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The Maudfather

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Status Updates posted by The Maudfather

  1. I've been waiting for this day to get here for a verrrrrry long time now. I'm ready to watch some college football tonight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. madman23


      Last day of work for me this week!! GBR


    3. NoDoubt


      it's like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders!!


    4. The Maudfather

      The Maudfather

      @madman, me too, brother. Gonna go home tonight, fire up the grill, drink some beer, eat some burgers and watch some football. <bartscott>can't wait!</bartscott>

  2. Looking for reasonably priced Fresno St/Ohio St tickets. PM me.

  3. Oklahoma State's new uniforms are sweet. I'll say it.

  4. Working a double shift today...Still have about 3 hours to kill. Any suggestions?

    1. GMoose


      Pool. Swimming or table

  5. Tyler Gabbert is already leaving Louisville? What a stand up guy.

    1. lilred


      lol... what's his deal?

    2. GSG


      His new nickname is "Flip Flop" and it's not cuz of his shoes...

  6. Anybody know why they call it xbox 360? Cuz when you see it, you turn 360 degrees and walk away.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dizzturbedNUfan


      lol, must mean you can't resist it! Love my Xbox........and PS3.

    3. The Maudfather
    4. Roark


      Lulz. Yeah right.

  7. The only way things can get worse for Japan is if Godzilla actually does start destroying Tokyo.

    1. holvy83


      no doubt, Godzilla would be the least of their worries though... I do have a friend in Japan and he has said repeatedly that the media is of course making things a lot worse than it is.

  8. I heard from a friend inside the program that BREAKING NEWS on April 1st isn't taken seriously.

  9. Ideas for office April Fools?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bradr


      Super glue your bosses door shut. While he's in his office.

    3. lilred


      Buy three pigs. Label them 1, 2, and 4. Let them loose in the office. Chaos ensues.

    4. GSG


      Super glue your boss to his/her chair

  10. They be like Shawn Watson (What?) Can you teach me how to dougie?

  11. Upset special. Nothing would make me happier, then to see Texas get knocked off.

    1. Husker Richard

      Husker Richard

      It would almost redeem our loss to them in the FB season.

  12. I've been told I have a rapist wit.

    1. NUance


      Ha ha! I hope they meant a rapier’s wit. (Sharp wit.)

  13. Just saw Okieland's post in the huskerboard t-shirt thread. All I can say is, you need that shirt.

  14. Looks like my job finally got wise to my act and blocked rivals....huskerboard is going to be seeing a whole lot more of The Maudfather.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GSG


      I'm confused... when did you get a job? ;)

    3. UGAHusker


      I would never think to make the comparison of Rivals and 4 Loko being outlawed, but you have a definite point.

    4. Chaddyboxer


      The 4 Loko outlaw is DUMB! C'mon...i make Redbulld Vodkas all the time! SAME DAMN THING pretty much...

  15. Dude, Knapp....you posted 50 times today. 50. That's insane. My hat is off to you, good sir.

    1. knapplc


      It's all because you guys are so fun to talk to.

    2. CornHOLIO


      Must have a government job

    3. HuskerfaninOkieland
  16. So I slept on a park bench last night....no hobo.

    1. GM_Tood


      Did you freeze your nuts off?

    2. CornHOLIO


      Wasn't there a story about some guy losing his "head" while trying to "sleep" with a park bench in Korea or somewhere a few years ago?


    3. BigRedPowerWagon


      Thats really puttin the wood to it.

  17. Tight End nomination thread. That is all.

    1. jbarnum


      I nominate Megan Fox.

    2. knapplc


      Excellent nomination, Maudfather.

    3. The Maudfather

      The Maudfather

      Jbarn, she does have a very tight end. A guy I know....him and her GOT. IT. ON. woooowwwhheeee

  18. Just read all 15 pages of the Shawn Watson thread in the woodshed. I added about 20 posts and highly recommend reading the thread. Classic.

    1. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Yes, indeed it is

  19. Has somehow lived 21 years without hearing "Oh" by Union Turnpike. If we were to EVER change the music for the tunnel walk (I would never advocate that), but this would be at the top of my list for a replacement.

    1. HUSKER 37

      HUSKER 37

      Wish I could've lived a lot longer w/o hearing that..


      They're bastardizing Billy Squire's "The Stroke" now?


  20. Will be avoiding the melt down of huskerboard this week.

  21. Am officially 21. First thing I did, at 12:01.......bough a few cold ones. Yessir.



      Happy Birthday man. Can remember when you first joined the board.

    2. HuskerfaninOkieland


      Happy Birthda Maudy!

    3. holvy83


      I remember when i had my first beer! :) Happy B-Day man!

  22. Whoa whoa whoa...what the heck happened to huskerboard?

  23. @Jock/Okieland- I bough a mullet wig, with a fake beard that I am going to wear. I also have a referee shirt and am going to have a giant sign that says "LOLTEXAS" Trying to get some camera time tonight. Keep an eye out.

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