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Everything posted by krc1995

  1. Unless a lot of those 43k were dressed as empty seats, Georgia came nowhere close to that number. I would say it was closer to 30 or 35k. Guess it really is hard to tell when tickets are free. ditto for lsu. I was watching the highlights of their game a few weeks back and it looked closer to 250 rather then 25000. They probably were out sucking on a crawdad head in the parking lot.
  2. Bree-on Carnes. Like rhymes with darns, yarns, and barns. Wish we had recruited #1 as well.
  3. Don't look now, the royals are tied for first with a 148 games left.

    1. Lil' Red

      Lil' Red

      Hopefully at least Alex Gordon keeps playing well. He is leading the league in hits with 22 and hit streak of 10 games.

  4. Iowa State 2009. It was a close game, but after the 5th turnover I was shot. I also fell asleep during last year's Holiday Bowl.
  5. I had no idea that Vin Scully use to do golf. Is that man incredible or what?

    1. NUpolo8
    2. krc1995


      and sounds as good as he did in '75. 84 years young


  6. almost had a "Franks and Beans" mishap with my 4 year old. Yikes!!

  7. Good luck on changing parents. As a high school teacher most(not all)the parents fall in one of the following categories A. Welfare magets. Hooked on drugs/alcohol. Zero motivation to raise their children to be any different then themselves. Many are second and third, maybe even fourth generation magets. B. One parent working, other parent part of another family and doesn't have time/desire to raise first family C. Two parent family, both working too hard to have adequate time/energy to raise their kids because they have to pay the rent/food for group A and juvenille facilities for both A and B. Most of their money is going to pay tuition so their children can avoid groups A and B Before you thrash me that your the best parent, know that I teach high school in a high poverty area in the South and the bullying here is unbelievable. I think the bullies come from all the above groups- rich kids picking on poor kids, ignored kids picking on other kids for attention, poor kids angry about the hopelessness of their lives. The future in this area is bleak. And as far as the evolution of bullying, yes it is not a new concept. But with the advent of the internet it has really taken on a new meaning. The days of Wally Cleaver standing up to the big boy in his class and getting a prideful black eye are over. In that sense Columbine really did change things forever.
  8. The number it takes to get a scholarship varies year to year based on how many applicants there are from in-state with high ACT scores. Really you'd need a very strong profile outside of the 30 to get it. You would be well off to get a 32+ to improve your chances. I know people with 32s who were not given regents scholarships. That is simply not true. My daughter averaged a 31 and got one. I believe it is ACT and class rank alone. There is not a set amount of scholorships.
  9. Very candid. I would go to the championship game at Soldier Field? So Awesome!!
  10. You nailed it. That's why I am little skeptical(until they prove me wrong) of true freshman playing. There are too many adjustments that first year that will define who they are as a man and as a player. Why would a guy play 10 games if he wasn't practicing hard? It was a waste of elgibility
  11. Are we that deep at WR to displace guys to other positions? I think not, so maybe the new coaches are going to stop putting square pegs in round holes.
  12. You get to see the Huskers in one of the greatest college sports venues. Nuff said
  13. I hate the Giants. Go BLUE

    1. huskered17


      GIANTS rule!!!!!

  14. the Office episode where Micheal hits Meradith then hold a 5k to find a cure for rabies is the best episode. This year's episodes suck, but that one is golden
  15. I am tied for 1st and I have third place already locked up in our school's bracket challenge. 50 brackets it should pay pretty good!!

    1. gobiggergoredder


      Must be in elementary school because only a 3rd grader would have picked a good bracket.

    2. krc1995


      I didn't say it was a "good" bracket(s), but its the best of the bunch

  16. My young son bats left, throws right. Question: should he use left or right handed golf clubs?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lonestar_Husker


      As a golf professional, I would reccomend right handed. The swing is more like throwing than batting. It's a target sport. Think of it as a pitching motion. Backswing=windup, throughswing=release akin to throwing at the catchers mitt. When batting, you're allowed a wide dispersion, not so in golf, you have to find that foul ball and play it. A pitcher is focused and sending all his energy at a very specific target. A golfer is focusing on the target and releasing the club head through...

    3. Lonestar_Husker


      oops, too much information. I get jazzed when there is a new golfer in the making. In short, I would reccomend right handed golf clubs. It shouldn't mess with his batting swing, which is(should) be different than his golf swing.

    4. PaulCrewe


      It is more of a comfort thing. I throw right, but predominantly hit asa lefty. Tried golfing both, but ended up golfing left handed. Felt more natural. And it in no way screwed with the baseball stroke.


  17. and he's a fullback, diffentely not a rb or a lb
  18. Another Youngstown, Ohio connection. What happend to the hardship in Michigan? Third school in as many seasons can't be a good thing.
  19. I am no guru, but I was the same-making few calls, but wanting to use the internet. I got the verizon plan for two phones and pay $160ish with taxes. I frequently tether my phone to my laptock using an app to get my own wi-fi anywhere and it works great. I just heard on the radio during techbytes segment that the Droid 2 is 54% faster then the iphone when using the internet. And I really have been suprised at how fast it is for a phone. I am sure the 4g will be much faster, but it doesn't sound like it will be really up and running in a useful way for two years.
  20. its Jameson time!!!!

    1. NUance


      I loves that stuff. Oh yeah!

  21. Happy Patty's day to HB. What's everyone doing to celebrate?

    1. NUance


      Wearing green. Corned beef and cabbage for lunch. Will have me a couple O Tullamore Dews after work today.

    2. NUance


      Oh yeah. I'm headin to a St Paddy's day party. But it's tomorrow nite.

    3. UGAHusker


      Driving up to Columbia for the USC/UGA baseball game tomorrow. St. Pat's in 5pts. Saturday. http://www.stpats5points.com/

  22. Just decided that we are going to the Wisconson game. Any suggestions for hotels or other?

    1. NUance


      Don't know about hotels. But make sure you have time to walk around campus. It's a beautiful school.

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