I could become a better athlete by practicing more, doing S&C, studying the playbook, then I'd be in the NFL. Athleticism isn't learned, it's a blessing. Some have it, some don't have as much. Now, I will agree redshirting helps a young kid build muscle and get a better handle on the playbook and get used to the speed of college football. Redshirting isn't about creating better athletes, it's about creating better college football players. And it works. I think that pretty well sums it up.
  14. We are blessed enough to have this problem I guess. I hope they use the competition to better themselves both as leaders and as athletes. I read in the OWH this morning in a quote by Pelini saying that the expectations of Green by some people just aren't realistic. I have to agree though. Does he have the talent to surprise everyone, probably, but I am betting he will redshirt. The biggest thing IMO is, where are they going to go with the offense? Are they going to leave things the way they are which I don't think they will. Or are they going to change to more of the power run and then pass offense and utilize the tight ends even more or are they going to more of the spread? which I hope not. It is hard to make a good guess or educated without knowing the whole story.
  15. Wait....Callahan was a BAD hire? not to but he was not a bad hire at the time, who else would have they got? wasn't he the 5th guy interviewed? Hind sight is always 20/20, but sorry he was horrible hire because he was a horrible fit for NE and NE did not fit him. There was no love from the start it was a job and that was it for him. They should have probably stuck with Frank, but if Pedersen still wanted to fire him Pellini should have been the man. Oh well though, I believe Pelini gained some well deserved respect and gained some experience and contacts I'm sure. Here's to the future not the past!!!
  16. then you'd better slap tom osborne around then because he's said on more than one occasion that he admires how meyer runs the spread. and i'm thinking if anyone here knows offense in the state of nebraska, it's TO. I don't agree that it was near as good as Ours in years past. What do you expect TO to say when he is asked a question by the media like that? The media would have Loved if TO would have said the power option we ran was much better. They would have hung him at the stake. TO is way to smart to fall into that kind of trap. Just saying
  17. Yeah you are right, and also I believe some ppeople thought that maybe the coaches should move him to LB. LOL. I remember Alexander and Buckhalter taking turns catching the fumblitis. Buckhalter is doing very well now though.
  18. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Sorry I couldn't help it
  19. I was just wondering if anyone has thought of the possibility of one of them transfering? I think with the number qb's this close in age it could be a possibility. I think that it will be between Spano and Witt and Spano winning the starting position with Green redshirting. IDK Just my two cents I guess.
  20. This looks really exciting to me. The way I look at this is. The team this year had to basically start over from scratch and relearn how to play technique football. Yes they did struggle, but all in all they bought in and looked so much better than the year before. Looking at all of the kids returning, and the way it sounds the same staff in place for next year, this could be a huge step towards being back to the elite level we want to be at. They have this year, and a lot of time with these coaches to learn and be fundamentally sound. There are some ?'s but I realy think this staff will have them overcome some of the inexperience on offense next year and some on defense hopefully just a little if Suh is returning. The biggest thing will be they won't have to reprogram the kids coming in. GBR
  21. This is really bad and I agree with you 100% The HC is the leader or commander of the team, and that is who will and should take the blame. That's part of the job IMO. The only thing is though Swinney was quoted kind of doing the same thing, not quite as harsh, but similar. I read this in the Omaha World Herald this AM. I hope it was just inexperience as the HC he seems like a good person otherwise I thought.
  22. IMO the only time the Wr screen ever really works for anybody is when you have a Speedy WR that has been known to beat people deep. Meaning they give a bigger cusion creating the oppurtunity to use the WR screen. Saying that until we get that speedy WR I too hold my breath or scream NO everytime we run that play. The Bubble screen we need to keep, but run it much less I agree with.
  23. I don't think that I would put Adi in there. I was wondering if maybe they were trying to get him to put more heigth on the ball to try and pin them deep IDK for sure it just seemed that way. either way that didn't work with the missed tackles this year on kickoffs. The bowl game Clemson had a great returner and I guarantee the coaches were telling him to kick it through the end zone. I would have to say my pick would have to be the whole D-line they were horrid last year and physically looked different as well as their play, but if I had to pick one it would have to be, Suh by the end of the season he was up to the caliber of Dorsey and No I haven't been drinking this morning. I just hope he stays for one more go!!!
  24. Well, he isn't a very good human being (at least based on how he talked about his coach being fired after the fact) so I'd have to say karma sucks. I do remember him saying "he got what he deserved" right after Bowden got the axe and thinking it was about as classless a thing as one could say. No offense to the Clemson fans because, after watching the game and having you all on our board the past few weeks, I have grown accustomed to you and will be cheering for Clemson in the future. Thanks, I figured it was something on the lines of that, but you are right Karma's a bitch.
  25. Well to the Clemson fans, I for one really enjoyed the whole game. Yes we won, but I think I enjoyed mostly because we played against an overall clean team with an outstanding defense. IMO it was a very good match up with two teams definately on the rise. As far as your QB I am not sure what the comments were that he said about the firing of coach Bowden, but I am wondering if it had anything to do with the comments that Swinney had made about the play of the QB in the bowl game. I read it this morning in the Omaha World Herald and he basically was throwing the QB under the bus, by making comments about taking the sack at the end of the game and other bad decisions. I understand they were poor decisions and the coach should have said that to him, but not in public. IDK it may have sounded worse than it was.
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