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Everything posted by UniversalMartin

  1. A sign with Stewie Griffin saying "You guys wanna talk about corn?!"
  2. What did I learn? I learned my game watching demeanor is slowly returning to the years in which I was not numbed by losing and incompetence...my vocabulary is becoming sailorish, my pacing has picked up, my hand gesturing towards the tv is more demonstrative...all these things are good as I learned I am once again returning to a time where a Husker game has a complete effect on my mood for the day/evening...wife may hate it but I LOVE IT!
  3. It has to be Iowa simply for the fact that it causes so many of you anguish to even utter it...pure snobbery is a factor in rivalry growth. Give it 10 more years and this will be a no brainer
  4. When it is all said and done, Jurgens is going to be a stud center
  5. Some of your "issues" he propose speak more to you than him
  6. Hmmm...thinking you took my comment in the wrong way
  7. Not really...I would expect a former player, that played under garbage tutelage to say this
  8. Obviously in the grand scheme of things this will be a blip...but the introduction of ads is what generated the request. Kudos to you man...see an annoyance and profit from it. Can't blame you...the fault lays with those who cannot wait a sec...lack of patience pays the man.
  9. Well, pre-determined checks could do that. AM is in a "sophomore slump" and I say that in the lightest way of that meaning. He is trying to be what is expected, outside Heisman type, as opposed to what he is...a play creator...which ultimately leads to Heisman invite
  10. Colorado Rewatch? NOPE, bachelors in paradise is on!
  11. Apples to oranges comparison here as I didnt think a Natty coming into this year...but i hold onto the fact that OSU lost to VTech at home in their natty year and they "found themselves" after that. Hoping we have a similar step to a 9-3 season
  12. What I dont get with a qb like AM is...if he is getting pressured in the pocket, ROLL HIM OUT! Set up opposite side of the quarter roll screens in combo with corners and drags play side...nothing there on the non screen rolls, tuck and run for 4 4x3= 1st down and change. Obviously a very simplistic and Monday a.m QB view on my part...but damn
  13. I envy est start times...nothing before noon...late games at 8pm. I have an est game watching soul trapped in a pst home.
  14. May have already been said but, when we had to burn a timeout before the clock had even ticked in the 2nd half I thought, "here we go"
  15. Is there a link between this thread and the other one? Ancient astronaut theorists say, yes
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