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199 People, Places & Things Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter

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Then stop pussyfooting around and actually say something. Don't post vague crap and act like you're being misquoted. If there's some confusion, clear it up. Have the guts to say what you mean. Understand what you feel and why you feel it, and be clear about it.


If you're unwilling to do that, don't correct people on what you did say. If your message isn't clear and you claim people are interpreting you wrong, that's your fault.

I actually did thay already.


My message was that people who call others bigots need to look in the mirror.


That's it. Regardless if it's Christianity or something else.


For the record, I have been clear. It's YOUR fault when you read what I say and can't figure out the point.


I was clear from the beginning.




Don't backpedal. Be specific. Which post called someone a bigot? Who, specifically, did that in this thread?


Why does that person, specifically, need to "look in the mirror?"

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It amazes me that people can just hear the stuff he says and lap it up without a second thought. Someone described it aptly earlier today: "They don't care about substance or policies or credentials, they just want someone who will burn Washington to the ground, and they think he'll do it."

All wrong. Substance is hope and change? Black lives matter? Dude D's run on no substance always R's run on substance then confuse people and never deliver and always grow government anyway. Trump is running on pragmatic clear END STATES and not on some bullsh#t programs that will cost infinite money forever.

Build the wall, mexico pays. This is a good black and white result and it's frankly simple to do including the Mexico pays part.


Qualifications huh? A 44 year old senator? A 73 year old cook who's never managed a thing? An old white lady who only managed something for 4 years and got historically terrible results and lost top secrets because she's above the law?


Most others in the race have actually proven they are NOT qualified. Obama? His qualifications were a complete joke. Least qualified in a century (probably for all time).


Dude...we SHOULD be a government of the PEOPLE by the PEOPLE not a political ruling class. Our Presidents should usually NOT be Senators they should be CEO's and Generals and Governors (if you actually care about executive leadership experience which along with intelligence and integrity are the only things I care about).



I'm going to ignore the middle of the that because of the obvious bias.


Logically, how the hell does Trump legitimately make Mexico pay for a wall? Before you say leverage Mexico via the "billions" that we lose to them, there have already been MULTIPLEMEXICANPRESIDENTSwho=pohave straight up told Trump to f*ck off and they're not going to pay a cent. For a negotiator, that's a hell of a starting point.


I'd like to also point out that essentially slapping an embargo on Mexico would hurt our economy a good chunk as well.


Tell me, logically, how he gets it done. Piece by piece.


You prove it piece by piece you are the one claiming he can't do what is simple. So....do that. Explain it piece by piece. No don't I can only stand hearing so much stupid any given day.


US is THE global giant in power, wealth, intellect and natural resources. We don't need to do any trade with any particular country.


US is THE global giant in power, wealth, intellect and natural resources. We don't need to do any trade with any particular country. (seemed necessary to repeat)


Conversely...all the countries we do major trade with would decline instantly into massive depressions without us and never recover. That's the risk of having a giant customer (US)...giant customer can redo deals any time any way and if pipsqueak doesn't say yes thank you very much, then..."goodbye don't let the door hit you in the arse and no don't call we are done gtfo I don't need you and never even liked you."


The giant customer is ALWAYS the ONLY POWER in the equation. Walmart, Target and Amazon never have bad deals and after the fact if they decide they need better, they inform the other party of new terms even retroactively. Happens ALL THE TIME.


Making Mexico pay is the MAIN reason I want Trump to win. It's going to be a radical paradigm change to all the idiots in the US and also to all the foreign governments as they swiftly move to accommodate the awakened giant.

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I don't see a scenario where Trump doesn't win. Regardless of his views and rationale.


I am finding it more and more that there are so many people (left and right) that are just completely done with the federal government.


Tear down and rebuild. That should be Trumps message.


As much as I don't want to, I'm half way thinking about voting for him just because I don't trust a word from any career politicians mouth.


Especially Hilldog


The bolded I think is the main driver for this election. And I'll be happy if that is true.


Trump's message is correct he is a slogan genius. "Make America Great Again" >> tear down and build again (lol dude you really ... lol)

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It may be that the federal government needs a bit of rebuilding. But there is zero chance that Donald Trump is the person to do it.

That is not true...unless he were elected and died...there is clearly not a 0% chance.



knapp is not saying there is 0% chance that Trump becomes president. And it is possible for there to be a 0% chance of something.

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It may be that the federal government needs a bit of rebuilding. But there is zero chance that Donald Trump is the person to do it.


That is not true...unless he were elected and died...there is clearly not a 0% chance.

knapp is not saying there is 0% chance that Trump becomes president. And it is possible for there to be a 0% chance of something.

I know and I know...I am saying that he is wrong.


I mean...there was a 0% chance that Coach Riley would be the next coach of the Huskers...right?

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It may be that the federal government needs a bit of rebuilding. But there is zero chance that Donald Trump is the person to do it.

That is not true...unless he were elected and died...there is clearly not a 0% chance.

knapp is not saying there is 0% chance that Trump becomes president. And it is possible for there to be a 0% chance of something.

I know and I know...I am saying that he is wrong.


I mean...there was a 0% chance that Coach Riley would be the next coach of the Huskers...right?



No. And these aren't even similar things. Trump has talked of making the EPA a state thing. He doesn't seem to intend to rebuild the federal government. Just make it tiny.

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It may be that the federal government needs a bit of rebuilding. But there is zero chance that Donald Trump is the person to do it.


That is not true...unless he were elected and died...there is clearly not a 0% chance.

knapp is not saying there is 0% chance that Trump becomes president. And it is possible for there to be a 0% chance of something.

I know and I know...I am saying that he is wrong.

I mean...there was a 0% chance that Coach Riley would be the next coach of the Huskers...right?

No. And these aren't even similar things. Trump has talked of making the EPA a state thing. He doesn't seem to intend to rebuild the federal government. Just make it tiny.


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The Donald has already proven he has a complete disregard for anything factual. I've been shouting the Politifact stat from the mountaintops to anyone I talk politics with, and I feel like too many people just let it roll off them. Objectively, factually, to any Drumpf supporter: He's a bullshitter. He lies to your face about most everything, and you're too stupid to realize it, or you just don't care.


I'd rather not have people who don't care about facts select our next President.


Regarding the libel bit, he wants to effectively silence opinions critical off him. That is quite obviously fascist, very Putin-esque, and completely at odds with the First Amendment and New York Times Co v. Sullivan.


Ironically, that case covers libel AND defamation (slander), spoken word, so if Trump messed with it, he'd be opening his current persona up for incoming lawsuits, due to the sheer number of legally provable false statements he makes to try to defame people.


Hope he wins the nom. I want to see him go down in flames on the biggest stage. Even so, part of me feels like he's just dicking with America and doesn't want to win.

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