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Status Replies posted by Enhance

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how irritated and/or pissed should I be that one of the people I share my Netflix account with (brother/sister-in-law, mother/father-in-law) upgraded my Netflix account to the Ultra HD package without asking me? You have to do it from a logged in computer and not the app.

    Bear in mind that I've never once asked any of them to help pay for it, but none of them have ever offered, either. It's only a $4/month difference, but to not even ask or gives a heads up?

  2. Anyone go out to eat yet?  I ate at a mexican place today.  F

    1. Enhance


      I've eaten at my in-laws café a couple times in the last couple of weeks. They have social distancing rules in effect inside, all the staff wear masks.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  3. Some very valid points in this rant


  4. If I get the earwax ad one more time, I'm sending a pimple popping video to all the mods. 

  5. Is Chili & Cinnamon Rolls Nebraska's "signature dish?"

    1. Enhance


      Same situation to @ColoradoHusk. I was in Omaha public schools from the 90's into the mid 2000's (class A high school). Never had chili & cinnamon rolls for lunch.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  6. Is Chili & Cinnamon Rolls Nebraska's "signature dish?"

    1. Enhance


      Runza has probably one of the better fast food burgers around (in comparison to their other drive up peers like McD's, BK, Freddy's, Wendy's, etc.) 


      @JJ Husker TBH I hate Runzas so that'd be it for me. Valentino's is OK. I'd be fine if I never had it again.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  7. Is Chili & Cinnamon Rolls Nebraska's "signature dish?"

    1. Enhance


      @Red Five In fairness, if you look at signature dishes from most states, a lot of them are things you can get elsewhere.


    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  8. Is Chili & Cinnamon Rolls Nebraska's "signature dish?"

    1. Enhance


      @Danny Bateman I'm ready for this - @ me :lol:. Runza's are gross and I'm ashamed people associate them with Nebraska. Some states are known for bbq, doughnuts, different types of fresh foods, and here we are slumming it with a yeast dough turd that usually looks like it was squashed under an industrial press.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  9. Is Chili & Cinnamon Rolls Nebraska's "signature dish?"

    1. Enhance


      I'd rather people associate us with chili & cinnamon rolls than a nasty breaded meat pocket.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  10. Orange juice is superior to apple and grape juice. Come at me, fellow kids.

    1. Enhance


      @krc1995 I think OJ is still the clear winner if we judge them individually and without mixers. I wager (though I have no proof) that the vast majority of people would prefer a glass of OJ over straight tomato juice.


      Blood Mary's > any alcoholic OJ mix I can think of, though.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  11. Orange juice is superior to apple and grape juice. Come at me, fellow kids.

    1. Enhance


      I don't know many people who prefer apple (or grape) over orange. 


      Juice isn't that great for you, though, so I usually avoid it.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  12. Name a movie you remember being on HBO all the time "back in the day".  I will start.  Night of the Comet.

  13. Pandora or Spotify, which do you prefer? 

  14. Pandora or Spotify, which do you prefer? 

  15. In the last two years, the Huskers have lost 8 games by 7 points or fewer.

  16. Anyone else make their first tic-tock yet?

  17. Today my Dad goes in for double (potentially quadruple depending on other blockage) bypass surgery today.  He had a heart attack Friday.   This is hard for us, none of the family could see him over the weekend or before his surgery.   And his poor nurses had to deal with a crotchety old man who didn't have his phone, hearing aides or teeth.   Bless those care givers for having to deal with him when he can't communicate very well and is hangry.

  18. Kids are still playing basketball at the park, so the city had to physically take down the hoop, rim and all. desperate times call for desperate measures I guess

  19. Dr. Anthony Fauci on some states still not issuing stay-at-home orders: "I don't understand why that's not happening. … If you look at what's going on in this country, I just don't understand why we're not doing that. We really should be." Guessing Ricketts has to act now.

  20. How do you take your coffee? And if you use it, what is your creamer of choice?

  21. How do you take your coffee? And if you use it, what is your creamer of choice?

  22. A coworker was out 2 weeks in what was said to be self quarantine, we now know he was positive for covid 19 and our employer has yet to say anything .wtf


  23. A coworker was out 2 weeks in what was said to be self quarantine, we now know he was positive for covid 19 and our employer has yet to say anything .wtf


  24. Any teachers out there using Zoom? Any suggestions or warnings? Going full bore on Wednesday

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