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Vice Presidential Debate

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This commercial from the Clinton team is the result of last nights debate. It's not a good look.



I couldn't open it on the link above but found it on the campaign website: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/


Does not surprise me a bit if that commercial was planned days ago as a strategy - set the stage for a denial by Pence with Kaine's words about Trump and then lower the hammer wt Trump's actual words. Pence is placed in a bad spot - kind of hard to defend the indefensible - as the commercial leads with.

As one commentator said last night, I think on CBS, the debate continues for several days after the actual debate when 'facts' are verified.


As much as I liked Pence's demeanor, calmness and 'winning the debate on style, it all may be negated by this Brilliant Strategy. Kaine was willing to take the image hit so that the campaign could deliver

a much bigger counter hit today with the commercial. This is simply brilliant in retrospect and you know I'm not a Hillary fan. They had one goal in the debate - to drive the point that The Donald is a Dufus and they baited Pence to either ignore or give weak denials.

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TGH, I actually have a bit of a contrarian view on the effect of this debate.


If you look strictly at the debate between two people, Pence did win. He came off as cool, calm, and collected in the face of criticism, and that's probably why the far-right base loves him so much. Former radio show guy, he presents well. Like Trump, he's a showman, though of a distinctly different flavor. Pretty effective at debate tactics, pivoted well from being attacked to lashing out at Clinton/Obama.


I do feel it's necessary to highlight what Zoogs pointed out, though... Pence was just dancing around reality as if it didn't exist. He was lying through his smiling teeth pretty much all night, and the Clinton campaign already has a video out this morning of him denying Trump's statements followed right away by the original clip of Trump saying them. It's easy to look calm and collected when the truthfulness of what you're saying doesn't matter.


Kaine, on the other hand, did come off as spastic, rambunctious, over-prepared, and of course, interjected a ton. Apparently it tweaked Trump, because he's projecting again this morning about how Kaine's interruptions shouldn't be allowed.


But he went into the debate with one mission: attack Trump all night. And it worked. Though he laid it on pretty thick, he reminded tons of people who might otherwise have forgotten-- or not known-- about all of the awful things Trump has said and proposed over the course of his campaign.


As we've seen, the polling tends to trend AWAY from whoever is in the headline. Kaine effectively bypassed the spotlight to pass it on to the worst aspects of Trump's campaign, and Pence trying to deny they never happened. As long as the headlines stay on Trump, I'm happy.


As an aside, Pence seems like a reasonable, moderate choice by comparison to Trump or Clinton. He's really not. He's like, WAY far right. QMany is right that his virulent anti-LGBTQ past should be examined more. Well, and as I've said, his penchant for peddling anti-science views and other nonsense. Read up on his history a bit and see if you actually like him. I'm of the mind he could be disassembled fairly easy if thrust into the spotlight for his history.

I like you more and more each day Dude. Just felt like saying that.





Yes, Dude is a good guy - even if we come from different perspectives. You can disagree wtout being disagreeable.




Thanks for the kind words guys. I think your input is a great asset to the board, too. For a Nebraska football board, I think it's cool that we have a wide range of opinions and leanings but that we can all talk like human beings and still respect each other. It's a pretty dang good subforum for something that's decidedly not the original purpose of the board.


And yeah, TGH, you nailed it when you take about Kaine taking the hit to benefit the campaign. Somebody else said something very similar this morning:


"Tim Kaine helped his ticket more in 2016. Mike Pence helped himself more in 2020."


Pence was not overwhelmingly popular in his home state. He made some really questionable policy decisions, notably a state-funded state TV channel that busted, an HIV outbreak in rural Indiana caused by shuttering Planned Parenthood offices, and of course, their Religious Freedom Restoration Act that caused such a stir a couple of years ago. That cost the state a ton of revenue because it was so disliked nationally.


I personally think him joining the Trump ticket was a move to set himself up for 2020. He may have lost his gubernatorial reelection bid in Indiana. So, in that sense, his choice to maintain his composure, attack the Democrats, and decline to defend Trump outside of lying about past statements makes sense. It's about cultivating his own image, rather than help Trump's.


We'll see if any of it hurts him moving forward. And yeah, I agree with the others-- Kaine is pretty moderate as far as the left goes. I remember when he was announced Sanders supporters were livid because of his economic policies. They really wanted a far-left progressive like Warren as VP.

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Oh...yeah....and please oh please Trump supporters.....Please tell me once again how Clinton LIES and Trump and Pence tell it like it is and is all about the TRUTH!!!!!

Politifact is biased. Brietbart told me so.

Politifact is undeniably left-leaning.


If only because of the word 'fact'

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Oh...yeah....and please oh please Trump supporters.....Please tell me once again how Clinton LIES and Trump and Pence tell it like it is and is all about the TRUTH!!!!!

Politifact is biased. Brietbart told me so.
Politifact is undeniably left-leaning.

If only because of the word 'fact'

Just because it has the word in the site name does not make it so.

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