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Status Replies posted by BIGREDIOWAN

  1. @RealSkipBayless Got the feeling from Urban and Pellini today they believe their QB at least as good as Manziel. Braxton Miller has a chance, not TMart.

  2. Michael Young is available. Make your move Yankees!

  3. Soriano hustled more tonight in the outfield in one night back with the skanks than he did with his entire time combined with the Cubs.

  4. I need to buy a suv, which one should I get?

  5. Sorry BIGREDIOWAN - My neighborhood just got a major improvement - a Husker fan(and alum) just moved in!!

  6. Sorry BIGREDIOWAN - My neighborhood just got a major improvement - a Husker fan(and alum) just moved in!!

  7. Old neighbors moved out, sad day because they were great neighbors..................new neighbor moves in and appears to be a s&^thead, found cigarette butts all over my yard this morning and he had a friggin party until 2 am. This won't end well........

  8. Only way Tigger can win is if he's playing a course he doesnt have to hit driver. Sorry, but thats not real golf. Only way Tigger beats Jack is if he wins "crappy Open Championships" enough times. Takes pure luck to win a tourney like this, and he's the luckiest person on earth. But i will still take the field for $100 and give 5 to 1. Who wants it?? And i'll take DJ for $100 at 10-1. Anybody?

  9. Only way Tigger can win is if he's playing a course he doesnt have to hit driver. Sorry, but thats not real golf. Only way Tigger beats Jack is if he wins "crappy Open Championships" enough times. Takes pure luck to win a tourney like this, and he's the luckiest person on earth. But i will still take the field for $100 and give 5 to 1. Who wants it?? And i'll take DJ for $100 at 10-1. Anybody?

  10. I am litterally pulling my hair out because of this stupid stats class. Oh I hate it. Awful, awful, awful.

  11. Zimmerman had over 42 pounds on Martin. I really fail to understand how Martin could have slammed his head into the concrete.

  12. Just finished epoxy coating my garage floor. What a f'ing great time that was.

  13. Day 25,202 since High School graduation. And I still haven't used Algebra one time.

  14. Where do you usually buy your Husker gear? I checked out Husker Hounds, Scheels and Sports Authority in the last few days.

  15. 129 in death valley

  16. Oklahoma footage is horrifying.

  17. Tiger does not get along with Sawgrass well. Only other win was 2001. That is VERY SCARY for the rest of the Tour.

  18. Do you like your teams draft pick(s) from the 1st round? I love the Steelers pick, need some young blood in that LB group.

  19. Surely that picture of suspect 1 lying dead on a table isn't real... How would that get out?

  20. They should have shot that SOB on sight, no questions asked.

  21. One of the worst things in life, is being a DD for a car load of people lol.

  22. The ER was fun last night with one of my 3 year olds............flu bug finally got us!

  23. just got a windows 8 computer....wtf.

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