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  2. Not good when we have more free passes than SOs & 2 errors. Can't beat a good team when you play like this!
  3. Sorry missed this.. another attempt at avoiding a tough question.
  4. So we are on the correct page….you said there were a literal thousand and I took your word for it. You asked where an alleged N word reference would fall on that list. In order to do that, we all would need a ranked list of which I said I was confident you could provide. Your actual list said “he wanted to f#&% his daughter”. so, I challenged the list if that’s the kinda Liberty of truth we would be taking. The list didn’t say incredibly creepy sex talk about his daughter. Now, I actually do not believe you have never heard of Ashley Biden’s diary as that had been all over the news at various time points and you seem pretty up to date on things given your posting history. And so I’m clear, do things only matter if they are talked about on the View. If Donald Trump used the N word to describe in a hateful way someone of color, that would be a pretty big deal in my mind. A disqualification to not vote for type of deal in my mind. Hope that helps since I can’t rank it on your “list”. Now about Joe showering with his daughter. I assume that is disqualifying for you and you will join me in writing in a candidate for President instead of voting for him a second time!
  5. @Guy ChamberlinArchy isn't worth the effort. Reason why I blocked him long ago. And yes, he will be voting for the criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster once again - All of his love for DeSantis WAS just a short time sham to cover his love for all things trump
  6. Bet you were more worried about your parents finding out! That is how it was with me...
  7. I got cited for MIP (minor in possession of alcohol) in high school. I “cooperated” and was eligible for pre-trial diversion. It didn’t go on my record and just had to take some classes and keep my nose clean. I don’t know if I would have gotten that deal if I was a douche to the police and judges… But I committed the same crime as a lot of others that had to pay fines and other stiffer punishments like probation.
  8. Today
  9. Remember the Police Academy movies? I swear something like this happend in one of those movies. Ohhhh Steve Guttenburg!!!
  10. That’s just hilarious. I’m sure they were laughing!
  11. FEC inquiry + settlement =/= prosecutable offense Trump broke the law, lied about it and made a clown show of the entire legal process. Zero sympathy. He brought it all on himself.
  12. I feel like the county clerk that approved both parades at the same time on the same day on the same streets...might get a talking to on Monday.
  13. Just to review.....I asked the group where using the N word might fall on the list of a thousand Trump transgressions. You challenged me to list the thousand (ha-ha!). We both knew how much time that would take and you were insinuating it was an exaggeration. I truly believe it isn't, and took a good shot at it. Then I discovered someone had already created a very well curated list of 1,086 Trump malfeasances and invited you to choose from there. But of course you negated the entire list by questioning the veracity of my third example, seemingly forgetting that Donald Trump has made incredibly creepy sex talk about his daughter multiple times ON NATIONAL f#&%ING TELEVISION. If the "tough question" is how I feel about Joe Biden showering with his daughter, I'd never heard that before. Did he talk about it on The View? Also, it doesn't answer the original question at all, as you promised. It just veers off into Archy land. You do this all the time. It's not interesting. You're not interesting. Ipso facto, you're not worth the effort. Also, just admit you'll be voting for Trump in November. Your posturing doesn't quite add up. The honesty will set you free.
  14. It’s interesting that whenever a tough question gets posed to you, this tends to be your go to response.
  15. That’s a lot of words without actually letting us know why the two cases are handled differently which is what the question was asked if you.
  16. Did she settle with the State of New York? I don’t believe so. Also remember, the Trump charges were so bogus, FEC declined to pursue them.
  17. Is there any reason for these tapes to not be released other than it’s not good for Joe?
  18. This is fantastic. I am sure that if we don’t advance out of regional play, some will be pissy and badmouth this group and staff. You can’t ignore the fact that this team was picked 5th in the league, finished runner up in reg season and won the tournament title, have the Big 10 POY-Golden Spikes finalist (Sears) and Buster Posey finalist (Caron). I vividly remember, when the pitching rotation for the opening weekend was announced, many on different social media platforms said …. “This will be a long season “ and other doubting comments concerning staff… those same people are now eating crow as this staff has put up numbers we haven’t seen in a long time….. I am not saying that we should be satisfied at the University of Nebraska with just reaching regional play, bc that isn’t enough….but this particular group of Huskers deserves a ton of credit for what they did!
  19. Why is an out of court settlement with the regrettably toothless FEC different than Trump's case wherein he deliberately obscured payments silence a pornstar he banged while his wife was pregnant to help his presidential campaign. Hmmmm. The Trumpers are going to lean hard into the "wrongly persecuted Trump," "two-tiered justice system" narrative because when it's always someone else's fault and the universe is just permanently stacked against them, they never have to reckon with the conduct of the individual themselves. I've heard some sharp legal minds argue this is a bad prosecution. That this is the weakest of the cases against him. For those of us who want him never to sniff power again, of course we'd have wanted the other (stronger) cases tried first. But this was the only one where he couldn't abuse his wealth and power (and his cronies scattered throughout the legal system) to delay things into oblivion. And people like Romney who argue Biden should pardon Trump are morons. I'm sure to Republicans that makes perfect sense. To the rest of us it just teaches a lifelong conman and criminal that he'll truly never face accountability for anything. Which is idiotic for reasons that don't really need explaining.
  20. Ahhh...see my mind went RIGHT to BJ's.
  21. For Monica? If getting a BJ is a felony...I am in some deep s#!t!
  22. clinton might have got some felonies if she didn't settle out of court like she did.
  23. Anywho, back to the discussion….How are those situations different again?
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