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Creighton Duke

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Everything posted by Creighton Duke

  1. RIP Phyllis Schlafly

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      You can criticize anyone for their beliefs. However, it is generally not tactful to do so in an RIP thread or when the body is not even cold yet.

    3. ColoradoHusk


      Why was an RIP thread even began for this despicable human being?

    4. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      I don't share your interpretation. Please don't comment in this update if you insist on name calling.

  2. Haha...I respectfully beg to differ with the quoted. With those traps he looks more like he should be starting at OLB or SS than coaching! Dude has kept himself in outstanding shape.
  3. For once, the "big weekend" is living up to the hype...at least so far.

  4. I was not woken up by an earthquake this morning!

    1. Creighton Duke

      Creighton Duke

      On a related note, Kaylee Hartung rocks my world. Whoa.

  5. Yeah, Jesus is right. You know you're in "great sources" territory when CD is exuberant. Here's a WaPo article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/10/28/the-war-over-words-literally-on-some-american-campuses-where-asking-where-are-you-from-is-a-microaggression/ I tend to agree with this from the closing paragraph: You definitely confused(?) my alleged "exuberance" with genuine surprise. Please don't mischaracterize me like that.
  6. Black Pigeon Speaks makes it to Huskerboard. Man, what a world!
  7. Other than the fact that he has money and influence, what don't you like about Soros? Plenty of info about that parasite on the web. I'm not asking the internet. I'm asking you. A desire to meddle in global affairs in order to create uncertainty and fear in a world that is destablized, creating investment opportunities for him to exploit (as he has done numerous times in the past). A real-world Emperor Palpatine
  8. Ex-Nebraska quarterback Johnny Stanton to start for UNLV in season opener Really nice to see this. I was always high on Stanton and thought it was too bad that he didn't work out at Nebraska. Hopefully he does well in Barney's offense.
  9. Anthony Weiner....sigh. Him and Huma make an...interesting couple.

    1. onlyHskrfaninIL
    2. funhusker


      well...USED to make an interesting couple....

    3. NUance


      Note to self: If I ever decide to sext someone, make sure my kid isn't in the picture. lol

  10. I don't really understand why people make a big deal out of people or organizations engaging in legal activities that go against their own beliefs or values. If you have a problem with this type of activity don't watch the game. The NFL has taken a nose dive in recent years with endless PSAs and other objectionable activity to the point where I simply refuse to watch it any more. If you have a problem with something, vote with your feet, eyes, and dollars. That being said, I think that there is much more to the story than Kap "truly" wanting to make a statement. I think he is trying to protect his own hide. He knows that he is on the verge of being cut, but if he makes this kind of "statement" and THEN gets cut, he and millions of others will cry foul and try to link the cutting back to this stunt. As much as I don't care for this kind of activity nor the message it spreads to impressionable parties...
  11. Nothing to see here folks! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3648743/Jury-finds-Vanderbilt-football-player-Brandon-Vandenburg-GUILTY-raping-girl-dorm-room.html
  12. I was quick to judge Lochte, Still stupid, but not nearly as bad as the media made it out to be, especially given the circumstances.

    1. teachercd


      And now the Rio police/government are looking like morons as they continue with this.

    2. onlyHskrfaninIL


      Can't believe much from the media and certainly don't trust the police from a dumphole like brazil

  13. Haha....yep. Definitely didn't watch the movie.
  14. Pretty disgusted with Marvel/comics in general these days, but this is awesome: https://www.seccountry.com/sec/look-marvel-produces-4-custom-comic-book-covers-depicting-week-1-sec-matchups

    1. Cdog923


      Why on earth would you be disgusted with Marvel Comics?

    2. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      Marvel not going to depict a Seminole? Even with the Seminole Tribe OK with them using the mascot?

    3. In the Deed the Glory

      In the Deed the Glory

      I had no problems with Marvel until they jumped on the SEC blowfest.

  15. The reason why I ask is not because I don't know what it means, but more so to get an idea of the broad brush that is used to paint so many people and so many Trump supporters. If you look at some of my posts on previous voting decisions, I am anything but consistent and I find it interesting that those with differing or dissenting opinions who draw conclusions from a myriad of different sources (although not Vox...never Vox) to be lumped into one particular category. It would be like my saying that since you cite certain media outlets that you are trying to legitimize Palpatine (Soros).
  16. Wow, that is pure Obama/DNC spin. Obama's own spokesperson admitted yesterday the release of the hostages was contingent upon arrival of the money. Hot dog! Let's hope that China never gets any U.S hostages. At $1.2 trillion, that would require...well...this
  17. "alt-right"? Please explain, if you don't mind. Also, what do you think of my new signature??!!
  18. I think they will. Between primary numbers and rally turnouts, some people are going to be pretty overwhelmed at the disparity on election day. It has been consistently shown that primary numbers and rally turnouts are not at all indicative of election day turnout. You have your models and I have mine. We'll see what happens in a few months. What are you basing your models on? Here's some info on primary numbers and rally turnouts. I don't base them on Nate Silver or...Bernie supporters.
  19. Nice spin. Trump is the only Presidential candidate giving this Katrina like tragedy the attention it deserves. Meanwhile Obama is having a great time golfing. As i pointed out in the other thread, a prime example of the MSM showing its bias and hypocrisy as they chastised Bush for not showing up or seeming engaged enough with Katrina. http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2016/08/18/nets-compare-louisiana-flood-katrina-ignore-obama-vacation
  20. I think they will. Between primary numbers and rally turnouts, some people are going to be pretty overwhelmed at the disparity on election day. It has been consistently shown that primary numbers and rally turnouts are not at all indicative of election day turnout. You have your models and I have mine. We'll see what happens in a few months. In the meantime, can we also add "stopping someone who seems mean!" and "electing someone who doesn't hurt my feels" to the list (in addition to my suggestion of "I'm not voting")? This can cover people who are only casually following the race. I know it seems like a joke, but...ya know!
  21. I could care less if the groupthink going on in here matters. If you don't think there is any liberal bias in the MSM, that is naive, but you can continue to believe that. As I said above, they do not create the liberal bias in the MSM but simply call it out. I have said the MSM does a better job disguising their bias, but a bias is still there.
  22. I think they will. Between primary numbers and rally turnouts, some people are going to be pretty overwhelmed at the disparity on election day.
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