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Everything posted by commando

  1. i didn't know what we were suppose to see at first....but after awhile i figured it out. i believe if i had dog ears i might have caught it much sooner.
  2. my first year of fantasy football my team stank it up but won the "toilet bowl". so the next year i named my team the Commode Commandos to honor my team winning the toilet bowl. after a few years the team name was shortened to commandos and i was called commando. it has been my online moniker ever since
  3. i hate that we have a president who thinks he has to suck his own dick on stage in front of the UNGA
  4. can we boycott all fast food for being bad for our health?
  5. i was thinking it was to give cover to the 2 new allegations until they can come up with their own cover story
  6. i believe the rosenstein firing news was fake news put out by trumps whitehouse to obscure the real news concerning kavanaugh
  7. bunch of new tariffs start today so happy new taxes day everyone.
  8. smiling after a td....damn them young disrespectful kids.
  9. a fort has walls...he will love it. especially if there is any gold plating on his fort
  10. i trust that the coaches have the best players out there already. and i hope that maybe it's still an issue of getting 2nd nature with the new blocking assignments for this offense compared to the last offense. .
  11. any photos from michigan before and after the game today?
  12. doesn't make a lot of difference what play is called when your line is totally out matched
  13. well...it is tough to live up to GOD status
  14. an accused sexual molester who was nominated by a serial molester is endorsed by a child molester.......and the bible thumpers support them. is this bizarro america?
  15. thank god for the right to have the tools to be able to shoot as many of your imagined oppressors as possible.
  16. i thought this was clever and funny.
  17. wish it was #44 of the buffs rather than their mascot. would be well earned justice for him
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