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Scarlet Overkill

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Everything posted by Scarlet Overkill

  1. Also wouldn’t mind trying out a Polaris Slingshot. They look like fun.
  2. What do you drive? What do you wish you drove instead? Right now I’m in a Toyota RAV4. Wish I had a Corvette. Maybe.
  3. I watched the first episode the other night. Not sure how they can stretch the concept out into a whole series but i’ll stick with it and see where it goes.
  4. Just think how cool it would be for your son to actually see and touch the ring some day... rather than just having a story about it.
  5. I want to be the “get back” coach on the sidelines. Is there a category for that?
  6. What am i witnessing here?  Fugly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scarlet Overkill

      Scarlet Overkill

      Couldn’t care less about what they are wearing.  The game itself is beyond atrocious.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Fugly is the nicest adjective for it.

    4. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Quite possibly the Tim Miles Swan Song.

  7. I am in the minority that had no problem with his demeanor, even after his tapes and tirades. I understand where he was coming from. But, he was definitely growing stagnant and not showing much improvement, so i had no problem with him being let go.
  8. He heard about the senior year injury jinx and got tf out while he could
  9. Guess i shouldn’t complain about it being 8 above then. But, there were some gusts that nearly blew me over, so there’s that.
  10. Plus what kind of justice system overlooks his antics? Everyone in Pocatello, ID must have been clueless.
  11. True of most jobs, but there might be a code of conduct in his contract. Just speculating. I don't want him gone unless proven to be a liability.
  12. Thanks for the reminder on True Detective. WIll definitely revisit that. Last night I watched “Abducted in Plain Sight”. It had me repeatedly screaming at the tv because these people were such ...how do I put this nicely... MORONS. Their daughter was abducted TWICE, by the same guy, and each thing they did leading up to the abductions was just so mind blowingly stupid. I’m still screaming.
  13. I know - was kidding. He often mentions wanting our guys’ performance numbers so fans can have something to talk about.
  14. Suh would NEVER have gotten close to the draft status and near miss on a hypseman under smilin’ mike
  15. I put chili powder on my cinnamon toast. My mother said, “good thing they put labels on the spices”.
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