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Pope Benedict XVI to Resign

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But Benedict was very proactive instead of reactive regarding the scandal that he inherited and the victims are in a much better situation in 2013 than when he started in 2005.


In May of that year, Ratzinger issued a confidential letter to every bishop. In it, he reminded them of the extreme gravity of a certain crime. But that crime was the reporting of the rape and torture. The accusations, intoned Ratzinger, were only treatable within the church's own exclusive jurisdiction. Any sharing of the evidence with legal authorities or the press was utterly forbidden. Charges were to be investigated "in the most secretive way ... restrained by a perpetual silence ... and everyone ... is to observe the strictest secret which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office … under the penalty of excommunication."
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While I have the utmost respect for the late Hitchens and Slate, neither are an authoritative or unbiased source of Church analysis.


Would the BBC work?




my favorite is the last paragraph


All these official communications shall always be made under the secret of the Holy Office; and, since they concern the common good of the church to the greatest degree, the precept of doing these things obliges under serious sin
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If yor complaint is that they maintain confidentiality then show me the association that does not.


There is maintaining confidentiality, and then there is threatening anyone with loss of their job/excommunication if they go to the police. In the United States, we have whistleblower laws to prevent things like this. Seriously, there is no doubt that Ratzinger covered up sexual abuse for years, and has since done next to nothing to suggest he learned the error of his ways.


Let us not forget about how he said condoms will increase the spread of AIDS in Africa. That's another good one on his record.

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As always....when an organization like PSU or the Catholic church goes through something like this, they need to earn the respect of the public back. They need to go over board to do that and even then it takes a long time.


I have absolutely no feelings either way for this Pope. I really didn't think he was that good of Pope in general and probably didn't do what was needed in this situation either.


Honestly, other than my local church having the name "Catholic Church" on the front, I don't view the Vatican and Pope as that much of an influence on my faith. If it had that big of direct influence, you wouldn't see any change in beliefs and practices from diocese to diocese. In reality, you do. Proof that there is a lot more local influence in the diocese than what some people want to think.

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Honestly, other than my local church having the name "Catholic Church" on the front, I don't view the Vatican and Pope as that much of an influence on my faith. If it had that big of direct influence, you wouldn't see any change in beliefs and practices from diocese to diocese. In reality, you do. Proof that there is a lot more local influence in the diocese than what some people want to think.

i think a lot of people want to think that, and do. that is why these conversations are so tough. when we criticize the catholic church, everyone wants to take it personally. we are not criticizing your particular church or beliefs but the institution of the catholic church.

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