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Everything posted by jsneb83

  1. I thought he just didn't wear underwear
  2. This just shows you can't be taken seriously. The value of one's opinions is not based on whether they believe in God or not. This just shows that you only listen to people who share your beliefs, instead of being open-minded like you're demanding others to be. And I'm telling you this as a Catholic.
  3. So Bama is firing their coach for only going to one tournament in four years, but some people want Miles to stay after going to one tournament in seven years here?
  4. My coworker and I were just talking about this. We both agreed that the 60s was way more stressful than anything today. I would agree that this is the most stressful time of my life (well, maybe other than my time in college), but that has more to do with becoming an adult and having more responsibilities than anything else. I do believe the 24/7 news and social media has made it more stressful due to information overload.
  5. Oh yeah, I curse up a storm. I just hate trains in general
  6. 11 miles, usually takes about 15 minutes unless there is a train. I work in the old stockyards/industrial area in Sioux City, so I drive over tracks on three of the four ways into the area. So if there's a train on each track, I have to go all the way around, so that takes an additional 5-10 minutes.
  7. So, you make it harder to come here legally, so then they have to come over illegally, giving us more reason to build the wall. Does that sound about right?
  8. I usually just cut them and have the center do it
  9. I didn't even know who the guy was. I had to look him up
  10. So I moved the relevant posts from that dumpster fire of a thread over here. Of course in doing so, the OP is no longer on top. If that is fine with everyone, especially @knapplc, I'll leave it or I can find another solution or just change it back.
  11. So since it's only a small percentage, we shouldn't do anything? Nice
  12. What is history to some people was current events to others back in the day. Of course older generations know more about what happened 60-80 years ago than the younger generations. But let's just blame it on the Millennials, everything is our fault anyway.
  13. I remember the one summer I worked in a meat packing plant I had increased my bench max by over 40 pounds over the course of the summer. I never went to the gym within that time either. That was the most weight I had gained on bench in that amount of time and it wasn't even close
  14. It's like someone who's wearing an Iowa hat, amiright?
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