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Everything posted by Swiv3D

  1. This... which is why I always believe not tackling in practice with the intent on preventing injuries to be counterintuitive
  2. Tbh I'm just happy to barely have that speck
  3. Is there a new ranking system? I know my posts are scout team caliber but I feel like I should have enough rep points to not have my profile say scout team
  4. It'll make us a hell of a lot faster though
  5. Lmao... only 50%??? You must be on something too
  6. It's not that his posts are too long... they're too long without any meaningful content which makes reading it a complete waste of time
  7. What the hell kind of collars do you use that weigh 5-10 lbs???
  8. What does TO and BD have anything to do with it? Their league rules were different. They didnt break any rules and the B1G is promoting higher emphasis on the student part of student-athlete. Since most college athletes don't go pro what the B1G does is a good thing and whether or not you like how TO used partial qualifiers, the league allowed him to so he took advantage of it to help make his team better. Nothing wrong with either
  9. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
  10. The problem, I thought, with osu's is they looked like the Corvallis osu
  11. Nope but when I worked with the team we'd leave the stadium after practice a few hours before fan day started and the line would already be huge. Just looked so stupid to be standing in line for that long just for autographs and pictures of college kids
  12. Either way, if you're attending fan day without kids, you're weird
  13. I was genuinely wondering and your guys' discussion helped out haha
  14. Doesn't really answer the question but I don't care enough to need an answer tbh
  15. Imagine thinking that the word owner is racist
  16. Why would you choose to focus on that?
  17. No one else believes he's the all time best coach?
  18. I'm meh. Good coach, but I'm whatever about him being here or not
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