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Everything posted by caveman99

  1. He was a 2 in 3 guy so he is now a RJr. with 2 to play still.
  2. Well looking at the QB's on the roster, they are all Jr.'s or younger so I would guess whomever wins should get a shot to play 2-3 years at least. That is provided they don't get beat out later on, which is entirely possible with the talent on the roster and Bo's edict that the best players play.
  3. He came from Iowa whose Strength Coach is known nationally. Bo brought him in last year as a part of the new staff, Bo and Co. want leaner and faster players that are still strong as oxes. Dob's did some great work last offseason getting the players trimmed down and into shape. Dillard lost like 30-40 lbs. Team got noticeably faster and had more stamina. So far he seems like a great pick up for Bo.
  4. Genetics also makes some ceilings higher than others. My ceiling is definately not as high as Cody Green's ceiling. No matter what I do I won't be big or strong enough to play D1 FB. I am a good athlete, but I don't have the ceiling some of these guys have. However to your point, in my athletic area of compitence I was able to get better quicker than some by putting in the same amount of work. When I put in the extra effort I got to another level higher than most and hence I was pretty successful in my athletic endeavors.
  5. You see that as a fan, of course. As a recruit, Kevin Young can see it completely differently. Which is less bias? So either you are right or you are saying Kevin is a little bit stupid in what he saw in relation to how he would get PT. Wasn't there talk at one point that Mangino pulled or would pull his offer to Young if he looked at other schools. The whole loyalty thing that Mangino has stuck with in the past. I guess he was willing to set a whole new prescedent.
  6. 100 inch wingspan is impossible. That is a measurement of his standing reach. He places his hands above his head and it basically means his height (close to 80 inches) plus his arms another 20+ inches over his head is his reach. Not an immensely important measurable. It is a measurable that matters for D-Lineman that have to get their hands up and disrupt the passing game.
  7. Um...what exactly is Potter referring to there??? Getting invited to the Combine
  8. How exactly would Taylor have been great in Meyer's offense? Maybe I have the wrong Taylor. Are you speaking of Zac Taylor or Steve Taylor? Either way, I don't think either Taylor would have excelled in Meyer's offense. If Tebow comes back and makes it to another NC game, he probably surpasses Frazier. If not, he simply equals him. Both have done great things for their respective programs. Tebow has two NC rings plus his hypseman trophy. Frazier has two NC rings. I will say this about the two. Frazier would have more than likely succeeded in Florida's offense more than Tebow would have excelled in Nebraska's offense in the 90's. Tebow is big, but he's not an exceptional runner at all. Ahhhh yes Steve Taylor! Good player, not great though. How about Turner Gill? I think he would be better than both Tebow and Frost in that offense.
  9. If he doesn't declare, isn't the LB Witherspoon back? He is a really good player.
  10. That is what I thought to, AR's response indicated that the incident was his 2nd violation and he was getting a 7 day suspension.
  11. As of right now yes they are. That is what Bo believes in and he has said so on several occassions. He is the one that drives the train on the weekly selection process and all signs point to it staying for the forseeable future.
  12. Really? I'm not so sure on that. Not really an NFL guy. Is he better than Vince Young in college, I don't think so. Now realize that and then look at Vince Young right now. Name me one QB from a spread-type run first offense that has been a success in the NFL. There isn't one, save Michael Vick if you count him. Maybe Tebow can do it, but he doesn't have the accuracy or arm strength VY had in college, so how he could start for any team I don't understand. Yeah most project him as an H-Back in the NFL. And yes he could start for NU over Ganz, easily. Especially the Zone Read offense NU ran this year. Right up his alley as a dual threat. And for the recruiting process, wasn't he the one that had the TV special on him in Florida as a Senior? If so I thought he said in that show that he grew up a Gator fan and his dream was to go to Florida, wasn't really a doubt I don't think in the end.
  13. That is Tuff Tigers description of MU, Tuff as Hurricane! Started out as Tuff as Rain. He changed it earlier this year. Am................ok? TT is a big fan favorite here, to get the whole TAR start you'd have to search TT and go back to last year. He has these great posts trying to explain it. He upgraded it this year to Hurricane, if I remember right, to reflect the awesome play MU was displaying at the time.
  14. That is Tuff Tigers description of MU, Tuff as Hurricane! Started out as Tuff as Rain. He changed it earlier this year.
  15. ok if you say so........
  16. It is really good to hear this kind of stuff about him. Would be nice to get a nice rotation of Dominate DT's again.
  17. I would like to point out that Bo's philosophy is to have them selected each week.
  18. It was actually a matter of a head coach violating his contract. He knew what would happen, and did it anyway. Neither side has done anything awful, it just should not be surprising that both chose to do what they did. Actually, nobody knows if anything was in his contract or not because it's not a public record. What the media has reported is that the AD told him not to interview for the Jets job, and that there would be consequences if he did. What also is fact is that he was fired without cause, meaning he gets paid. If the "loyalty clause" was truly written in the contract he would have been fired with cause. What several reports indicated is that it was a verbal loyalty agreement between the AD and coach, verbal agreements are hard to uphold in court.
  19. Actually it was never confirmed whether or not the "Loyalty Agreement" was written in the contract or was simply a verbal agreement. Fact is that BC let him go without cause meaning he gets his pay. If that clause was truly in the written contract then I think he would have been fired for cause. Verbal agreements are hard to prove. Either way a commitment was made and it is a bad example set by the coach. I applaud BC for this, even if it costs them money. Funny thing is that this may have been better for BC in the long run anyway, word is that the coach really didn't like to recruit. He didn't like having to do that and favored going back to the pros and was looking for any excuse. The recruiting classes he brought in were less than stellar to say the least, he was working on the previous staff's talent. He lost in state talent as well. Heard an interesting take by Jeremy Crabtree, from Rivals, on USC yesterday about this. He can coach X's and O's, but doesn't like to do the other aspects of the College head job.
  20. Yeah that was my first thought when I read that, f'n Sproles. Man that kid could/can run. Looked funny though in Purple.
  21. So if academic issues are what prevents him from being N, is it a wait an see game for test scores this month?
  22. According to who it is. We definitely do not 'need' another LB, but if a guy who is high on our board decides he wants to be apart of the class we will not turn him away. I would think we take Martin if given the chance. Seems to have the qualities Bo likes in a player.
  23. Does zEbOb get to come back today or tomorrow? I miss that lug and his pictures. Anyway, I WIN Again!!!!!!!!!
  24. HA HA! I just saw the video of that commercial today for the first time, hilarious! "You're gonna love my nuts!" Guess Vince got tired of selling just shamwows.
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