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Everything posted by Stumpy1

  1. Have you ever tried one? If not, you should. Just don't become so reliant on them like I have that you can hardly work out without it. If you really want to make strides in the gym, a pre workout supplement is almost necessity IMO. The best ones (like Hyde) will give you endurance like you've never had before in the gym. What type of workouts are you doing and what is your goal? Mine is maintain health and keep weight off. So, I do 25-30 minutes of aerobic workout and I'm done. I'm starting to work in some resistance training but that's mainly low weight and high reps stuff on circuit training equipment. But, that's mainly just so that I can eliminate repetitive use injuries and keep muscle tone. In that case, pre workout is probably not necessary. I usually do an hour of lifting and try to play basketball or shoot around for a little while. I alternate between building muscle and cutting fat, usually on 2-3 week cycles. Not trying to tell you how to do your workout but you should go in 2-3 month cycles, not 2-3 weeks. You will benefit from it a lot better.
  2. I will have to check them out...I ordered some protein from a local company, peaknutrition.com, to try and it isn't bad for the price. The only thing I don't like about it is that it has sugar in it to give it a little taste.
  3. This is what I use and I will add a scoop of Nitric Oxide into it every once in a while. If you guys want a great place to order products from, go to Truenutrition.com. I order all my stuff from them.
  4. I find it funny that Aaron Green leaves, then Burkhead gets hurt and Ameer takes over. Now Braylon leaves and Ameer gets hurt and Imani takes over. it is kinda ironic,
  5. About damn time...My first pick at QB
  6. Was reading that the Allstate commercial guy was there also. Is he friends with Tom?
  7. I drive a '09 F150 and the wife drives a '11 Lincoln MKS...We are looking for a new car to play around in, like walks jeep up above, thats a hint if you want to sell it.
  8. Ht: 6'0 Wt: 212 Bench: 16 reps(225)...Will go down now that I broke my wrist and have to have surgery Vert: Don't know but I can just touch the rim on a basketball hoop 40: I don't run, it's stupid
  9. There has been " little" chatter about FSU wanting to join. They are just sitting and waiting to see what happens with a few other teams. I voted Texas...woody stated many of my reasons.
  10. Honestly, I was not very impressed at all by his workout film. His front squat seems to be below average and his power clean was also sub par. Anyone else agree? As far as weight wise, he could probably do more but his form looks good on both. The only thing I didn't like was that he was bouncing the bar of his chest on bench and he could slow down when doing the lifts.
  11. " Chubb got some penetration on that dive, could have gotten more if his head was up "
  12. Ok, move the breakfast area wall flush with the back porch wall? I guess the hallway in the utlity room could be part of a bigger utility area then, Only thing is I can't take off more then 10 sq feet on the total living area because there is a 2400 minimum. I wonder if the pantry area could (someday and with a new owner) could potentially be a small bathroom? What about just taking out the breakfast area wall that is also a hall? Maybe that would be too open. Im not sure what pocket doors are, but that side of the house is going to be the safe side and the master bath is going to be what they call a panic room. We don't live in that rough of an area but we do have a couple of reasons to build a secure area Pocket doors are doors that slide in and out of the wall. They are used to save space from the opening of regular doors and allow more wall space.
  13. El Dorado is a good western as is The man that shot Liberty Valance...If you haven't watched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, do, it is a good show.
  14. I would get rid of the breakfast area by moving the exterior wall in and giving you more patio space and then move your fridge over there and put in more cabinets there along with the pantry and then open the space up where they used to sit. It would give you a clear view of the dining room to go along with the rest of the family area. I would also consider pocket doors in the master bath and closet.
  15. Meet my new girlfriend...Anna Silk

  16. He just landed offers from UGA, Michigan St and Texas this week.
  17. My diet is based around the amount of macros i that intake every 2-3 hrs. EX...I get up in the morning and consume 16g of fat with 45g of protein( 2 tablespoons of real peanut butter and 1/4 cup of egg whites), 2-3 hrs later, I consume 45g of protien and 20g of carbs, no fat, 2-3 hrs later, 8g of fat and 25g of protien( i will follow this one till I go to bed or till workout)...post workout is 50g of carbs and 50g of protien, 1-2 hrs later, it is 8g of fat, 20g of carbs and 50g of protien. 2-3hr later, I go back to the 8g of fat and 25g of protien till bed. It goes like this everyday except on Saturdays, that day you want to eat as many carbs as possible for an 8 hr period and then go back to you eating plan. what this does is restores your glycogen levels back to normal and kicks your metabolism into high gear. you will actually start sweating when this happens and your muscles will "balloon out" also. It is a pretty neat feeling
  18. I have never done CF and I don't think I will. I have a routine that was given to me from a trainer and pro bodybuilder that I met through a friend and it has worked great. He told me that a person should only do about 20 mins of cardio, 3x a week and no more as it will start doing more harm then good. He said that going more then 20 mins will start having a reverse affect on your heart, kinda like lifting for a long period of time and your muscles can't take anymore cause of the acid build-up. As far as lifting, he said that a person should always do the 4 core lifts, bench, squat, deadlift and military press and work in auxillary lift around the core lifts,ex...flys, leg ext., incline DB press. He also said a person should always do body lifts as it will work the smaller muscles along with your bigger muscles more then just regular weights. He also pointed out that a person should make a routine that lasts at least 60 mins and not more then 90 if you are woking out hard. When it came to eating, he pointed out that a person who wants to get lean should try and eat every 2-3 hrs to keep their body fed continually and to keep their metabolism up and going. He said that is what he does during his cutting period before competitions and then quits and eats as much as he can during bulk up times. He gave me a print out of the eating diagram that he uses and it is broke down into macros and that is what he goes off of. I tried it for about 3 monthes and lost 25 lbs.
  19. I could see use using Stanton like OU does with Blake Bell.
  20. Why not take a chance on them and have a clause saying that a portion of the money they receive will have to go towards the educational part of school, ex...new research facilities and so on. I know it won't happen, but at least it would get us into the FL markets and we would have a brand name joining the confrence.
  21. My oldest son got to go meet some of the players and tour the facilities for school. He met Ameer, Rex, Kenny, Imani, Charles J. and a few others. He said the one that stood out to him was Courtey Love. My son said he is well built and big. He thought he was as big as Imani, if not bigger. I think this kid is going to be a good one for us. A few other things he said...He said Ameer is shorter then he looks but has massive legs and it very well built. Said Kenny was the funniest out of all the players, liked to joke with everyone on the tour. He said Rex was kinda like the dad of the group and was the one that told them most about the facilities and what it was like to be a football player at Nebraska. He said he is going to miss playing here because of the fans and the atmosphere.
  22. I could see it as Anderson, Rose, Santos to start out. Anyway you put it, we have serious talent at all 3 spots.
  23. There recruiting will be even better next year because of this last year. There are a handful of the top players in the nation from Texas and the rest of the south that have A&M in their top choices as Juniors. They could easly have a top 10 class next year. The thing that I don't care for is that they are already running by SEC rules when it comes to recruiting. I stated in another thread, they had 79 kids on scholarship and graduated 18 plus a junior leaving early, that leaves 25 spots for this year and they have 32 committed. SEC SEC SEC
  24. I could derp the sh#t out of this thread because of this post alone, but I won't. I'm a bigger man than that. Don't you alresdy do this to every thread...sh#t, nevermind, I was getting you and Hedley mixed up. Im just messin with you...I do enjoy your post and opinions, seem to be very level headed and state a lot of thing that I agree with.
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