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Pot calling the Kettle...

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soooo, "he's not Obama" isn't a good way to choose a candidate??


I'm so confused, tax returns, birth certificate, transcripts blah blah blah


Has either talked about fixing this country with anything remotely resembling concrete action?


no political two stepping allowed :D

hey, we are trying to have a conversation about politics here.

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The whole transcripts thing is a mute point. IIRC, Romney nor Obama have released all of their transcripts. Is one hiding something? Who knows. There is no way that either side is going to release any more info. It would add fuel to an already smoldering fire and allow them both to continue along the lines of "I might be a bad choice, but the other gy is an a$$. I hope that the election turns from this BS finding dirt on some guy to actually talk about the records and what each plans to do about the crappy economy, the housing market, unemployment, medicare and SS reform and most improtantly, addressing the 4 team college football playoff system.


For all intensive purposes, the election is a mere 2 months away and I really have no idea what either guy even stands for as it relates to reforming Medicare (to a degree with Ryan), SS, fixing the above housing collapse, getting out of Afghanistan, staying out of Syria, hell no one even mentions Israel about to go nuclear on Iran. All I know is that Romney killed some guys wife and Obama built everything and was the only reason we got UBL. (I am just as guilty as anyone posting my negative views) Just pointing out that time is drawing close and we still haven't really even heard either sides platform.

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Wayne Allyn Root - hardly an Obama supporter. The man has been likened to Charles Krauthammer. I wouldn't use either as a "source" for anything.


But this doesn't describe Obama's efforts to hide anything. It's one guy's opinion. Shockingly, a guy who is politically active, and not ideologically in line with Obama. How scandalous that he might not have anything good to say about the man. :rolleyes:

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Wayne Allyn Root - hardly an Obama supporter. The man has been likened to Charles Krauthammer. I wouldn't use either as a "source" for anything.


But this doesn't describe Obama's efforts to hide anything. It's one guy's opinion. Shockingly, a guy who is politically active, and not ideologically in line with Obama. How scandalous that he might not have anything good to say about the man. :rolleyes:

Of course he's not an Obama supporter. He's the head of the National Campaign for the Libertarian Party.

And yes, it's one man's opinion, but various posters on here offer supporting data from the Huffington Post, Maddow, and others and cite that as authenticity.

Just providing (since you asked) for an article.

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Wayne Allyn Root - hardly an Obama supporter. The man has been likened to Charles Krauthammer. I wouldn't use either as a "source" for anything.


But this doesn't describe Obama's efforts to hide anything. It's one guy's opinion. Shockingly, a guy who is politically active, and not ideologically in line with Obama. How scandalous that he might not have anything good to say about the man. :rolleyes:

Of course he's not an Obama supporter. He's the head of the National Campaign for the Libertarian Party.

And yes, it's one man's opinion, but various posters on here offer supporting data from the Huffington Post, Maddow, and others and cite that as authenticity.

Just providing (since you asked) for an article.

Sure . . . it's "an article" . . . but it doesn't provide seem to provide any facts.


What lengths has Obama gone to to keep his transcripts secret?

  • Fire 1
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Sure . . . it's "an article" . . . but it doesn't provide seem to provide any facts.


What lengths has Obama gone to to keep his transcripts secret?


This is a question for which we will get no answer, because none exists. It's a right-wing talking point and nothing more. Substance-less.

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Sure . . . it's "an article" . . . but it doesn't provide seem to provide any facts.


What lengths has Obama gone to to keep his transcripts secret?


This is a question for which we will get no answer, because none exists. It's a right-wing talking point and nothing more. Substance-less.

I suspect that this is true.

  • Fire 1
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Sure . . . it's "an article" . . . but it doesn't provide seem to provide any facts.


What lengths has Obama gone to to keep his transcripts secret?


This is a question for which we will get no answer, because none exists. It's a right-wing talking point and nothing more. Substance-less.


Knapp. That is politics. Much of the attacks are pointless and simply talking points. Remember the whole Romney killed Joe Soptic's wife. Romney is a felon.


Don't try and make it like it is it is just "the right wing." The libs have been doing this as well. Keep on lying (not you Politicians) and some of it will stick.


Same with the tax returns. Has he broken any laws? Nope. Not to my knowledge. Has he lied. Not to my knowledge. So he paid 13.9% (claimed). Who cares. Obama paid 20.9%. Who cares. Guess what. That is still less than I paid. Where is the gnashing of teeth over this! The outrage? It is non-existent. By the way, Obama claimed over $700,000 income in 2011. WAY more than me. Again the outrage.


Until tax laws change, this is what we get. Again, unsure if Romney paid on a salary or Capital gains (different tax code). And yes a salaried dollar and an investment dollar spend the same. It is the law. Does he have benefits we don't in regards to tax shelters, loopholes an army of accts and lawyers? Absolutely. Does it make it wrong. NO. Does Obama's income really justify paying only 20.9%. Absolutely not.


Again, if you (people) could lawfully avoid paying taxes they would. If I could minimize my exposure I would. If I knew more loopholes I would use them. You don't like it. Vote for change. Boycott big business. Shop locally. Just because it is the law, doesn't make it fair, but it is the law. Until it changes. we are stuck. Problem is AMERICANS need to be outraged at the mess we are in. Demand changes. If changes are not made vote them out.


If folks are that tore up about it ie Buffet check yes on your return and send in more money. Same with people on this board. If you feel so horrific to have a job, make money and provide for your family, send more in April. I a sure the govt would love that.


I hear y'all, he hasn't released his tax returns................Until he is charged with a crime, I could care less. And yes, if Obama didn't release his I could care less. There are significantly more important issues, at least for me, than who has released what.

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Again, if you (people) could lawfully avoid paying taxes they would. If I could minimize my exposure I would. If I knew more loopholes I would use them. You don't like it. Vote for change. Boycott big business. Shop locally. Just because it is the law, doesn't make it fair, but it is the law. Until it changes. we are stuck. Problem is AMERICANS need to be outraged at the mess we are in. Demand changes. If changes are not made vote them out.


Totally agree with this. The problem is, the Republicans have given us a candidate that has not only benefited from these loopholes, he's far more likely to make more of them than less. His policies benefit the wealthy (Romney Tax Plan).


If you truly believe what you wrote, you cannot vote for Mitt Romney. What's disheartening to me is that most Republicans understand what you wrote here, and agree with it - yet still vote for these people, still register under their party, still listen to their propaganda wing as their primary source of news. I'm agreeing with you wholeheartedly - but I'm asking you to take it one step further. Do what I did: Disassociate yourself from either party. Let them know that you do not support their policies of lies. Don't contribute to their campaigns, don't watch their shows, don't think how they tell you to think.






Incidentally, if have you (or any other self-declared conservative here) ever wondered why we don't have long threads about things like this, "Don't try and make it like it is it is just "the right wing." The libs have been doing this as well." ????


Here's the answer - those of us whom you guys have labeled "liberals" agree with you. The thread would be five posts long - someone making such a claim and everyone agreeing. These Republican threads get so long because there's so much misinformation being given out there.

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Again, if you (people) could lawfully avoid paying taxes they would. If I could minimize my exposure I would. If I knew more loopholes I would use them. You don't like it. Vote for change. Boycott big business. Shop locally. Just because it is the law, doesn't make it fair, but it is the law. Until it changes. we are stuck. Problem is AMERICANS need to be outraged at the mess we are in. Demand changes. If changes are not made vote them out.


Totally agree with this. The problem is, the Republicans have given us a candidate that has not only benefited from these loopholes, he's far more likely to make more of them than less. His policies benefit the wealthy (Romney Tax Plan).


If you truly believe what you wrote, you cannot vote for Mitt Romney. What's disheartening to me is that most Republicans understand what you wrote here, and agree with it - yet still vote for these people, still register under their party, still listen to their propaganda wing as their primary source of news. I'm agreeing with you wholeheartedly - but I'm asking you to take it one step further. Do what I did: Disassociate yourself from either party. Let them know that you do not support their policies of lies. Don't contribute to their campaigns, don't watch their shows, don't think how they tell you to think.






Incidentally, if have you (or any other self-declared conservative here) ever wondered why we don't have long threads about things like this, "Don't try and make it like it is it is just "the right wing." The libs have been doing this as well." ????


Here's the answer - those of us whom you guys have labeled "liberals" agree with you. The thread would be five posts long - someone making such a claim and everyone agreeing. These Republican threads get so long because there's so much misinformation being given out there.


Good points. I can't really even find anything on Romney's plan save from what I would deem "liberal" sites so it is hard to find unbiased info yet. IMO, Obama has 3 yrs of record to look at vs the "proposals of Romney and Ryan.


What is the sad thing to me, is I cannot remember the last election that was between the "better" man vs the lesser of two evils. I for one am not a huge Romney fan. I actually liked and still do Cain. A lot of people in Nov will not be voting for candidate A, but against candidate B. It would be great to see two bona fide guys who get "it" run for the highest office in the land. Disappointing to say the least. Looking back, with hind sight being 20/20 Bill Clinton actually did a nice job. Still have Pres Reagan as my fave. Really don't know of anyone from any party that is really capable of putting America first and their own ambitions (and parties) second.


Dire straights all around.

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Good points. I can't really even find anything on Romney's plan save from what I would deem "liberal" sites so it is hard to find unbiased info yet. IMO, Obama has 3 yrs of record to look at vs the "proposals of Romney and Ryan.

Forgive me if you have heard of or been to this website before - it's www.politifact.com. Admittedly, I just heard about this website within the last couple of days, but they appear (at first glance) to be fairly non-partisan. They take look at political issues and campaigns to point out which candidates are lying about different "facts" and which ones are telling the truth. There's also www.factcheck.org.

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Good points. I can't really even find anything on Romney's plan save from what I would deem "liberal" sites so it is hard to find unbiased info yet. IMO, Obama has 3 yrs of record to look at vs the "proposals of Romney and Ryan.

Forgive me if you have heard of or been to this website before - it's www.politifact.com. Admittedly, I just heard about this website within the last couple of days, but they appear (at first glance) to be fairly non-partisan. They take look at political issues and campaigns to point out which candidates are lying about different "facts" and which ones are telling the truth. There's also www.factcheck.org.


I go to factcheck.org sometimes. I will check out politifact.com Thanks.

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