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Occupy Wall Street

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Actually it was his economic team that steered him away from this. Geitner big time. In fact Geitner and Summers pretty much took over in a way...they made it so everything went through them before it got to Obama and for Obama wanted to take over/down Citi Bank and told Geitner to make a plan to do it...and Geitner sat on it. I'm sure these things are why Obama finally got rid of these guys. That said...Obama could/should have done a better job of taking charge and not let those these happen AND he should have known going in that those guys were not the right people to have advising him.


It wasn't the Republicans or the Russians who beat Obama... it was his own appointees.


How smart was that?


Man shot and killed at Occupy Oakland today...


Are you talking about the Vet that committed suicide?


no that was in Oakland. another man was shot and killed at Occupy Burlington in Vermont.


and another man died at Occuply New Orleans and no one noticed his body for 2 days. thats gross BIG TIME.

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Actually it was his economic team that steered him away from this. Geitner big time. In fact Geitner and Summers pretty much took over in a way...they made it so everything went through them before it got to Obama and for Obama wanted to take over/down Citi Bank and told Geitner to make a plan to do it...and Geitner sat on it. I'm sure these things are why Obama finally got rid of these guys. That said...Obama could/should have done a better job of taking charge and not let those these happen AND he should have known going in that those guys were not the right people to have advising him.


It wasn't the Republicans or the Russians who beat Obama... it was his own appointees.


How smart was that?


Man shot and killed at Occupy Oakland today...


Are you talking about the Vet that committed suicide?


no that was in Oakland. another man was shot and killed at Occupy Burlington in Vermont.


and another man died at Occuply New Orleans and no one noticed his body for 2 days. thats gross BIG TIME.



Uh...so he was a typical OWS camper?

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You need to label this stuff NSFW.


Umm, you clicked on what was obviously a You Tube link.


If you don't expect a modicum (or more) of swearing when clicking on the link, you're not really using common sense.


And last time I checked, one can mute their PC or plug headphones in.

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Umm, you clicked on what was obviously a You Tube link.


If you don't expect a modicum (or more) of swearing when clicking on the link, you're not really using common sense.


And last time I checked, one can mute their PC or plug headphones in.


Heh... some of my work meetings would not be safe for this board.

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You need to label this stuff NSFW.


Umm, you clicked on what was obviously a You Tube link.


If you don't expect a modicum (or more) of swearing when clicking on the link, you're not really using common sense.


And last time I checked, one can mute their PC or plug headphones in.


And the last time I looked, one can label info "NSFW." It's actually pretty easy.

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How many would work for you....... 13?


An objective study that picked random businesses... not one done by a hack right wing rag.


I wasn't able to track down a single story that indicated that any business owner/manager in Zuccotti Park was pleased that this group was damaging surrounding property, crapping in the streets and fostering an atmosphere that encouraged customers to go elsewhere. I will keep looking.


This story cites actually names and not anonymous sources which a lot of you love.

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