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JJ Husker

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JJ Husker last won the day on February 29

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About JJ Husker

  • Birthday 05/05/1963

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    Northern Colorado

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Head Coach (18/21)



  1. I did think about asking for a BJ so he could really earn that tip.
  2. Well they were $180 less than the other price I checked so the $25 didn’t bother me near as much as the principle of it. He did appear to be an independent contractor (no company truck). Maybe that’s why they were cheaper than the other place He did a good job. Just replaced windshield and then had to drive to recalibrate the lane departure/collision avoidance system. The recalibration actually cost more than the windshield.
  3. I had a windshield replaced in my truck a few days ago. Mobile service, came to my work to do it. Guy gets all done, takes my credit card and then hands me his terminal……asking for a tip. Choices are 25%, 30%, 50% and other…..for a frikken windshield that they quoted me a price on. I asked him, stunned, “you guys get tips, don’t they pay you to do this?” (Prob thought I was a d1ck) He says yeah I get a commission but the tips are to help cover my travel and gas. I reluctantly gave him $25 which was only about 4%. Maybe I should turn on the tips on my Square CC terminal and see what I can get from my customers
  4. I’m partial to Yeti or Outlaws… assuming Polygamists is off the table Mammoth is already taken by a lacrosse team. Ice and Blizzard are too reminiscent of Avalanche. And how does Powder make the list? Talk about soft.
  5. Pulling out can cause blood clots…..just not in the female.
  6. If RFKjr ends up being right about anything, I’m pretty sure it will be random coincidence. Guy is a nutter. Only thing he’s said that I believe is that a worm ate part of his brain. That checks out.
  7. Is it that there weren’t any or have we just become numb to them because they really aren’t that unusual anymore?
  8. I agree. A quick story. My first year at UNL I took Anthropology 101. It was a cake class that basically all you had to do to pass was show up, evidenced by the fact that a lot of football players and athletes were also in it. The professor was some wild liberal hippie with a ponytail down to his butt. He’d spend most classes whining how his colleagues were being persecuted in all these 3rd world backwater places. Well, I earned a solid B (3.0) in that class according to the predetermined scoring. End of semester d!ckhead gives me a 2.0. I go in to meet with him and see what’s up. He reviews all my grades and says yeah, you should have a 3.0……uh hold on, are you in a fraternity? I say yes. He says, oh that’s why, but since you came to see me I’ll change it back. True story.
  9. Yes it is a clown show. They aren’t prepared because they have no legitimate defense against facts and the truth. Can’t just spew nonsense and lies like he’s used to doing with his cult.
  10. Maybe deliberate? They saw they were losing, the defense makes a deliberate mistake, now Trump can say his counsel was incompetent and attempt to get a new trial, kicking the can down the road? IDK if that gives him a possible out or not
  11. The Roast of Tom Brady on Netflix is worth a look. I don’t know why any normal person would agree to do one of these. Warning- it is a bit long, clocking at over 3 hours. Prolly not for the kiddos. Some funny and crude stuff in there.
  12. I have just never understood hunger strikes or the self-immolation folks. You wanna starve yourself or set yourself on fire…..go for it. More air for the rest of us.
  13. Oh I know that. I’m just saying it is an issue that should be addressed at the federal level. And no, I have absolutely no illusions those clowns will ever arrive at an agreement. Only hope is a trifecta for dems. If it’s left up to Rs, welcome to Gilead.
  14. Yeah, I don’t think it belongs with the states. Too much of it veers into personal rights. Kinda crazy to have one state banning everything at 6 weeks while the state next door bans virtually nothing. Roe v Wade seemed to be functioning pretty well until…
  15. I only chose 36 weeks because it was solidly in the 3rd trimester. Could’ve been 29 or 40. It was just an example. I personally don’t have a problem with a cutoff near 16 weeks. But that would be dependent on how well my aforementioned exceptions were protected. Problem is, the people writing these laws want the bans and as few exceptions as possible. And as stated before, I believe it is much worse to deny a woman proper healthcare than it is for an unborn fetus (or baby if you prefer) to be aborted in the 2nd trimester. We can’t continue to send women who are experiencing serious problems out of ERs to bleed out in their car until they are at death’s door or prevent abortions on victims of rape because they are at 9 weeks just to satisfy some of these ridiculous laws.
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