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Everything posted by RockyMountainOySker

  1. since this guy doesnt have a thread, and not sure if he has or ever will have an offer, i am going to ask this here. would he be for depth? little confused by bringing in a juco. He's not a JUCO, he's a 2015 recruit. What ADS said. He's #1 or 2 on our 2015 QB list.
  2. Personally, I believe we need to keep rotating TA and RKIII as we are currently. What needs to change is the way Beck calls plays. Just because he puts RKIII in the game doesn't mean we half to change our offensive philosophy and throw the ball every play. Same goes for TA. We don't have to only run options and zone reads when he's in the game. Regardless of who the QB is, our talent on offense is best used when we run to setup the pass aka play action.
  3. Founder's is fantastic. I have it regularly in Chicago. My two favs are Double Trouble and All Day IPA, both IPAs. I could and do drink All Day...all day. I have lots of this in my fridge currently. Double Trouble is their double IPA and it's awesome. Very hard to find and even better out of the tap. The Breakfast Stout is also great.
  4. Thanks for the updates and sorry for the delay getting it in the OP. Honestly, someone else should probably take over this thread. Mods, is that possible?
  5. All late games are decided prior to the season so the only options are 11am or 2:30.
  6. I know its a NFL rule that all open air stadiums have to point north-south.
  7. That was fun. 28 states, 13 countries....by the age of 30. Lots more to see. Nebraska - lived there Kansas - lived there Missouri - lived there Illinois - live here Colorado - next to live...hopefully Kentucky Indiana Iowa Wyoming Arizona California Washington South Dakota North Dakota North Carolina Nevada Utah Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Florida Texas New York Connecticut Massachusetts Maryland (and DC) Virginia Hawaii Canada: BC and Ontario Europe: Netherlands, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Spain Africa: Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa Mexican cities: Monterrey, Mexico City, Cabo, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Nogales
  8. Playing Valhalla tomorrow but missing the first half. I'm happy with that trade off.

    1. QMany
    2. C N Red

      C N Red

      How the hell do you play Norse heaven???

    3. C N Red

      C N Red

      Btw, F U!! I hope it rains all day. No fair!!

  9. I just want to keep all of our recruits through this mess.

    1. TonyStalloni


      I think about that same issue.

  10. The only other logical explanation is coaching. Somewhere in this program there's a coaching discrepancy, whether that's in what the program is trying to do or the coordinators/assistants relaying those messages. It could also very well be a cultural issue. We here talk of "soft" practices, despite the coaches/players professing physicality. Is physicality and the drive to succeed as strong as it needs to be in the program's culture? One would think, yet it doesn't translate. Exactly. Lots of questions that have no answers. In the end, something has to change and I'm not sure what. Hopefully Bo does...though my confidence at that is at a 6 year low. I do believe Bo is and always will be a better VP than CEO. I don't think we accomplished much but somehow this little conversation this morning helped talk me off the edge. GBR!
  11. My take on this reason, specifically. I fully believe the coaching staff attempts to make adjustments with this team, but somewhere between the sidelines/locker room and the field, there's a disconnect. I gave this example previously - step back to the South Carolina game. Alshon Jeffrey got behind our safeties on a hail mary play and scored a touchdown. In the break just before the play, our coaches said they specifically told our players what to do, and where to be, to avoid giving up the big play (especially to Jeffrey). We all know what happened next - Jeffrey slipped passed the defense with ease and scored a deep touchdown. Our coaches told the players exactly what to do, and they just flat-out didn't do it. It wasn't a lack of athleticism, it wasn't some great play by Jeffrey - it was the Huskers failing to translate an adjustment onto the field. Mistakes are going to happen, but this is my take on game time adjustments. I think they're being made, but for whatever reason, they don't make their way onto the football field. Solid point and I remember the coaches saying what to do in that moment of the South Carolina game. What that doesn't answer is why adjustments work at every other coach and school in the country? Nebraska players are dumber than UCLA's, Wyoming's, or any of the SEC programs. I'm not talking halftime adjustments either. As we are repeatedly gashed for huge yards through the air, why doesn't Pelini decide to put pressure on Hundley? It worked in the first and second quarter. Why not start blitzing or allow Gregory/Moss to get the heck upfield. Giving him 9 seconds to throw every time obviously wasn't working.
  12. I've continued to support Pelini after each blow out loss, but like many others this game was the turning point for me as well. My first point below is really the main reason, the others are just secondary. - Getting completely out coached while having a significant lead. I don't think I've ever seen a more blatant job of being out coached before. Pelini has consistently shown an inability to make adjustments while Mora took UCLA and turned a 180. All Pelini did was wave his binder at officials as the wheels fell off. Watching this made me finally realize Nebraska will never win a championship with Pelini in charge. I think this was obvious multiple times before, but the game this past week was the last straw. - I also don't understand why Pelini believes an injured Martinez is so much better than Kellogg or Armstrong. It's obvious Taylor is completely ineffective if he can't run. Bo tied his legacy to Martinez for better or worse 4 years ago. I don't understand why he is so stubborn on playing a kid who is not only hurt but a terrible game manager. - Lastly, Bo's comments to the media following the game (every game for that matter) leave me thinking he doesn't actually think this loss (or any) are his fault at all. I understand he said "i take full responsibility" but that's a hollow comment. He never says anything of real substance. Not I should have done this or change this, etc. Hiding the fact that Martinez is hurt. Why? What advantage does that give him or the team or Taylor? If Bo was actually a good coach putting a quality product on the field, his 2-year old private conversation rant would mean little to any of us. Right now feels eerily similar to 2003.
  13. Trying real hard to not go off the deep end on Bo.
  14. Stealing the title article: 5 Everyday Things That Go Totally Nuts in Zero Gravity Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_20580_5-everyday-things-that-go-totally-nuts-in-zero-gravity.html#ixzz2e9P Fire, salt (I've seen before), and static charge are all very cool.
  15. Kid has some great pocket awareness and looks like solid arm strength.
  16. I should start by saying I am 100% behind turning up the tempo of our offense as fast as possible. However, there are a couple points I'd like to make here: 1) Beck needs to do a better job of using appropriate situations to speed up or slow down this offense. In my opinion, our first offensive series needs to be dialed back a bit at least until we've gotten 1-2 first downs. I don't get the point of playing as fast as possible if we are on our own 35 or less (which Beck did in the first series last week). 2) Should we win the coin toss this year, we should never put our defense on the field first (especially against lesser quality opponents). I'm fine with deferring away from home, but we give our opponents a chance to gain confidence by doing so on our own turf. Our defense is young and not the strength of the team this year. If we elect to receive and we don't score, we at least have a chance to pin them back with bad field position. The fast tempo also plays a part here. The first 2 series of the game against WYO went as follows: we kickoff-stop them after 2 (1-I dont fully recall) first downs, they punt and pin us close to our own goal line. Beck decides to start the offense off full speed which turns into a quick punt (i believe we got 1 first down but it was so fast the 6 or so plays took under 2 minutes). We have an extremely young defense that's now been on the field for 2 drives in the first 5 minutes of the game. I would have done things differently. Not only would I have elected to receive, I would have slowed the first few plays down to allow for better execution. Again, even if we don't score we give our defense more of a break and help in the field position battle. In summary, wait until middle of the field to speed up the temp and if we have the option, take the ball first at home. A positive start to games this year will do wonders for the confidence our the young defense.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Chaddyboxer
    3. NUance


      39 starts. Martinez might have more starts than any other QB in the nation.

    4. redout22


      so young but so talented

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