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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. I didn't get that at all from what people have said in this thread. Now if you want to claim Oregon has only gotten popular since Nike started wiping their a$$, then yes. Nike does not need Oregon but Oregon does need Nike. They are nowhere near where they are today without Phil Knoight. Not even close.
  2. I for one will greatly miss having knapp as a mod . I sure hope he sticks around and still contributes as a "normal" poster. We did not always see eye to eye, especially back in my more conservative political posting days but, I always respected knapp's opinion and his keen writing style. However, when it came to football topics, I cannot think of anything of substance we ever disagreed on so that tells me he's a pretty smart feller. Haha. Anyway knapp thanks for the countless hours you've spent trying to make this a better and more hospitable place. In almost all ways you are Huskerboard to me. If you're moving on, I wish you the best. If you're sticking around, well, you can't ban me anymore *sticks out tongue*. Seriously though, Thank You.
  3. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=PsBnVf2hGZGSyAT-roLwBg&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D2yAfdCVtUQw&ved=0CEQQtwIwCw&usg=AFQjCNH0sSdbeIpWlhGwhcmzd0-qRWKdyQ&sig2=qBAQ9DGGuC3-x0i1F18v_w Sorry, I don't know how to embed the video on my phone. I loved this song as a kid. Actually still have that exact same 45 of it and I might be one of the few people who has it in digital version on my iPod.
  4. Guise, I need ideas for what to get the old ball and chain. 30th anniversary coming up in a few days and I'm coming up with nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ColoradoHusk


      Just make sure you don't cross swords.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I knew I was coming to the right place for help with this. All kinds of good advice here. Thanks guys errr guise.

    4. Redux


      Totes go with a 3 way

  5. So some people are upset that this staff is trying to get the best players on the field? Mmmmmkay.
  6. We're making some real headway here. I bet within another page or two we'll have the definitive answers for; Is there a God? And, Which is the correct religion? Sorry, I automatically get glassy eyed when people expect proof to be supplied for something that cannot be proven. Of course I'm not claiming I'm right and others wrong so I don't need to prove squat. I can tell somebody what I believe.......the rest is up to them. Any attempt beyond that may be intriguing verbal gymnastics but that's all it will ever be. Sorry, it can't be scientifically proven that God exists....but I am convinced he does. Most arguments against God are really arguments against religion(s) and religion(s) are the creation of men. That is why this issue needs to be simplified to figuring out if there is a higher power or not. That may be tough to prove scientifically but it sure does seem to be a whole lot more likely than this all being random chance born out of a puddle of goo.
  7. Sure, Brion Carnes is not a good example to make any case for a Bo Pelini doghouse. But there sure a lot of people in this thread acting like Pelini didn't make numerous head scratching personnel choices during his time here. I don't care if a guy wants to call it a doghouse or just outright claim that Pelini often made bad choices but it's obvious that he did not always have the best player at every position. He was stubborn and often stuck with players and schemes that weren't working. Hardly a good situation or one to get the pitchforks after Carnes for. I for one think where the was smoke there was fire with existence of a Pelini doghouse. Too much evidence to try to claim otherwise. But I guess it could be attributed to Bo just not recognizing the player or scheme that would give the team the best opportunity to succeed. Don't see where ineptitude is really any better than supposedly playing favorites.
  8. Thanks for sharing Husker_x. I can see how a person gets to where you are at and that is fine, I've just arrived at some different conclusions. The biggest one being that I just cannot reconcile that this all came about by some cosmic chance. I'm not talking Christian or any specific religion now but rather whether or not there is a higher power that caused at least some of this to happen. I absolutely believe there is a God (or whatever title a person wants to attribute to our creator). I have not been provided any satisfactory evidence that proves to me that creation and evolution can't or don't coexist. There may be certain teachings or beliefs within specific sects or religions that say it has to be one or the other but, in all cases I am aware of, those can easily be attributed the work of humans. Since I am absolutely convinced of the existence of a God, I find it fairly easy to ignore or work around many of the tougher questions of specific religions. The other part of my belief really does not need to be satisfied with facts or proof. I simply refuse to believe that there is no purpose for our existence. I don't want to live, or die, in a world where there is not more than random cosmic chance at work. That to me would be way scarier than any of the worst concepts of hell. I realize this is just a preference of mine and has nothing to do with proving my belief but, it is a very real and strong force and it helps motivate me to find those explanations for the tough questions and issues that seem to show there is no God. I have always been able to find an answer that satisfies both my belief and any scientific evidence. It really has never even been much of a close call for me.
  9. I really want to comment on this weather thing in Miami but there is not much a guy can say to someone who doesn't realize that it is hot and humid every frikken September day, always and forever. Jeebus Krist. It is so far out of the realm of possibility but let's go ahead and act like anything is possible. Wtf?
  10. I wouldn't stress over it too much. Up to about the age of 13, full contact tackle ball is probably not needed for developement. Personally I don't think it hurts to do it but they probably aren't missing out if they don't do it. However, at about 13 I think it is probably time to give it a shot if you don't want them falling behind their peers. Some kids will take to it and others won't. Nothing wrong either, some kids just won't have the physical maturity or attitude for full contact sports. 13 seems like as good as time as any to start figuring that out. Some may bloom earlier or later or never at all. You should have a pretty good idea where your son is at on the spectrum so I'm sure you'll probably make the right decision.
  11. It's going going to be f'ing hot and humid as hell. Excellent observation. Then again, it might not be hot or humid at all. I haven't seen the forecasts yet. Football is played in all sorts of weather, that's for sure. Lol.... It's Florida. I live here. I've gotten sunburned in games in November and seen people get heatstroke in October. It's going to be brutal. As a fan, 3:30 kickoff is the worst time. Miami fans won't show up regardless of the time because they hate their coach and are bandwagon. Dude, I literally said that in my first post. Now youre acting like we are disagreeing in some way? Miami fans are f'ing pathetic bandwagon fans. The only thing I figured is that more of those bandwagon fans would show up for a night game with the Huskers than they would for a hot afternoon game. You went on to sound as if you were some weather forecaster in your guarantee that it would be hot and humid. I simply said that is not a sure thing. Regardless of what we've seen in the past, weather is never a sure thing. I then concluded that football is played in all types of weather meaning that these kids have played in heat and humidity before and I am assuming Mark Phillips will be preparing these boys for just that, a football game in Miami. Aside from you seemingly guaranteeing the forecast based off the sunburns you've recieved in previous years, I can't for the life of me determine what the hell you're laughing at me about or disagreeing with. Probably because it is deep south Florida.....in September.....with a 3:30 kick. There is absolutely no chance that it will not be brutally humid and hot. None. But that is not any kind of an excuse, it is just a fact. Their weather is not the crapshoot you might get in the Midwest. I would guess that is where the LOL came from.
  12. RIP Garo Yepremian. Boy does that name bring back memories.

    1. NUance


      RIP Garo. Just read his wiki. Didn't realize he kicked for Detroit to start his career. He was on the undefeated Dolphin team.

    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I was fairly young back then and just becoming aware of the NFL and of course that was the height of the Dolphins. Shula, Csonka, Warfield, Kick, pre-DB Griese, Yepremian....all those names take me back.

    3. huKSer


      Worst passing stats of any kicker

  13. Good question and cool that is one he chose to answer. I liked his response and agree with it. Sure we would like to think it will go down even better than that but that is reality at this point in time. We could beat Urban and tOSU but that wouldn't be the odds on likely result within the next couple years I wouldn't think. I'll be plenty satisfied with more disciplined play and a reduction in head shaking performances and embarrassing losses. I might be smoking the kool-aid (to mix metaphors) but I think we're already assured of those types of improvements.
  14. This new Wayward Pines TV show looks like it might be a keeper.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Hummmm, I didn't think it was slow, pretty strange for sure but it seemed to hold my interest very well.

    3. NUance


      Isn't it supposed to be another Twin Peaks?

    4. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      It kind of has that feel to it but so far seems to be more like Lost and a bit darker. Twin Peaks got way too weird.

  15. Good stuff TGHusker and Husker_x. Enjoyed the read and the respect shown to opposing points of view.
  16. This is what happens when somebody asks "who's your daddy?" on Mothers Day in prison.
  17. Maybe watch the movie Serenity when you're done with Firefly. I think Serenity is better than any of the Star Wars or Star Trek movies. (Although I'd rank Wrath of Khan right up there with it. /JMHO) Yes, you absolutely have to watch Serenity to bring closure to the Firefly series. I kind of agree with Knapp, I was a bit disappointed with Firefly. Probably just because it was oversold on Big Bang Theory and expected more than it delivered. Thought it was OK but not great. Thought they did a pretty good job with Serenity but I wouldn't rank it up there with the better Star Trek movies and surely not on the same level as Star Wars.
  18. It's official, I have shared my brilliance with HB 5000 times. You're all welcome.

    1. knapplc


      It is appreciated. More often than not, it's a good read.


      Here's to 5,000 more!

    2. Redux


      We're not worthy

    3. Eric the Red

      Eric the Red

      Good man that JJHusker1


  19. And post number 5,000......on my birthday. Better watch your back NUance, I'll be catching you pretty soon. Haha.
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