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Everything posted by funhusker

  1. Does everyone realize this was just a "prediction"? Nebraska hasn't actually finished third in the division yet...
  2. Try every single high school student that has enlisted in the military. It's time to quit coddling these football players. "OHHH NOOO, I MIGHT PICK A PLACE THAT IS SLIGHTLY NOT AS GOOD AS THIS OTHER PLACE TO PLAY A GAME AND READ BOOKS AND WORK OUT ALL DAY...BOOOO HOOOO, WOE IS ME" They can kiss my ass. Nobody is trying to kill them. They aren't jumping out of airplanes. You tell someone you are going to do something, I.E commit somewhere, you freaking do it. If you're old enough, with a parent's permission, to sign to up shoot a damn gun and get shot back at, then you're old enough to take some responsiblility for where you are going to go to PLAY A GAME. Oh and some education too. I believe that is exactly what he is doing...
  3. Hey, I generally agree. There is no reason to use derogatory terms for someone if their actions alone paint the picture of their own ridiculousness. I don't personally call them "teabaggers," I don't make fun of John Boehner's last name, I resisted the humor of "Bush and Dick" during the last Republican regime, and I don't objectify Sarah Palin for her looks. But if you adopt the teabag as your own symbol, you better be ready for ridicule. I lump it in with all the other terms that get thrown around like democraps, libtards, rethuglicans, etc. It's derogatory and does absolutely nothing to further the conversation. This was my point. It does absolutely nothing to facilitate bi-partisanship. Neither does the Tea Party. That's their point.
  4. ^^^One of my boys (3 years at the time) told his preschool teacher that "dad was working on his dick because it was old...." (I was sanding and re-staining the deck last summer)
  5. Good thing the U.S. brought him home then....
  6. Comparing "kid wanting teddy bear" to "cancer" is the same as comparing "my problems" to "God's problems".... Is your kid going to die if they don't get the teddy bear? Because if the answer is "no", then it isn't the same comparison. At all. I wasn't the one comparing teddy bears to cancer.... I'm not comparing my childrens' "problems" to the plights of the world. I'm comparing our (mankind's) confusion and frustration in God's works to the confusion and frustrations our children feel when they don't get everything they want. Our world is in chaos, people are suffering, murder and rape happen, pediatric cancer happens. And none of us understand why. That's my point.... I know the comparison that you are trying to make. It is just not even remotely valid. Why? Do 4 year old children fully understand what it takes to raise a family and manage a household?.....no Does that mean their parents don't love them and know that there will come a time when the child understands?.....not necessarily Do "believers" fully understand why a gracious God would allow suffering in the world?....no Does that mean that God doesn't love them (or exist at all) and know that there will be a time his children understands?....not necessarily I don't mean for the comparison to stand as evidence to convert non-believers. I use it to reconcile some of the challenges I face in my own mind as a believer. I seek answers, I believe Science (keep in mind most Christians do also : Catholics and Lutherans certainly), but I also know that all of my questions won't be answered by the time my life is done.
  7. Sure. But is saying "you can't have 5 teddy bears" the same as saying "I'm going to watch you painfully die of cancer" or "Have fun starving to death"? Comparing "kid wanting teddy bear" to "cancer" is the same as comparing "my problems" to "God's problems".... Is your kid going to die if they don't get the teddy bear? Because if the answer is "no", then it isn't the same comparison. At all. I wasn't the one comparing teddy bears to cancer.... I'm not comparing my childrens' "problems" to the plights of the world. I'm comparing our (mankind's) confusion and frustration in God's works to the confusion and frustrations our children feel when they don't get everything they want. Our world is in chaos, people are suffering, murder and rape happen, pediatric cancer happens. And none of us understand why. That's my point....
  8. To answer the "what about people who never knew Christ?" question... 1 Peter 4:6 New International Version For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit. Our Lord also emphasized the "eternal punishment" of hell: When Jesus spoke of the coming last judgment and the separating of the righteous from the evil, he will say to the latter, "Out of my sight you condemned, into that everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (cf. Mt 25:31ff). Jesus also spoke of "risking the fires of Gehenna" for serious sins, like anger and hatred (Mt 5:21ff), and adultery and impurity (Mt 5:27ff). Given this understanding, we believe that the sin of Adam and Eve had closed the Gates of Heaven. The holy souls awaited the Redeemer in the land of the dead, or hell. Our Lord offered the perfect sacrifice for all sin by dying on the cross, the redemptive act that touches all people of every time — past, present and future. He was then buried. During that time, He descended among the dead: His soul, separated from His body, joined the holy souls awaiting the Savior in the Land of the Dead. Remember St. Paul wrote, "'He ascended' — what does this mean but that He had first descended into the lower regions of the earth? He who descended is the very one who ascended high above the heavens, that He might fill all men with His gifts" (Eph 4:9-10). His descent among the dead brought to completion the proclamation of the Gospel and liberated those holy souls who had long awaited their Redeemer. The Gates of Heaven were now open, and these holy souls entered everlasting happiness enjoying the beatific vision. Please note Jesus did not deliver those souls damned to eternal punishment in hell nor did He destroy hell as such; they remained in that state and place of damnation begun at the time of their particular judgment. The Catechism highlights the importance of this event: "This is the last phase of Jesus' messianic mission, a phase which is condensed in time but vast in its real significance: the spread of Christ's redemptive work to all men of all times and all places, for all who are saved have been made sharers in the redemption" (No. 634).
  9. Sure. But is saying "you can't have 5 teddy bears" the same as saying "I'm going to watch you painfully die of cancer" or "Have fun starving to death"? Comparing "kid wanting teddy bear" to "cancer" is the same as comparing "my problems" to "God's problems"....
  10. Sometimes my children don't get things they want, or are forced to do something they would rather not by myself or their mother. Their small world becomes chaos. They become mad, frustrated and confused. My wife and I don't do this to be mean, we do it to hopefully make them better adults (my children are 4, being an adult is an eternity away in their minds and they have no clue what it even entails). Our children respond, "I don't love you! Your MEAN!" We continue to love them even though they don't see or understand the reasons behind our actions or in some cases, inaction.
  11. We (Christians, Muslims, and insert other religious followers here) have always had groups among us that are judgemental, unfair, and unwilling to see and recognize change in the world. I believe it is a minority of our groups, but they still exist. Kinda like Colorado fans, most Nebraska fans did not have a good experience at the games. Not because 30,000 fans were buttheads, but because 10-15 were buttheads....
  12. "In daily life, cultural, ethnic and racial differences matter, but they can be seen and celebrated as what God intends them to be — blessings rather than means of oppression and discrimination. We are a church that belongs to Christ, where there is a place for everyone. Christ’s church is not ours to control, nor is it our job to sort, divide, categorize or exclude." - Not all churches are made up of judgmental a**holes....
  13. "While Lutherans hold various convictions regarding lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships, this church is united on many critical issues. It opposes all forms of verbal or physical harassment and assault based on sexual orientation. It supports legislation and policies to protect civil rights and to prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, and public services. It has called upon congregations and members to welcome, care for, and support same-gender couples and their families and to advocate for their legal protection. The ELCA recognizes that it has a pastoral responsibility to all children of God. This includes a pastoral responsibility to those who are same-gender in their orientation and to those who are seeking counsel about their sexual self-understanding. (this does not mean "pray the gay away", it may mean helping a person accept the fact that he/she is gay) All are encouraged to avail themselves of the means of grace and pastoral care." Taken from ELCA's view on human sexuality, which homosexuality is definitely part of....
  14. So you think killing an innocent baby (fetus, actually, and generally not "alive") is horrendous . . . but killing an innocent adult is an acceptable risk. Somehow that makes sense, I guess. Let's just work with numbers here. How many innocent adults have actually been killed by the death penalty? How many innocent babies have been killed by abortion? It is not acceptable that an innocent person may be put to death but I don't think the fact that we will never be 100% accurate is enough to preclude it. If that is the case, then why even have a legal system at all? I mean we'll never get it 100% right so screw it, let people do what they want with no repercussions. We probably shouldn't even begin to delve into your claim of a fetus being actually and generally not alive. I think that has been covered ad nauseum in other threads and you should've known better than to bring it up here. Matthew 25:40-45 New International Version (NIV) 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me,you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ (this applies to "born" humans also)
  15. not that it is needed, but !!! The FIRST post in this thread linked a CNN article from the 12th!!!! A week and a half before the absolutely (no quoes needed) racist and idiotic comments by Bundy were brought out. The stupid, it BURNS!!!!!
  16. That damn bastard Bo, he never should have been a man of his word and honored Darlington's scholarship, it's all about the rings. Or, he should have kidnapped another top QB cuz we're Nebraska, we deserve it. This isn't the first time Bo has punted his QB recruiting, I seem to remember him being the only person on the planet thinking Bubba Starling wouldn't take several million dollars from the Royals and would rather be Taylor's backup for a few years. Yeah, what were the coaches thinking.... Sure would have been nice if they took another QB in Startling's class. Possibly an athletic type that could play another position to get his athleticism on the field....sure would've been a good idea....
  17. All the articles in the world can be written about how stale or lackluster Nebraska is right now. They will all mean squat when we come out strong and prove them all wrong this year. Is this post from 2006? Or 2010? No wait, this definitely has some of that wacky 2007 slang to it! You'll excuse me if I actually want to see this happen before I blindly believe it again. You will never ever cheer faithfully for Nebraska again. You won't blindly give the benefit of doubt, but you blindly dismiss the team you claim to be a fan of. I like Nebraska. Sometimes they freakin low my mind as to why/how they lose. But I still like them. You seem to revel in wjht ails them most instead of deciding to cheer for what are clearly positive signs f li on this team. Or I'm intelligent enough to see the obvious problems that need to be fixed so my rooting in the team can be further enhanced by them actually winning something of substance, like a conference title or, -gasp-, more. Something that has eluded this program since the Clinton administration. Blindly wishing gets absolutely zero done. You bitch and moan with the best of them and Pelini is still our coach, and you come across as conceding that NU will still lose just as many if not more games next year. Apparently being a sourpuss doesn't work either. I'm intelligent enough to see that....
  18. This can't be a serious question. Can it? I'll respond to your question with a few questions of my own: Can someone legally be fired from their job due to their sexual orientation? Can someone be denied housing due to their sexual orientation? Can homosexuals get married to their romantic partners? Here is the one that, as a teenager, made me wake up to the issue. In college, I worked in an intensive care unit in a major hospital. In that unit, only family members are allowed to see visit the patient. Under strict interpretation of that, a gay person would not be allowed to visit their partner even if they were dying in that unit. Anyone who thinks this is really a non issue really doesn't understand the situation. If I had dated a gal and we lived together for 15 years and just decided not to get married, would she be allowed to see me, or vice versa? Cuz I have heard of such a thing like that too. Not to derail your train of thought there, but I just want to point out that something like that is not a homosexual situation. It's a "no commonsense, do it by the book" one. It's bullsh#t regardless. Mr. A, I agree with you on the "no common sense" stuff. Not enough of it in the world, sadly never will be. However, I highlighted the section of the previous post that makes your example totally different than a homosexual couple that wanted to be married but couldn't be. EDIT: I am assuming the couple that BRB is talking about would have been married if allowed. I will admit I am making assumptions, but it is to illustrate the inequalities some people face. In your scenario, the couple CHOSE not to be married...
  19. How about the incident in the basement of the Cornhusker, then? Explain I don't know the details, only that "it" happened. Da Skers probably knows all about it, I'd rather not dive into it as there are a number of people within the athletic department that read this board and know who I am. Really? Landlord: "well, what about that broken vase?" board: "What broken vase?" Landlord: "I don't wanna say, my Mom reads the board" .....if the vase is really broke, your Mom already knows about it....
  20. You obviously miss some things,like the point of my original post.... Because it took you until now to realize that that, in fact, is my only problem with the article. I agree that the Huskers are hanging right at the edge. But to short the program wins is pathetic. How bout we just call it like it is and say Bo is coaching for his 7th straight 1 win season...Would that be incorrect??? I really hope I'm not the only person sick and tired of "your posts"....
  21. you are here: huskerboard.com
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