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Status Replies posted by suh_fan93

  1. As the U.S. House passes the AHCA, the California Senate Health Cmte passes SB 562 -- universal single-payer health care. Go CA! https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB562

  2. Anybody have a good hook up that can get me a good price on a good hotel in downtown Chicago? Thanks.

  3. Well, my Bears just f'ing themselves again!!

  4. ESPN Layoffs include Jeremy Crabtree and Brett McMurphy. Does not include the yelling, shouting blowhards.

  5. ESPN Layoffs include Jeremy Crabtree and Brett McMurphy. Does not include the yelling, shouting blowhards.

  6. Just painted my daughter's toenails for prom. Where do I send my man card? Standard mail or overnight?

  7. Uh oh, we in trouble now. North Korea warns of "super mighty" strike on US that will reduce us to ashes. Better make sure your Will is in order.

  8. Mondays suck

  9. Happy Easter huskerboard.

  10. Watch the 3 part series on ID TV on Casey Anthony and how the hell do you not find her guilty of murder and for her mother to still have her back to this day is mind boggling.

  11. How is ESPN releasing FPI numbers already?

  12. Oh Pelini. You done went and did it this time.

  13. Oh Pelini. You done went and did it this time.

  14. So proud of my alma mater! Northwest Missouri State Bearcats are headed for the Division II National Championship!

  15. Purdue is getting carved like a pumpkin.

  16. Say something witty here.

  17. These tournament refs are terrible!!

  18. Think NU hoops would have a shot at Hoiberg? Would interest be mutual?

  19. Man, someone should change Jason Peter's twitter password and not give it to him: https://twitter.com/jasonpeter/status/840583850262691841

  20. RIP Slick Steels. One of the first games I ever went to was the one where he sang the Anthem.

  21. is armstrong trying for nfl or no? anyone know?

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