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The Broken Republican Party

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WARNING: Partisan media alert


I try to stay away from posting explicitly partisan stuff. However, I really like the thoughts of Jon Favreau. No, not that one. He was Obama's head speechwriter from 2005 until 2013.

While the piece is written about the importance of the Dems winning over the Senate, I thought it was a very concise, accurate portrayal of the GOP right now:


  • The power structure has shifted away from responsible party leaders to utlrapartisans like Hannity, Limbaugh, and Bannon at Breitbart.
  • The party seems disinterested and even hostile towards compromise with the other party in favor of obstructionism and deriding anything they didn't do, to the point of trying to oust anyone who tries to work in a bipartisan manner
  • Hand in hand with #1 and #2, incessant fear-mongering and distortion about anything Democratic in an attempt to poison the well for the American public so they're convinced it's inherently evil
  • An overall loss of focus on pragmatic governance in favor of demagoguery and sensationalist crap like Ted Cruz reading Green Eggs and Ham until the federal government shut down

I agree that both parties have their flaws, and the Dems definitely exhibit some of the above traits. But the GOP has fundamentally lost its ability to influence the way its base thinks... that agenda is now set by the above far-right media moguls. GOP pols are now left to either kowtow to that type of uncompromising, rigid far-right agenda or be ousted from the party by its rabid base.

If you want an easy example of this, it is mentioned in the article: Influential GOP media figures are suggesting GOP incumbents try to salvage their seat by promising to impeach Clinton by 2018. While I think it's categorically pathetic to offer to not act as a check on an opposite-party president but rather actually impeach them (BEFORE THE ELECTION!), that's a reflection of where the right is at now. It's not that far a cry from an idiot like Hannity offering to charter the Obama's back to Kenya. Could you imagine if a GOP Congress candidate ran on promising to deport Obama to Kenya in 2012? Sadly, I can.

Or, take the Supreme Court. I saw Ted Cruz was talking today about there being "precedent" to leave the Court short a Justice. Other GOP politicians, even McCain, have said as much. That issue is particularly infuriating to me.

So, I know we've been over and over this. But I thought the article was worth a read. Where do they go from here? Is the GOP broken? Can it be saved?

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I wouldn't mind Trump being president, but if he loses I believe this is his last go around. The GOP needs to run a legit candidate that can be a great on the debate scene and cause Hillary to get nervous. I would bet Cruz or Rubio could easily be beating Clinton in her debates, and they would be able to debate her with a clean sheet, unlike Trump. In 2020 a Cruz Rubio ticket either way could beat Clinton and both would be able to hold their own or win any debate with her in my opinion.


To the op, Democrats are slowly moving us toward socialism, while the Republicans are moving us back to the Constitution. That is how I have interpreted both parties leading us. Now that does not apply to all dems or all repubs, but a majority of the beliefs are what I stated above.


Both parties have elected officials that say they will do something and then they go against what they say. All talk no action is evident in tons of these officials, the average American just doesn't bother to look and see what their elected officials have voted on. Obama showed up to the senate 27 percent of the time in the senate or around that much and got elected president. We need a strong leader that fights for everyday Americans, works to create jobs and get us out of this debt. One that lowers taxes on hard working Americans and one that is honest and one that is for America not globalism.


I don't know what will happen, but I don't think the GOP breaks up unless another ego outsider comes to power in the repubs in 2020. A great leader that is honest and loves to put their country first is someone I want in the Republican party and someone who could save the party. If GOP doesn't put a president in by 2024 then the party might be in trouble, but all of this "break up" is greatly exaggerated by the media.

  • Fire 2
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I wouldn't mind Trump being president, but if he loses I believe this is his last go around. The GOP needs to run a legit candidate that can be a great on the debate scene and cause Hillary to get nervous. I would bet Cruz or Rubio could easily be beating Clinton in her debates, and they would be able to debate her with a clean sheet, unlike Trump. In 2020 a Cruz Rubio ticket either way could beat Clinton and both would be able to hold their own or win any debate with her in my opinion.


To the op, Democrats are slowly moving us toward socialism, while the Republicans are moving us back to the Constitution. That is how I have interpreted both parties leading us. Now that does not apply to all dems or all repubs, but a majority of the beliefs are what I stated above.


Both parties have elected officials that say they will do something and then they go against what they say. All talk no action is evident in tons of these officials, the average American just doesn't bother to look and see what their elected officials have voted on. Obama showed up to the senate 27 percent of the time in the senate or around that much and got elected president. We need a strong leader that fights for everyday Americans, works to create jobs and get us out of this debt. One that lowers taxes on hard working Americans and one that is honest and one that is for America not globalism.


I don't know what will happen, but I don't think the GOP breaks up unless another ego outsider comes to power in the repubs in 2020. A great leader that is honest and loves to put their country first is someone I want in the Republican party and someone who could save the party. If GOP doesn't put a president in by 2024 then the party might be in trouble, but all of this "break up" is greatly exaggerated by the media.


What makes you think they could beat someone who has spent 8 years in the White House, been a Senator and been Secretary of State when they couldn't beat a reality TV show host?


Dems are moving towards socialism? The rich have never been richer, corporate profits and stock markets are at all time highs, and wealth inequality has never been greater.


The GOP's new standard bearer suggested a ban on Muslims, a direct violation of the first amendment.


You're right on with that assessment.

  • Fire 3
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These two tweets came up on my feed one right after the other. The Republican party has totally lost it's ability to see reality.




What they don't seem to be able to grasp is that the ONLY reason why they are going to lose the Whitehouse once again and possibly the Senate, is their own ineptitude in nominating someone even remotely mentally stable enough and knowledgable enough to do the job.


But....oh boy....if he loses, they are going to grab their muskets. :facepalm: Clueless bastards.


The article linked in the first tweet quotes the congressman saying they might go start a third party. GREAT!!! Go!!!! get the hell out of the party and let people who know what they are doing take over.

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The problems for the GOP go clear back to Nixon, and the intellectual and moral rot that has infested the party has now made it so the party cannot be salvaged in its current state.


Let's remember that, once upon a time, the Republicans actually were a voice of moderation--they sat at the table, compromised, and would actually admit that there were problems. Now, because the GOP has been hijacked by political and religious extremists, the party has listed so far to the right, that those moderates have pretty much formed the basis of the current Democratic party as they've been abandoned by the histrionics of those in charge of the GOP.


Being obstructionist and saying 'NO' constantly without actively working to find a common ground isn't an accomplishment--it's a thinly-veiled, base form of contempt, more suitable for a five year old child than a fifty-five year old Senator or Representative. Until you get dark money out of politics and allow more than two parties, you will never see an end to these grown petulant children hijacking the GOP and eroding their relevance as a political party for the future of this country.


If anything, we need a third party between the Democrats and the GOP on the political spectrum so moderate, rational-thinking former Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats have a home and so we can get back to having an actual political discourse and getting things done. It would also help if we shorten the election campaign season to, say, 90 to 120 days (roughly) and put checks on money and spending so that we don't have a primary system that caters to extremists from both political bases by default.

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The problems for the GOP go clear back to Nixon, and the intellectual and moral rot that has infested the party has now made it so the party cannot be salvaged in its current state.


Let's remember that, once upon a time, the Republicans actually were a voice of moderation--they sat at the table, compromised, and would actually admit that there were problems. Now, because the GOP has been hijacked by political and religious extremists, the party has listed so far to the right, that those moderates have pretty much formed the basis of the current Democratic party as they've been abandoned by the histrionics of those in charge of the GOP.


Being obstructionist and saying 'NO' constantly without actively working to find a common ground isn't an accomplishment--it's a thinly-veiled, base form of contempt, more suitable for a five year old child than a fifty-five year old Senator or Representative. Until you get dark money out of politics and allow more than two parties, you will never see an end to these grown petulant children hijacking the GOP and eroding their relevance as a political party for the future of this country.


If anything, we need a third party between the Democrats and the GOP on the political spectrum so moderate, rational-thinking former Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats have a home and so we can get back to having an actual political discourse and getting things done. It would also help if we shorten the election campaign season to, say, 90 to 120 days (roughly) and put checks on money and spending so that we don't have a primary system that caters to extremists from both political bases by default.

Regarding the Red - I think there was a reaction in the 1990s to the 'get along' republicans of the prior years. When the dems had control of the house for 40 years and the repub leaders basically got along to get along, the 94 group said enough of the do nothing leadership of the past that would not challenge the dems on anything. Newt took over and provided a different agenda. However, as time goes on, everything loses momentum and dwarfs into something less - the present day obstructionist party. Instead of presenting good alternatives on the table they obstruct. When confronted why they don't have proposals, they first say - we don't control the house. then it was 'we don't have the senate'. After voters gave them both the house and the senate - we'll we can't do anything wtout the presidency. Always excuses, no actions. It is so partisan they could have fixed obamacare, social security, etc by now if they were of the frame of mind to work wt the other side.


I agree wt the bold

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The problems for the GOP go clear back to Nixon, and the intellectual and moral rot that has infested the party has now made it so the party cannot be salvaged in its current state.


Let's remember that, once upon a time, the Republicans actually were a voice of moderation--they sat at the table, compromised, and would actually admit that there were problems. Now, because the GOP has been hijacked by political and religious extremists, the party has listed so far to the right, that those moderates have pretty much formed the basis of the current Democratic party as they've been abandoned by the histrionics of those in charge of the GOP.


Being obstructionist and saying 'NO' constantly without actively working to find a common ground isn't an accomplishment--it's a thinly-veiled, base form of contempt, more suitable for a five year old child than a fifty-five year old Senator or Representative. Until you get dark money out of politics and allow more than two parties, you will never see an end to these grown petulant children hijacking the GOP and eroding their relevance as a political party for the future of this country.


If anything, we need a third party between the Democrats and the GOP on the political spectrum so moderate, rational-thinking former Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats have a home and so we can get back to having an actual political discourse and getting things done. It would also help if we shorten the election campaign season to, say, 90 to 120 days (roughly) and put checks on money and spending so that we don't have a primary system that caters to extremists from both political bases by default.

Regarding the Red - I think there was a reaction in the 1990s to the 'get along' republicans of the prior years. When the dems had control of the house for 40 years and the repub leaders basically got along to get along, the 94 group said enough of the do nothing leadership of the past that would not challenge the dems on anything. Newt took over and provided a different agenda. However, as time goes on, everything loses momentum and dwarfs into something less - the present day obstructionist party. Instead of presenting good alternatives on the table they obstruct. When confronted why they don't have proposals, they first say - we don't control the house. then it was 'we don't have the senate'. After voters gave them both the house and the senate - we'll we can't do anything wtout the presidency. Always excuses, no actions. It is so partisan they could have fixed obamacare, social security, etc by now if they were of the frame of mind to work wt the other side.


I agree wt the bold


I agree.


The problem is, the attitude Newt had at that point in time, may have been an appropriate attitude. However, that should not be the long term attitude of the party. There are times in History where an aggressive type of attitude is necessary. But, those involved need to understand that can't be the status quo into eternity.


It's like raising kids. There are times when it is required to be a hard ass on them. But, that can't be the standard attitude towards your kids or they stop listening or caring what you say.

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Fru and BRB said it best... I think it was Newt himself once he rose to the speakership that led to them becoming the party of petulance. He was the one who ushered in the current belief that compromise is a dirty word, correct?

It is mind-blowing to watch the mental gymnastics that man has to do to go on Megyn Kelly and accuse her of being obsessed with sex-- when he himself was the guy leading the charge to impeach Bill Clinton, while having an affair himself. It's just really depressing to see what some of the faces of the Republican party have been reduced to this go around. I had a fairly high opinion of Giuliani before all of this-- I guess I did not understand what an fool he was. I was pretty neutral on Newt, didn't know much about him, since his heyday was far before I was politically engaged-- but now my opinion of him is in the gutter, too.


To be contrite, I didn't start this thread as a way to trash the GOP. Though I lean left on most issues, I think our government functions best with two sane, rational parties that have competing ideas but work together for the betterment of the American people.

I question the current GOP's fitness on those criteria. Do they wrestle power away from the crazies and purge them, or are we just going to have them continue to cater to them and have a repeat of this whole ordeal in four years?

It's so nuts to me that the smart, sane people in the party put together a logical plan to expand their base of support after 2012... and then they just lit it on fire and threw it in the garbage this year.


A lot of this has to do with lack of accountability, too. As whistlebritches touched on in the Control of Congress thread, between Dem voters not turning out at midterms and gerrymandering, they've essentially locked themselves into a lot of seats such that it doesn't matter if they actually do their jobs effectively or not.

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I wouldn't mind Trump being president, but if he loses I believe this is his last go around. The GOP needs to run a legit candidate that can be a great on the debate scene and cause Hillary to get nervous. I would bet Cruz or Rubio could easily be beating Clinton in her debates, and they would be able to debate her with a clean sheet, unlike Trump. In 2020 a Cruz Rubio ticket either way could beat Clinton and both would be able to hold their own or win any debate with her in my opinion.


To the op, Democrats are slowly moving us toward socialism, while the Republicans are moving us back to the Constitution. That is how I have interpreted both parties leading us. Now that does not apply to all dems or all repubs, but a majority of the beliefs are what I stated above.


Both parties have elected officials that say they will do something and then they go against what they say. All talk no action is evident in tons of these officials, the average American just doesn't bother to look and see what their elected officials have voted on. Obama showed up to the senate 27 percent of the time in the senate or around that much and got elected president. We need a strong leader that fights for everyday Americans, works to create jobs and get us out of this debt. One that lowers taxes on hard working Americans and one that is honest and one that is for America not globalism.


I don't know what will happen, but I don't think the GOP breaks up unless another ego outsider comes to power in the repubs in 2020. A great leader that is honest and loves to put their country first is someone I want in the Republican party and someone who could save the party. If GOP doesn't put a president in by 2024 then the party might be in trouble, but all of this "break up" is greatly exaggerated by the media.


What makes you think they could beat someone who has spent 8 years in the White House, been a Senator and been Secretary of State when they couldn't beat a reality TV show host?


Dems are moving towards socialism? The rich have never been richer, corporate profits and stock markets are at all time highs, and wealth inequality has never been greater.


The GOP's new standard bearer suggested a ban on Muslims, a direct violation of the first amendment.


You're right on with that assessment.


I was saying a legit Republican candidate could most likely best Hillary in a presidential election. More people would be worried about her being president over a legit repub candidate.


Well Bernie is pretty much a socialist, and he should have won the dem nomination if it wasn't for the Super PACs or whatever the dems have. 15 dollars and hour moves people to the middle class, also taxing the rich more moves them down some, not much though. We then have less people employed due to the increase in minimum wage I would suspect. I may have gone a little extreme on the socialism part about the dems, but it seems the dems want more govt control with increased taxes, obamacare and stuff like that.


The reason for the ban on Muslims is because most Muslims don't become a part of the countries culture. They walk around forcing their beliefs on people(maybe not in the US but they are doing it abroad) and they vote strictly on religious beliefs and not whats good for America. Once they get enough people here, they will vote Muslim candidates in to government and vote strictly on Muslim beliefs, not for the betterment of America. Catholics represent well in both democrat and republican votes, which proves they vote on country because it is their obligation to vote. It proves they aren't strictly voting on religious beliefs. I don't want Muslims coming in because some of them come in trained to do horrible things to our people. Some do nothing wrong at all, the problem is finding the bad ones and getting rid of them. If the Muslim person is not a US citizen it is not unconstitutional because this applies to US citizens. I do not believe we need to rid of any US citizen Muslims unless they are a threat to the safety of all Americans.

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