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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. Yep, Krystal Ball is great on Rising. I like that she's a straight shooter:
  2. Did you mean "insightful"? Because "inciteful" works but is quite a bit different.
  3. And you're only looking at premiums and leaving out some of the major costs of the for-profit insurance model: copays, deductibles, overages, and cost-splitting. Every study I've seen has M4A saving $2-$6 trillion (with a T) over a decade compared to the current system.
  4. I lean towards Bernie because he has the better track record. However, if they are both polling behind Biden by the first primaries, I think Bernie will drop out in order to boost Warren. As for the debates, the first night Warren and Sanders were excellent and Buttigieg was decent, but the rest sucked and should drop out. Bernie and Warren finally took off the kid gloves and hit back at the other candidates. The second night was a little more bland. Biden, Booker, and Harris should be in the next debate, but the rest should drop out. Beto needs to run for Senate in Texas and start doing that soon. He could have a major impact of helping to flip the Senate. The VP pick won't make much difference in the general, and the VP in general doesn't matter.
  5. Almost every GOP politician for decades has been for socialism. Socialism for corporations and the rich.
  6. You have to be a little careful with that argument. Even our country is only temporary and it too will pass. Remember that 100 years ago the US was not a superpower. Likely the US will not be a superpower 100 years from now.
  7. It didn't even work under Reagan since Reagan raised taxes in his second term.
  8. If only there was a Dem candidate that refused corporate or PAC money...
  9. I think making the election all about Trump is a bad idea. There needs to be something worth voting for and not just against.
  10. The linked article says the current percentage is similar. It looks more like you want it to be true in order to make a point about criticizing minorities than the data suggests is true.
  11. I save Subway for when I'm in a small town or truck stop and everything else looks worse. And even then, the greasy diner is probably still better.
  12. Looks like your own links say the attitude among Muslims is changing just like it is for Christians, which doesn't match the "WAY bigger percentage" you claimed in the earlier post.
  13. No. It's not a sandwich unless it's bread from a loaf.
  14. You're going to have to show some evidence for those claims. Sounds a lot like you're just going on stereotypes.
  15. And now there's no longer any picks for a losing season. It's magic!
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