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ZRod last won the day on March 30

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About ZRod

  • Birthday 08/15/1969

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Offensive Coordinator (17/21)



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  1. Going to the grocery store for the first time since our stay at home order was surreal...


    It was like a dystopian movie or something. Shelves are still mostly empty. People are just kind of in a daze walking slowly through the store, befuddled that they can't find what they want. 50% of the shoppers are wearing masks and/or gloves. The speakers are playing PSAs from government officials and doctors. Every register has a plexiglass shield to separate you and the cashier. It was so odd...

    1. RedDenver


      Stores near me have mostly returned to normal. Only a certain number of people are allowed in the store at the same time, so sometimes there's a line outside, and a 6 ft distance is kept in the lines. And there are restrictions on how many of certain items you can buy, but otherwise pretty normal with everything stocked.

    2. Enhance


      My local grocery store was 'mostly' normal but there were a few oddities, mainly the meat counter had virtually nothing on display, 70-80% of the meat coolers were empty, and toilet paper was nowhere to be found.


      Otherwise, mostly normal. I'm largely a perimeter shopper at the stores. Very rarely buy anything out of the aisles and since you can't stock up on produce I've had a pretty decent go of things.

    3. ZRod


      I'm like you @Enhance, but it's hard not to notice. There was limited meat selection, but better than it was last week. The actual meat counter was closed and empty. Zero flour and sugar on the shelf. Canned foods were half empty, as was pasta. Frozen veggies were barren. And I still haven't seen toilet paper or paper towels in stock.

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