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Everything posted by VectorVictor

  1. Probably easier to ask which Offensive Lineman *didn't* have a 0.0 grade at the end of the season. There's not just one problematic player on that O-Line. --- And for folks acting surprised that Martinez is leaving, we've known for months--all you had to do was pay attention to his dad's Twitter account, especially how he teed off on Nebraska fans mid-season calling Martinez out. Very few parents whose kids have intentions of staying put would be willing to pick a fight, deserved or no, with a fanbase on Twitter.
  2. And I don't know if you remember, but when expansion talk was hot and heavy, the prior Oklahoma President wanted to move to the B1G instead of the SEC for multiple reasons, including the fact that the move would prop up Oklahoma's academic cache and the rest of Oklahoma's sports...something that will certainly take a hit with the move to the SEC. The fans wanted the SEC...and as we know, if there's a fanbase that doesn't know s*** from shinola...it's Oklahoma's. Barry Tramell, of all people, was even waxing poetic in articles on occasion about how well Nebraska was doing academically under the B1G's umbrella and the benefits of the academic consortium. Oklahoma was all but a given for the B1G if they wanted to go--they were part of the original Big XII five that were going to go (before aTm got greedy and scuttled everything), and the B1G had already vetted the school. Texas, OTOH, would have had a very difficult road getting to the B1G. Sure they're desirable (like that hot number in the corner of the bar that will sleep with anyone and will give you herpes), but as Ohio State mentioned in one of their emails, Texass had a "Tech Problem" they couldn't deal with at the time. Plus, there's the whole thing of Texass ruining every conference they've been a part of...
  3. This. People tend to think their half-baked opinions exist in a vacuum and they should be the sole arbiter…when Trev has boosters, Regents, and some fans that weren’t in favor of the decision. Plus this gives Trev more time to do an exhaustive search in the background and feel potential candidates out, it saves DoNU some money, and it also supports the narrative that we’re *THIS* close, which can be sold to recruits (regardless of your stance on it). So far Trev has done well in the role. Plus Trev May have to deal with Hoiberg’s contract and that’s a future consideration to keep in mind. As rich as our AD is, it’s still a non-profit that doesn’t use taxpayer money and has to keep finances in check.
  4. Alberts is playing chess while Frost has been playing checkers with his play calling. As for the original topic…Smothers is legit. Still rough around the edges, but he’s good. Makes me wonder what would have happened had we used him earlier when Martinez was hurt… Oh well. I’m kinda hoping we just get someone to push Smothers via the transfer portal…but yeah, Smothers starting next year isn’t going to be a bad thing IMO…
  5. I think he meant "wasted" as in he was a top-tier talent and we didn't get to see him shine in a Title game (or even a win against a Top 25 program). Or maybe he meant "wasted" as in the dude would go gonzo at parties and get blitzed out of his gourd. Who knows?
  6. This was a great find, thanks. It's mind-boggling how close, yet how far we are from having a hell of a season under Frost. Here's hoping the changes we put in place for next season get us on the right side of .500.
  7. Agreed. The scheme is sound--the fact that we've had the numbers with it, in spite of a poor O-Line and mediocre RB play speaks to it. Getting an O-Line and RB coach that can find their arse with both hands would easily get us to six wins. And probably keep 1/3rd of the turnovers Martinez created from happening (as he wouldn't have to do everything himself).
  8. BTW, how have we gotten this far into the #2 discussion and this GIF wasn't posted: Obligatory.
  9. Nebraska 27 Idiots Out Wandering Amok 20 Rushing: 175 Passing: 235
  10. Really? To many of us, a gimpy, broken, one-legged, broken-jawed Adrian Martinez looked like the #1 *and* 2 QB on the roster in Frost's eyes.
  11. Oh sweet baby Jesus on a pogo stick, bringing him to Lincoln to fix this mess would be a good step in the right direction.
  12. Look--drunk Huskerboard members who sent in resumes to the Athletic Department and said "i c0uLD Do BeDtER thAN FrOSTY111!!!" don't count as 'a lot of interest'. Also...what if we're trying to bring Solich back as OC to break the curse?
  13. Except that Matt Davison was brought in to be Frost's "yes man", so the level of confidence in Davison doing right in this is low. Would have a lot more confidence if Trev was running point on this, or it was someone Trev picked.
  14. What do you mean? Kansas Basketball is a blueblood institution in the NCAA, and they're worth aspiri-- oh wait, you meant the football team, didn't you.
  15. Not ironic, but it would be delicious Schadenfreude.
  16. It has. And that's a double-edged sword of a hire if there ever was one. And yes, we should grab Fuente as an analyst or as OC. Guy has a lot of upside.
  17. I hope Chancellor Brewington stays, just based on his name alone.
  18. 1. Will Adrian play? Yes, Adrian will be playing Forza Horizon 5 because it's an incredible game and Next-Gen gaming achievement. After he plays QB at Wisky. 2. Who will be coaching the offense? Frost will use Twitter Polls to get instant feedback. Or he'll just call the offense himself. 3. What will the attitude of the players going into the game? Will they show up & play their hearts out? Hopefully no one play until their heart is physically out of their body, or this game will be memorable for all the wrong reasons. But the players will likely put a more concerted effort out there--they know change is on the horizon, and it's time to put your best foot forward if you're staying. Defense will be just as good as always, and Special Teams...well, we love Special Teams. [/Marge Simpson--bonus if you get the reference] 4. Wil[l] the super seniors & other NFL hopefuls play or walk away to prepare for the NFL? Most will play, but you'll have one or two that won't play the last two games to preserve themselves for Combines. 5. Will Nebraska fans travel to the game or tune in to watch or listen or is there a collective meh/Burnout? Fans will turn out that are local, but it will be hard to tell since Wisky wears red too. And we'll tune in--there's been change, and since everyone seems to be displeased about what was done, it stands to reason Trev probably made the best decision he could at this point.
  19. Add a zero and then we're cookin' with gas. I mean, we just had a doozy of a thread started with someone that's got ~200 posts to their name. Let's add a zero and close the door on this derp, please?
  20. Special Teams--even with the offense in the state that it is, if we had even a competent Special Teams corps and skill position players, we win at least a couple of those games. My question/concern is how Frost let Special Teams get to the point where it is currently. I mean...other than the O-Line, this is the big, glaring, neon-colored hole in our team that's causing us the most consternation, right? Conversely, it would be hard to be Trev, look at the 37 points dropped by Special Teams, look at the 43 points we lost by, and not think that this is fixable and worth keeping Frost around for.
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