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MLB 51

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Everything posted by MLB 51

  1. To bad he couldn't apply that to his offensive game planning.
  2. Just finished Rage. Will have to go back and replay the side missions. Pretty good game somewhat similar to Borderlands.
  3. Probably. Everyone refers to God as the father.
  4. The simple answer is that Christians are to obey human law except where that human law violates God's Law. Our supreme duty is to obey God. Since God tells us to also obey human laws, we should. But, when they come in conflict, we are to "obey God rather than men"
  5. Not hard to imagine. These kids are 17 yrs. old. SC has been good for the last 12 yrs. or so.
  6. I +1'd my wife last night. Does that count.
  7. Does this mean Sioux City has to find a new name.
  8. Are they both expected to get offers at our Junior Day? I believe so.
  9. Gonna let him see his grandkids too. With parental supervision of course.
  10. Now Floyd Mayweather is jumping into the mix. He is outright saying Lin is getting attention because he is Asian.
  11. dude...not cool Lighten up chief, its just a joke. Says the guy who doesn't have to spend every night of his life bathed in a mixture of his own tears and self obtained blue jeans juice....have some heart man. Bucky I thought you were bathing in knapp's blue jean juice.
  12. Huskers fall to Ohio St. 21-18 in stoolwater today.
  13. This reminds of when my son was born. Happiest day of my life.
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