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I'm sorry and hesitant to put this out there because some posters here, who I really like, aren't going to like it but, ya'll are crazy. Over dramatizing things a bit aren't we? Mentions of Nazi Germany, Hitler, needing to actually leave the country. Fearing? Trump is surely nowhere near the best that could've been elected but people need to get a grip and save the outrage and unreasonable (yes-unreasonable) reactions for when something actually does go bad. Yeah, he's said some inflammatory things and yeah he may attempt some of the crazier sh#t he has talked about but I believe with every fiber of my soul that the good guys will prevail over any of the truly insane stuff you all seem to be most concerned about. It is hard to make strides forward but it will be even harder for society to let things slip backwards. Trust me, things will be alright. There are too many good and reasonable people in this country to allow things to get any where near as bad as some of you are predicting. Have a drink, smoke a joint, whatever, but please relax a little. That isn't to say ignore it or to not be vigilant but this worst case panic stuff needs to stop. Step back, take a breath, realize that this country is a lot more about your fellow citizens, the same ones you have lived amongst your whole lives up to this point, and a lot less about one man or handful of idiots in Washington.

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I'm still waiting for the celebrities who have voiced their opinions on numerous occasions about leaving if Trump wins and yet here they are still in this amazing country.


They're no more better than the protesters and petitioners who are still crying about Trump winning. If they don't get their way they cry and mope or demand that this person must win or I'm leaving because apparently they believe that this world owns them something.

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I'm sorry and hesitant to put this out there because some posters here, who I really like, aren't going to like it but, ya'll are crazy. Over dramatizing things a bit aren't we? Mentions of Nazi Germany, Hitler, needing to actually leave the country. Fearing? Trump is surely nowhere near the best that could've been elected but people need to get a grip and save the outrage and unreasonable (yes-unreasonable) reactions for when something actually does go bad. Yeah, he's said some inflammatory things and yeah he may attempt some of the crazier sh#t he has talked about but I believe with every fiber of my soul that the good guys will prevail over any of the truly insane stuff you all seem to be most concerned about. It is hard to make strides forward but it will be even harder for society to let things slip backwards. Trust me, things will be alright. There are too many good and reasonable people in this country to allow things to get any where near as bad as some of you are predicting. Have a drink, smoke a joint, whatever, but please relax a little. That isn't to say ignore it or to not be vigilant but this worst case panic stuff needs to stop. Step back, take a breath, realize that this country is a lot more about your fellow citizens, the same ones you have lived amongst your whole lives up to this point, and a lot less about one man or handful of idiots in Washington.


Going to stop at the bold. People have said "we're not at the Hitler stage" and "Trump will not be Hitler." It's not crazy to mention his name and say Trump might be 1/100th of that. We've never had a president like this, and I think people really underestimate how things like that happen. Most Germans likely didn't expect what happened to the Jews to actually happen. Step by step things got worse for them (badges,segregation,camps,death) until it was too late to do anything. But again, I repeat, people have said Trump is not that.


Lots of posters here think Trump won't do any of those things he promised to do (e.g. put surveillance on and export Muslims). If people aren't vocal about things like this, that's when these things become more and more acceptable, and more severe. Maybe Trump really won't do any of the things he said, but what will the next person who was influenced by him and is worse than him do? The KKK see him as their voice now.

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I've seen or read of waaaaaaaaaaaay too many people shout some grotesquely un-American things (often at Trump rallies!) regarding what they want to do to _______ to take for granted that it could never here.


It could happen, if we let it.


Stay out of their way and watch what they do. By the time you decide to protest you may find that such voices no longer carry any power.

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Fine. Go ahead. Just know it looks ridiculous to at least me. I'm done trying to calm you down. You're probably right, the blacks and Mexicans and Muslims and gays and women and have I missed any.... will probably all be lined up and shot on January 20th or whatever day numbnuts takes office. I'm probably just an idiot who doesn't get it. But please realize you are fueling, nay the actual source, of what you just a couple weeks ago feared would happen when you knew Hillary was going to win and Trump was going to lose. You were so sure the disgruntled Trump supporters would take to the streets, become even more unreasonable and violent, and, well, basically act like all the disgruntled Hillary supporters (or supposedly in some cases-Trump unsupporters) are now actually acting. I find it extremely ironic that collectively you have become exactly what you all were bemoaning a few short days ago. It's plain ass ridiculous. It makes me wonder if any of you have ever experienced real adversity in your lives. If this is how you deal with unknowns and potential problems, how in the hell are you ever going to be able to handle the real thing? At least there is post election results counseling available nowadays. Now I understand why. Just know that the many of us who aren't freaking out and currently losing our sh#t will be there to help you out when circumstances actually warrant it. And those are my very last words on the matter. Good luck.

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Which celebrities? Oh you mean celebrity...my bad.

There was only one that I could find who said that and it was Stephan Baldwin. He's an idiot and I don't think anyone would miss him.

Nobody would miss any person or celebrity who left the country because of the results of an election. And I dont care if it's because Obama won or Trump or Hillary. This country is much bigger than one person in the white house or any handful of idiot celebrities. If anybody wants to leave and that is all it took to precipitate it, good riddance, you weren't doing us any good by staying anyway.

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Fine. Go ahead. Just know it looks ridiculous to at least me. I'm done trying to calm you down. You're probably right, the blacks and Mexicans and Muslims and gays and women and have I missed any.... will probably all be lined up and shot on January 20th or whatever day numbnuts takes office. I'm probably just an idiot who doesn't get it. But please realize you are fueling, nay the actual source, of what you just a couple weeks ago feared would happen when you knew Hillary was going to win and Trump was going to lose. You were so sure the disgruntled Trump supporters would take to the streets, become even more unreasonable and violent, and, well, basically act like all the disgruntled Hillary supporters (or supposedly in some cases-Trump unsupporters) are now actually acting. I find it extremely ironic that collectively you have become exactly what you all were bemoaning a few short days ago. It's plain ass ridiculous. It makes me wonder if any of you have ever experienced real adversity in your lives. If this is how you deal with unknowns and potential problems, how in the hell are you ever going to be able to handle the real thing? At least there is post election results counseling available nowadays. Now I understand why. Just know that the many of us who aren't freaking out and currently losing our sh#t will be there to help you out when circumstances actually warrant it. And those are my very last words on the matter. Good luck.




JJ, you're using the word "you" way too much. The people protesting are a tiny fraction of the Democratic party. If we were protesting we probably wouldn't be posting here. So please quit acting like Huskerboard posters are running around out on the streets with pitchforks and torches.


As far as calming down, I've been pretty damn calm about the whole thing and so have everyone else posting here.



And I'll say it again, Clinton didn't urge her supporters to protest. If she had, people would've been just as upset at her as they were at Trump for doing it. Why are people having so much trouble telling the difference between the two?



You might want to rethink bringing up whether other posters have gone through adversity. FFS, to paraphrase, you told me a couple months ago $30k/year was dirt poor. That's more than twice minimum wage. You're judging people without knowing anything about them. It's very easy for me to throw that out there about you and assume, maybe incorrectly, that you've never gone through the adversity of being anything close to poor. I could very well be totally wrong, which is why this is something you shouldn't do - you're most likely wrong. You don't know what any of us have gone through in our lives. Not to mention the fact most of us have stated we aren't personally going to be harmed by this. We're worried about other people.

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Plus, it's not like any of us are being unreasonable. None of us are plotting anarchy or suggesting violence. I think any of us here feel that that is beyond the pale.


But I don't think we should just sit idly by and watch Trump and the rather feckless current iteration of the GOP take control of the direction of our country unopposed. Lord knows they are not going to get any Congressional opposition any time soon. Trump has shown himself to be an unpredictable loose cannon in his short time on the main stage, and the GOP has shown themselves to be largely complicit and subservient in the meantime, IMO.


Shouldn't we try to have reasoned, logical discussions about how we'd rather see the country evolve, and then try to go make it happen ourselves? I'm not talking about overthrowing the government or anything, but some very meaningful change can happen at the local level in the meantime if we are not going to be represented at the federal level.

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Again, there's an awful lot of "this can't in any conceivable way affect my livelihood, I don't understand why everyone else is so worked up about it."


#NeverTrump isn't being a little annoyed that some "numbnuts" might take office and be idiots. #NeverTrump is because (I thought) we all recognized the various ways in which he was an extraordinary threat to America.


In retrospect, I don't think we did.


And to be clear, *nobody* is advocating violence.


This wasn't an entertainment show we can all turn away from now to get back to our lives. Yeah, for some of us, it is. That's fine. Nobody's saying it can't be, either. For others, this has been a very real, very devastating punch where it hurts. And it will continue to be.

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I think we did. There just weren't enough of us. :(

I guess actually there were, but we were concentrated in the wrong areas.


In hindsight, we were fighting against strong headwinds the whole way, because you had the bulk of the entire party that this man assumed control of trying to normalize his decidedly awful, atypical behavior every step of the way.


For the sake of the country, I hope Trump does well, and does comparatively little damage to our ideals along the way. But, if he does tank, hopefully more people will realize we weren't just being dramatic when we raised concerns about him.

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The reason I don't think we all did is there's a disconnect I can't square between a full-hearted #NeverTrump and "Well, hey, but things will be OK and we should all see how it goes."


I mean, that's fine. Everyone has different thresholds, and different degrees of supporting (or not supporting) Trump. But I distinctly remember his most vocal and thorough critics not being treated as unreasonable for it -- did you expect us not to be completely alarmed at the result?

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Just a few examples of some of the comments that highly concern me;


I'm stuck here for at leas the next three years. I'm just about halfway through my professional program. Otherwise I would at least consider it.


To start over career-wise at my age would be a huge step backward, not just in the sense of money, but career ladder, retirement funds etc. As of right now, we're not at a Hitler stage. If the government begins executing people because of their race, beliefs, skin color, nationality



So you would stay, even if it meant a possible execution type of scenario?



(assuming we avoid WWIII-esque catastrophes, of course)


I don't mean to pick on anyone specific but can't you see how some of these sentiments seem a little extreme considering the only that has really happened so far is that the election occurred?


I'm not saying ignore everything or blindly accept what ever comes. I'm saying at least take it easy a bit, at least until the actual policies or provisions or first steps towards actually, really moving towards the things you fear or dislike begin. Granted, he said some crazy ass sh#t during the campaign and some of his supporters seemed to like it and seem willing to go down some of those dark scary roads. I'm just asking if you can give it a small amount of time to see if he'll moderate his positions like I think he will absolutely have to, and probably wants to. I've said it a thousand times but once more, I didn't vote for him and I didn't support him or any of bombastic bs. But I have already seen signs that he is moderating and trying to become a bit Presidential. Hell, did you see the even gracious manner in which congratulated Hillary on running a good campaign and he stated how he respected her and her family? I recall it vividly because it made me laugh out loud as I was getting ready for work the morning after the election. I'm not asking for you to give him a chance because he deserves it. I'm asking you to give him a chance because if we don't, this country may never get past the divisiveness of this bitter election. I believe if and when they actually begin down any of those roads will be a much more appropriate time to begin the loud response.

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