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Everything posted by commando

  1. Allie...how much privilege does it take to protest someone exercising their first amendment rights?
  2. what about these people donnie? can you please protect us from them? she is so kinky she not only has sex with trees...she wears a blindfold while doing it.
  3. i dont turn the channel when this movie pops up
  4. i can already hear rush and fox talking about the damn liberal judge on that case and demonizing him/her.
  5. the officer at this school managed to engage the shooter right away and killed him after the gunman shot only 2 other students. both of those students are in the hospital...1 is critical.
  6. i believe they will be safer overall...but i also think there will be huge problems on a scale that we cant imagine if something does go wrong. and knowing technology...something always goes wrong eventually. i can only hope that when things go wrong it isn't a disaster event crashing cars all over the place at once. i hope that safety protocols will shut the cars down and we are just stuck somewhere going wtf happened rather than screaming as we hurdle to our deaths. lol
  7. it's a good thing computers never get any glitches in them. never any blue screen shutdowns, bugs, hacked into, or otherwise compromised with any another problems.
  8. another brave american patriot exercising his right to shoot people up. YAY!!! who needs thoughts and prayers when our freedom is at stake?
  9. it would be massive if it was a creature. that is a blown up section of a landscape photo....but it sure doesn't look like a rock either. i have no idea what it could be. they may want to park curiosity there for awhile and take a few more pictures aimed right there and see if the image changes. if it moves i think they have an answer. lol
  10. this picture is a blowup from a curiosity photo...not a military satellite
  11. that doesn't look like a rock to me...but what is it? http://sciencevibe.com/2018/03/19/did-curiosity-snap-an-image-of-a-mysterious-creature-on-mars/
  12. does this mean we are a s#!thole country now?
  13. i think next year my strategy will be to wait for takota to make his picks...then pick opposite of those teams.
  14. NO COLLUSION!!! no denial about treason, money laundering, racketeering, etc.....
  15. the mcabe firing is a test run for trump to see how a mueller firing would be seen by his supporters and what the possible consequences would be. so far i think he is pleased and we might see the s#!t hit the fan soon.
  16. at least the baby sitters know how to divert him for awhile
  17. was that the movie where eddie murphy was an african prince who came to america to find his bride?
  18. who had that pick in the brackets?
  19. still 11 minutes...but damn.....it doesn't look good for virginia
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