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  2. I thought that EVERYONE in Europe was doing all they could to help Ukraine.
  3. The Germans being so nonchalant about relying on Russian energy was always a head scratcher to me. Especially once the invasion of Crimea started.
  4. I bet manhattan is a ghost town now that all the businesses have left.
  5. The debriefing is just a Q and A with a few of the officers. They usually ask us if we "believed" the inmates stories, because all of them tell us how they have changed and how they are all about God and faith now...and the guards will offer up their own thoughts on how they think one inmate might have changed but the other is clearly just a manipulator still.
  6. Today
  7. Never felt like we were going to win this one, but played pretty scrappy at times. Ballpark played small or was the wind blowing out? Need the bats to show up. Onward.
  8. I pre-ordered it for Xbox. Pumped for it! Seeing the B1G logos on the USC field in the gameplay deep dive today is so weird haha.
  9. B1G goes 2-1 on the day. Good showing. Hopefully they can go 4-0 tomorrow but in a more honest guess i expect to see Nebraska go 1-1 (beating Niagra but losing the late game). illinois also going 1-1 (losing the semi, winning the loser bracket) but Indiana just might win the semi... Bats didn't roar today more of a meow. It's far from over and anything can happen. Tomorrow's a new day. Hope they roar back.
  10. That's super interesting! I presume there's a debrief afterwards because convicted felons like Donald Trump are master manipulators? What do the officers warn your students about when talking about convicted felons like Donald Trump?
  11. That is a GREAT question! The girls learn (we talk about it later) that these guys are master manipulators!!!!! We also have 2-3 officers sort of debrief us afterwards, which really helps.
  12. What do your students learn from talking to people involved in sex crimes like convicted felon Donald Trump?
  13. OCC I don't know if Lincoln does visits. Tekamah has not. And most female prisons do not because they are MEAN AS f#&%! But we have never talked to anyone that was just in for money issues like Trump It has always been rape, drugs, murder, kidnapping...I can't remember the other stuff. The Mary Jo Hovendick kidnapper/rapist/killer is BY FAR the creepiest speaker we have had. That was out in blair
  14. Where did you go to talk to convicted felons like Donald Trump? Douglas County jail? Or did you have to take your students to Lincoln, or Tecumseh?
  15. Yep! The last two guys that spoke to our class were... Drug dealers (but it was a misunderstanding of course) and a gang member The other guy was a drug dealer, and stole s#!t, and "intimated a witness" that was the charge that caught him his real time. Oh and he was a gang member.
  16. Are those inmates convicted felons, like Donald Trump?
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