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"You have a right to be believed"-The Clinton Women

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At some point you've got to get that more people just think Trump is more worthy of criticism that Clinton. Right?


Maybe the criticism shouldn't be equal. Maybe one legitimately deserves it more because their actions are more flagrant.


Everyone will have differing opinions on who should receive more criticism. Trump probably deserves more criticism for things he has said, while HIllary deserves more criticism for her record and things she has done (Benghazi, growth of ISIS, email scandal and all the lies associated with it). I've said many times that Trump is dumb to take the bait and create controversies he doesn't have to as HIllary's record is so dismal he could beat her if he simply had some self discipline.

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At some point you've got to get that more people just think Trump is more worthy of criticism that Clinton. Right?


Maybe the criticism shouldn't be equal. Maybe one legitimately deserves it more because their actions are more flagrant.

It's textbook, what he's doing. And it's effective.


bnilhome/Trump want to control the narrative. You may have seen repeated insistence from bnilhome/Trump that they're the issues focused guys. And yet, where are they, in the serious issues discussions on this board?


Instead, every conversation is steered back to a few talking points. Benghazi. ISIS. Emails. Bill Clinton's dalliances.


They know their audience here is smart. If you want to talk about:

...they either get the heck out of Dodge, or push it back to their talking points. And then, we start having to respond to every one of the charges they've decided is home turf for them (while paying side service to "issues"), and get mired in the dirt. It's a DDoS attack of garbage: we're flooded with these extravagant charges until we think that really there isn't such a difference, after all.


And that's exactly what bnilhome/Trump hope to accomplish. Bnilhome/Trump want us to be demoralized. To despair at the thought that the only "choice" we're left with outside this buffoon is a two-time First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and lifelong policy wonk at the head of a quite typical American center-left platform. They want those of us in contested states to wonder about whether we should vote at all, or to at least be determined to vote for third party. They channel in appealingly sardonic cracks such as "We're f'd either way", as if there is no difference between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump. It's the same blueprint Russia follows -- undermining, demoralizing, and spreading disunity among their enemies makes life easier for them.


And it's how Trump secured that GOP nomination. If you ever catch yourself wondering how it was possible, remember that it was because his opposition wasn't united. Please don't fall for the moonshine.

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At some point you've got to get that more people just think Trump is more worthy of criticism that Clinton. Right?




While he is definitely worthy of some criticism over his tact, the idea that people are so up-in-arms about some controversial words while looking the other way with Clinton's myriad of issues such as corruption, incompetence, arrogance, etc. is perhaps the most troubling thing in our country right now. So many of the very things that HRC ought to receive extreme criticism for (and much worse than criticism given her record) are simply swept under the rug because her 700+ staff members help her sound "polished" behind a podium.

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people are so up-in-arms about some controversial words while looking the other way with Clinton's myriad of issues such as corruption, incompetence, arrogance, etc.



People aren't just up in arms over controversial words. Trump has equal or great amounts of corruption, incompetence, arrogance, etc.

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people are so up-in-arms about some controversial words while looking the other way with Clinton's myriad of issues such as corruption, incompetence, arrogance, etc.



People aren't just up in arms over controversial words. Trump has equal or great amounts of corruption, incompetence, arrogance, etc.



No. He does not. The worst thing against him in this election is him not paying the companies that he contracts to do his construction jobs and other various things. And that's not pretty, and there are no quality excuses for that. But if you truly believe that is equal or greater to pay-for-play, embezzlement, stealing White House furniture, threatening victims of her husband's sexual assaults and rapes, collaborating to rig the primary, the email scandal, Benghazi, etc.... WOW....

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people are so up-in-arms about some controversial words while looking the other way with Clinton's myriad of issues such as corruption, incompetence, arrogance, etc.



People aren't just up in arms over controversial words. Trump has equal or great amounts of corruption, incompetence, arrogance, etc.



No. He does not. The worst thing against him in this election is him not paying the companies that he contracts to do his construction jobs and other various things. And that's not pretty, and there are no quality excuses for that. But if you truly believe that is equal or greater to pay-for-play, embezzlement, stealing White House furniture, threatening victims of her husband's sexual assaults and rapes, collaborating to rig the primary, the email scandal, Benghazi, etc.... WOW....



You are spot on Aloha...you will see that as a theme on here that many are completely alarmed by things Trump has said, yet stay silent or are unwilling to criticize Hillary for not just things she has said over the years, but many things she has done as a government official. When Trump acts like an idiot, I call him out on it, but you won't see many on here do the same about Hillary.

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You are spot on Aloha...you will see that as a theme on here that many are completely alarmed by things Trump has said, yet stay silent or are unwilling to criticize Hillary for not just things she has said over the years, but many things she has done as a government official. When Trump acts like an idiot, I call him out on it, but you won't see many on here do the same about Hillary.


For the 8,000th time it is not a concern over just what Trump has said, but what he has done as well. Knapp I really wish you would do some investigative work into the possibility of bnil literally being a paid Trump propagandist

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You are spot on Aloha...you will see that as a theme on here that many are completely alarmed by things Trump has said, yet stay silent or are unwilling to criticize Hillary for not just things she has said over the years, but many things she has done as a government official. When Trump acts like an idiot, I call him out on it, but you won't see many on here do the same about Hillary.


For the 8,000th time it is not a concern over just what Trump has said, but what he has done as well. Knapp I really wish you would do some investigative work into the possibility of bnil literally being a paid Trump propagandist



Give me a break LOMS...you sound like a paid Trump basher as I have not seen you say one positive thing about him thus far.

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You are spot on Aloha...you will see that as a theme on here that many are completely alarmed by things Trump has said, yet stay silent or are unwilling to criticize Hillary for not just things she has said over the years, but many things she has done as a government official. When Trump acts like an idiot, I call him out on it, but you won't see many on here do the same about Hillary.


For the 8,000th time it is not a concern over just what Trump has said, but what he has done as well. Knapp I really wish you would do some investigative work into the possibility of bnil literally being a paid Trump propagandist



Give me a break LOMS...you sound like a paid Trump basher as I have not seen you say one positive thing about him thus far.



Does he deserve it?

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You are spot on Aloha...you will see that as a theme on here that many are completely alarmed by things Trump has said, yet stay silent or are unwilling to criticize Hillary for not just things she has said over the years, but many things she has done as a government official. When Trump acts like an idiot, I call him out on it, but you won't see many on here do the same about Hillary.


For the 8,000th time it is not a concern over just what Trump has said, but what he has done as well. Knapp I really wish you would do some investigative work into the possibility of bnil literally being a paid Trump propagandist



Give me a break LOMS...you sound like a paid Trump basher as I have not seen you say one positive thing about him thus far.



Does he deserve it?



Despite some of his nastiness, I think there are many positive things that the left would enjoy including reshaping the GOP to be more focused on the average American worker (while Hillary has become the candidate of the Elites). He has also made a stronger pitch to gays and African Americans than any GOP candidate I can remember. Additionally, he's on the same side of the trade issue as many on the left are. With that said, I wouldn't expect you or LOMS to recognize those points.

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You are spot on Aloha...you will see that as a theme on here that many are completely alarmed by things Trump has said, yet stay silent or are unwilling to criticize Hillary for not just things she has said over the years, but many things she has done as a government official. When Trump acts like an idiot, I call him out on it, but you won't see many on here do the same about Hillary.


For the 8,000th time it is not a concern over just what Trump has said, but what he has done as well. Knapp I really wish you would do some investigative work into the possibility of bnil literally being a paid Trump propagandist



Give me a break LOMS...you sound like a paid Trump basher as I have not seen you say one positive thing about him thus far.




He's very talented at publicity and showmanship, and he might be a decent strategist but I'm on the fence about that because most of his political pivoting seems about as obvious as can be. Further, in response to so many people's affection for how he 'tells it like it is', he definitely does spout off pretty authentically what he's feeling at the moment, so in that sense it is refreshing. Unfortunately, what he's feeling is rarely if ever rooted in reality and facts. Also his appearance on Jimmy Fallon where he let himself be made fun of quite a bit was hilarious.


I'm still laughing at your ridiculous hypocrisy because you've been asked if you could say anything positive about Hillary Clinton in the past, and you came up with the lamest technicality bullsh#t imaginable. If you'll actually ever pay attention to my posts, no, I don't ever say anything nice about Trump, but I don't say anything nice about Hillary either. I will, however, do the best I can to set the record straight against your inane talking point rhetoric garbage (I wonder how worn some of the keys on your keyboard must be from how often you love to type out 'mainstream media', 'anti-cop BLM movement', etc. -- maybe you should just add all of those things as keyboard shortcuts to take your blind arguments to the next level of efficiency).


Anyways, you're right. You haven't heard me say one nice thing about Trump until this post. That's because he's a vile human. Not equating him to any of these things, but I generally don't spend my time saying nice things about Hitler, rapists, tax embezzlers, abusive spouses, terrorists, or murderers either. Why? Because like Trump, their net value slants more towards negative.

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You are spot on Aloha...you will see that as a theme on here that many are completely alarmed by things Trump has said, yet stay silent or are unwilling to criticize Hillary for not just things she has said over the years, but many things she has done as a government official. When Trump acts like an idiot, I call him out on it, but you won't see many on here do the same about Hillary.


For the 8,000th time it is not a concern over just what Trump has said, but what he has done as well. Knapp I really wish you would do some investigative work into the possibility of bnil literally being a paid Trump propagandist



Give me a break LOMS...you sound like a paid Trump basher as I have not seen you say one positive thing about him thus far.




He's very talented at publicity and showmanship, and he might be a decent strategist but I'm on the fence about that because most of his political pivoting seems about as obvious as can be. Further, in response to so many people's affection for how he 'tells it like it is', he definitely does spout off pretty authentically what he's feeling at the moment, so in that sense it is refreshing. Unfortunately, what he's feeling is rarely if ever rooted in reality and facts. Also his appearance on Jimmy Fallon where he let himself be made fun of quite a bit was hilarious.


I'm still laughing at your ridiculous hypocrisy because you've been asked if you could say anything positive about Hillary Clinton in the past, and you came up with the lamest technicality bullsh#t imaginable. If you'll actually ever pay attention to my posts, no, I don't ever say anything nice about Trump, but I don't say anything nice about Hillary either. I will, however, do the best I can to set the record straight against your inane talking point rhetoric garbage (I wonder how worn some of the keys on your keyboard must be from how often you love to type out 'mainstream media', 'anti-cop BLM movement', etc. -- maybe you should just add all of those things as keyboard shortcuts to take your blind arguments to the next level of efficiency).


Anyways, you're right. You haven't heard me say one nice thing about Trump until this post. That's because he's a vile human. Not equating him to any of these things, but I generally don't spend my time saying nice things about Hitler, rapists, tax embezzlers, abusive spouses, terrorists, or murderers either. Why? Because like Trump, their net value slants more towards negative.



Dude, I have said many times on here that Hillary did better in the debate last week. I also have came to her defense many times about the 2008 election where I feel she was shafted as the media was having their love affair with Obama.

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Her being shafted in the 2008 election is not saying something nice about her, and her doing better than Trump in a debate is akin to complimenting me on beating my 6 year old cousin in a race.



Here's another nice thing about Trump - a lot of people are jumping over him for this wounded vets PTSD/suicide speech today. In context it actually kind of sounded like he was trying to be considerate and well-meaning and it came across wrong.

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Hillary, along with the entire Democratic party, has become ultra-liberal.

If you think Hillary or the Democratic party is liberal, you need to look at political history both within and outside the US. By the international measure, Bernie Sanders was only slightly left of dead-center on the political spectrum.



Who cares what the world's political ideology is...it makes no difference whatsoever on how radical they are in this country. There is a reason the US has been a dominant superpower for so many years...because we were not like other nations. I know the goal of Obama and the left is to make us more like Europe, but that is not what has driven us to be the leaders of the free world.


Go back and look at US history then, result is the same: Hillary and the current Democratic party is NOT ultra-liberal as you claim. Strong case that Hillary is right of center.


Or maybe the goal of the "left" is to make the current US more like the 1950-1970 US. That time period you might label as super-ultra-liberal. And also arguably the strongest the US has been (aka dominant superpower status).

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