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The General Election

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Sounds like a panic to me: The vast right wing conspiracy now it appears involves the FBI, House of Rep, and the KGB.

Note: many news casts CBS,ABC used 'reopen' as a term in regards to the Comey letter as does this article. The "reopen" term didn't originate with me. But to be technical, the FBI supplemented its investigation with the Comey letter.




We're not going to come together with the Republicans and KGB working together, I'll tell you that," Carville concluded.






Famed Democratic strategist James Carville may be the first Clinton surrogate to have officially lost his mind over the FBI’s decision to reopen its investigation into Clinton’s private email server.

In an appearance on MSNBC on Monday, Carville relentlessly — and repeatedly — attacked the FBI’s decision to reopen the investigation, asserting it is part of a conspiracy to subvert American democracy.

“The House Republicans and the KGB are trying to influence our democracy.”

“This is in effect an attempt to hijack an election,” Carville claimed. “It’s unprecedented … the House Republicans and the KGB are trying to influence our democracy,” he said.

Apparently the fact that the Soviet security agency was disbanded in 1991 does not preclude its involvement in this vast, anti-Clinton, FBI-organized conspiracy, according to Carville. Poor Carville was clearly apoplectic at the news of Comey’s announcement, describing it as an assault or attack on American democracy multiple times.

He was also adamant about who was responsible. “Comey was acting in concert and coordination with the House Republicans,” Carville said. “We also have the extraordinary case of the KGB being involved in this race and selectively leaking things from the Clinton campaign that they hacked,” he added.

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Here is a unique and I think effective ad by Hillary's campaign. Brings up the 1964 Daisy girl ad in which Goldwater was painted as a loose cannon.

In this ad, Hillary does the same wt Trump and the ad has the now grown up daisy girl now speaking to us as an adult. Trump's words used in the ad

should give everyone pause.



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The Times hadn’t yet been in touch with the Trump campaign—Lichtblau spoke with the campaign a week later—but shortly after it reached out to Alfa, the Trump domain name in question seemed to suddenly stop working.


...Four days later, on Sept. 27, the Trump Organization created a new host name, trump1.contact-client.com, which enabled communication to the very same server via a different route. When a new host name is created, the first communication with it is never random. To reach the server after the resetting of the host name, the sender of the first inbound mail has to first learn of the name somehow. It’s simply impossible to randomly reach a renamed server. “That party had to have some kind of outbound message through SMS, phone, or some noninternet channel they used to communicate [the new configuration],” Paul Vixie told me. The first attempt to look up the revised host name came from Alfa Bank. “If this was a public server, we would have seen other traces,” Vixie says. “The only look-ups came from this particular source.”

I'm not one to chase down wild theories, but I believe some of us here have both more interest and experience with reading through investigatory reports. What do you guys think -- is there any "there" there?


Also from Slate, a guide: How to choose between two uniquely corrupt candidates?


On the rare occasion I find myself struggling with the choice we're faced with, I find guides such as these fairly helpful.




Don't read slate, especially for tech related stuff. It's like going to Fox News for climate change.

For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead — which they ultimately came to doubt — about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.


Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.





And if you want the nerd explanation:


According to this Slate article, Trump has a secret server for communicating with Russia. Even Hillary has piled onto this story.


This is nonsense. The evidence available on the Internet is that Trump neither (directly) controls the domain "trump-email.com", nor has access to the server. Instead, the domain was setup and controlled by Cendyn, a company that does marketing/promotions for hotels, including many of Trump's hotels. Cendyn outsources the email portions of its campaigns to a company called Listrak, which actually owns/operates the physical server in a data center in Philadelphia.

In other words, Trump's response is (minus the political bits) likely true, supported by the evidence. It's the conclusion I came to even before seeing the response.



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Accoridng to fivethirtyeight, Clinton is only up 0.4 in Florida.


Scary. People are playing with this like it's a game or a reality show, not the fate of the country at stake.



Here is a FL voting memo that Obama's 2008 FL campaign manager puts out daily. It's from the Dem POV obviously, but he's lived and worked in the state for a long time, and knows it pretty well. Anybody should be able to find some utility from his raw numbers.


Basically, a large amount (~80K) of FL Democrats have absentee ballots that they haven't mailed in yet is what's causing the numbers to be where they're at.

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Here is something to consider in this already out of control circus!


A very large part of our countries citizens, hate the thought of either one of these candidates (DT or HC) winning this election.


Correct me if I am wrong on the above comment?


I have a hard time believing Comey would have thrown this last nugget out to the masses "if there wasn't something found that is seriously wrong" regarding HC's e-mail issues. If he did throw this out at this time without just cause, he needs to be thrown to the wolves.


If Hillary is charged with a crime prior to the election, I believe Obama would have the power to invoke or suspend the election until such time the DNC appoints another candidate to represent their party. I know there would be "Constitutional" challenges to this but as we have seen with Obama, he is not always swayed by the consitutional laws governing our county.


If (and it is a big if), the above was to occur, potentially Berni Sanders would be appointed by the DNC and we would have a differnt option than what we have today.


Is Bernie better than the two clowns we have to choose from today? Would you vote for him?


Just something to think about! Carry on!

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I have a hard time believing Comey would have thrown this last nugget out to the masses "if there wasn't something found that is seriously wrong" regarding HC's e-mail issues.



They won't even review these emails before the election. Clinton is not going to be charged with anything related to these emails before Election Day. It doesn't even sound like Hillary is directly involved with the emails at all. It's complete bunk created by the Republicans out of desperation because they're going to lose the election.

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I have a hard time believing Comey would have thrown this last nugget out to the masses "if there wasn't something found that is seriously wrong" regarding HC's e-mail issues.


They won't even review these emails before the election. Clinton is not going to be charged with anything related to these emails before Election Day. It doesn't even sound like Hillary is directly involved with the emails at all. It's complete bunk created by the Republicans out of desperation because they're going to lose the election.

Knapp, you say this but do you honestly believe Comey would do something so unprecedented without knowing "something is wrong " for certain? I would think the pressure and scrutinty he is dealing with right now was calculated (Pro/Con)? We all know that his prior recommendation was done and over with. Why bring this up now and subject himself to whatever the fall out might be, knowing that DT isn't even the peoples choice?



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I have a hard time believing Comey would have thrown this last nugget out to the masses "if there wasn't something found that is seriously wrong" regarding HC's e-mail issues.

They won't even review these emails before the election. Clinton is not going to be charged with anything related to these emails before Election Day. It doesn't even sound like Hillary is directly involved with the emails at all. It's complete bunk created by the Republicans out of desperation because they're going to lose the election.


I have sympathy for Comey's position here. Let's remember that he didn't send this out to the masses, he addressed it to Congress. For the political desperation that followed, we can thank Rep. Chaffetz, who packaged and distributed the product.


Rep. Chaffetz, of Utah, last seen here being praised (including by me) for being among the first to say "I'm out" after Trump's tape casually propping sexual assault came out.


Rep. Chaffetz, who last week clarified he'll still vote for Trump even without an endorsement.


Rep. Chaffetz, a man who appears to be in need of a replacement spine.

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I have a hard time believing Comey would have thrown this last nugget out to the masses "if there wasn't something found that is seriously wrong" regarding HC's e-mail issues.

They won't even review these emails before the election. Clinton is not going to be charged with anything related to these emails before Election Day. It doesn't even sound like Hillary is directly involved with the emails at all. It's complete bunk created by the Republicans out of desperation because they're going to lose the election.


Knapp, you say this but do you honestly believe Comey would do something so unprecedented without knowing "something is wrong " for certain? I would think the pressure and scrutinty he is dealing with right now was calculated (Pro/Con)? We all know that his prior recommendation was done and over with. Why bring this up now and subject himself to whatever the fall out might be, knowing that DT isn't even the peoples choice?




Comey didn't do anything other than issue a tremendously bland statement to the committee out of an abundance of caution.


Everything else - EVERYTHING ELSE - is manufactured by the Republicans.


As zoogs pointed out, you have Rep. Chaffetz to thank for how this has been construed.

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