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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. I never end up seeing movies it seems like...but this would be cool if they start BEFORE he becomes the Joker...almost like a DC Torture Porn type movie.
  2. Shed has been kind of dead.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      See....I knew it was a big mistake to replace Riley. The HB online experience is suffering :HotTake:;)

    3. Cdog923


      Sounds like a couple people from the politics forum might spice it up soon. 

    4. Redux


      Don't lump me in with those ragamuffins, I'm merely visiting.

  3. Of course I do...we all wish we could inherit money like that.
  4. They did? I don't remember that at all! I remember the non-stop supply of Vals in the cafeteria though.
  5. I am not a business owner but if I was I would refuse service/goods to zero people...because I want everyones money...so that my business can do better and I can have more.
  6. With all the crazy fake times out there a lot of people will think that is slow...but it isn't.
  7. 5th...this is what Riley does to teams. Imagine if he was back. NU would be picked 8th in the west.
  8. I feel like, if they wanted, a Fett movie could be a lot darker. I don't think they will go that way but it feels like it would work.
  9. Not really...it is still a "check out my morals" type of thread at the moment.
  10. Way better...25 or 26 high major teams is brutal. Illinois has what is pretty much the nastiest schedule in the country with 27 high major games...
  11. Shoot, Clemson could start the season in the top 10...they are loaded.
  12. Oh What a Night: Birth and Black Velvet: 14th Gentlemen...it is pretty clear that I f#&% and that I f#&% very very well.
  13. The plane usage thing is fine but lets face it...head coach at NU is going to fly for free if he wants to fly for free...he just needs to ask one of the big boosters. Also, I sign a contract every year...I notice he doesn't get 5 personal days a year like I do...Take that!
  14. I think when people ask for "links" it is lazy. I read it somewhere but I can't find the link now. Hold on.
  15. Hahaha! That is awesome!! I have a guy in my department that is sort of a living legend at the school and in the department. He is halftime now and we thought he might not come back but he is...it is one of those things that is very similar to your story.
  16. Does it count as paying if it is dinner and drinks?
  17. I don't mean tear down in a bad way...I mean saying..."Man, that kid never became the stud I thought he would"
  18. All recruits are great...until they aren't. It is okay to hype them up and it is okay to tear them down.
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