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Creighton Duke

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Status Updates posted by Creighton Duke

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Blackshirts007
    3. NUance


      So he made lude comments and had pics of the men's swim team in Speedos? BFD. Why did the article show the Hawk's FB team?

    4. Foppa


      Look at the guy. I'm guessing the students that did these 'favors' were looking for the money for drugs rather than Iowa tickets. No other way it makes sense.

  1. http://lostcollegeweekend.wordpress.com/ The new blog. Let me know what you think.
    1. NUance


      "College Football", "Drunk",

      "Movies", "Travel" and "Books". Yeah, you pretty much have all my interests covered. Nice. lol

    2. NUance


      Overall, nice website. But you put T-Mart on your list of "5 Douchey College Football Players For 2013"? WTF dude?? Not cool.

    3. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      I gotta be somewhat impartial, right? And to be fair, he just barely made the Top 5.

  2. http://personality-testing.info/tests/DT.php I can only imagine what some of y'all's narcississm scores will be...
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NUance
    3. husker07



      Machiavellianism- 20.5

      Psychopathy- 20.5


      I'm a self absorbed SOB

    4. Forge


      20 / 16 / 30. I don't think I am better than others, I just don't give a sh#t about them :)

  3. The curtain has beem pulled aside...again.
  4. Nice little practice vid. Interviews with Kenny and Imani
  5. Back to the Future...Nostradamus-like:

  6. Hotty Toddy:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NUance


      After putting it in that other place. lol

    3. ZRod


      It's her Lygfe guys.

    4. beanman


      She'd be hot if she were unconcious or had a wad of socks stuffed in her mouth.

  7. Now time for my favorite going out song: "Now youse cant leave"

  8. Progressive scholar dropping the truth bombs on Russia, Trump:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZRod


      Why does Putin's opposition always end up dead? Why do they have far more nukes than we do, when they signed the same disarmament agreement? Why have they increased their submarine fleet? Why do they increase ,ilitary spending when we decrease it fighting two wars?

    3. ZRod


      Yes, we should be working to mend relations. I think Obama had intended to do that with Medvedev, but then Putin buffaloed back into the picture. Let's not pretend for one minute that Russia isn't culpable in this as well.

    4. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      I don't think anyone is letting Russia off the hook. It is important to see both sides, though.

  9. Take it away Stefan!

  10. There is a life about to start when tomorrow (today!) comes!

    1. WoodyHayes1951


      The Mad Man Part II. Unbelievable and it was the forgotten and abused working class that voted him in.

    2. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      New Independence Day? You have a run for your money, Nigel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULdCALqVVMc

  11. Yeah, Mitt! You tell 'em!

    1. Vizsla1


      I am holding out until Walter Mondale gives me better direction

  12. ...I got a rock

    1. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Pretty sure all Husker fans got a rock today.

  13. ..and all the other boys, try to chase me...

    1. ShawnWatson
    2. Decked


      Is it Hedley?

    3. NUance


      They will call you. Maybe.

  14. "In locker rooms full of Nebraska, LSU, Southern Cal players, Miami players -- they'll look at this as a weakness," Vic Eumont, Martin's HS Coach on the "situation"

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      I feel like a lot of people have a problem with context clues and realizing the obvious.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Sorry, I'm tired of this story and I don't find it "amusing" in the least that some asshat wants to say Nebraska players are thugs, based on the actions of another asshat that actually got kicked off our team. I feel unamused.

    4. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      Great! (I find it very amusing and quite laughable, btw).

  15. "Please rack your weights. Thanks." - the strongest guy at your gym

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