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Everything posted by Moiraine

  1. Give examples of how the redhead is pompous Give examples of how an AD proves he has leadership skills and list what he should have done differently. Explain how the fans own the football team. There are donors but most fans can't claim this. I've probably bought 5 pieces of Husker football memorabilia in my life and I don't feel like I own part of the team. They've more than given enough back to me. The team is self sustaining so I don't think any of our taxes go to support it. Most people who have a negative impression of SE have it because he's a ginger and a lawyer. I've yet to hear a solid reason not to like him. Usually the people who don't like him are still upset Bo was fired and think he was screwed over. One of the knocks on him is he's aloof. I've personally seen him interact with players he happened upon on his way to work and he greeted them by first name and chatted with them like they were old friends. Maybe none of these things are why you think he's pompous but I'm tired of hearing people say they don't like him with no good reasons to back up why. Just add me to your ignore list, remember to always log in, and have a happier life. To the bolded: Why?
  2. Y'all need to relax about KJJ. He's an early enrollee. If they think his weight is an issue it'll get fixed.
  3. I'm assuming this is an attempt at humor.
  4. I think PSU shows it's achievable... although their recruiting is usually above ours.
  5. BS roughing the passer call.
  6. I was thinking the same thing. Bo's defenses were fantastic, and then other coaches adjusted (maybe it was the loss of Carl and Marvin). Or maybe it was the loss of Suh..... I have trouble claiming his defenses were fantastic except when he had once in a lifetime talent that would make any coach look like a D guru. 2010 was pretty damn good as well. Lavonte David
  7. It's frankly pretty frightening to see this. This person either believes what he's saying or he's really good at trolling.
  8. Seeing as this is the 2nd time someone has done this in this topic, care to provide a link?
  9. Give examples of how the redhead is pompous Give examples of how an AD proves he has leadership skills and list what he should have done differently. Explain how the fans own the football team. There are donors but most fans can't claim this. I've probably bought 5 pieces of Husker football memorabilia in my life and I don't feel like I own part of the team. They've more than given enough back to me. The team is self sustaining so I don't think any of our taxes go to support it. Most people who have a negative impression of SE have it because he's a ginger and a lawyer. I've yet to hear a solid reason not to like him. Usually the people who don't like him are still upset Bo was fired and think he was screwed over. One of the knocks on him is he's aloof. I've personally seen him interact with players he happened upon on his way to work and he greeted them by first name and chatted with them like they were old friends. Maybe none of these things are why you think he's pompous but I'm tired of hearing people say they don't like him with no good reasons to back up why.
  10. IMO Langs deserves 2 years with the same QB (that fits his system).
  11. Record high number of Americans now out of the labor force...yes, thanks Obama. http://dailycaller.com/2016/12/02/record-95055000-americans-out-of-the-labor-force/ Not saying this isn't an issue. But, I think someone needs to dig deeper into the numbers. The word "retirement" in this quote is important now that more and more baby boomers are retiring. "The level of Americans outside of the workforce last month due to retirement, education, discouragement, or otherwise represented a substantial 446,000 increase over the month of October." Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/12/02/record-95055000-americans-out-of-the-labor-force/#ixzz4RnC7r72g Another thing I was reading about is that the numbers went up steadily up through the 90s but that was more due to women joining the workforce than anything else.
  12. How are we supposed to come up a nickname at that number. Just go with "Fo"? Could at least give him 420k so go with "Fo tweddy". Fo Quintuple-O?
  13. My God. It's Saturday. The fact we're still waiting is not "interesting" in the least.
  14. I'd go back in time and see what Solich/Pelini would've done with 2 more years together.
  15. He soon followed up by tweeting, "Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I should not accept a congratulatory call." You're the president elect now. You are the U.S. to other countries. Stop being a f*ing moron.
  16. The head of the House Science Committee just tweeted out a Breitbart article saying the earth is cooling. Here is the title: https://mobile.twitter.com/kejames/status/804427610763788290?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw If you can't see that Democrats don't even come close to this level of stupidity when it comes to science then I don't know what else to tell you. And when the Democrats have it wrong it's usually due to being over-precautious. 97% of climate scientists believe humans have caused climate change. Why for the love of God do non-scientists think their gut feeling on climate change is better than what a consensus of scientists says? This is like me holding a camp where I host the 32 starting NFL QBs and tell them they're throwing the ball wrong and they really should be doing it with their face because that's what a 9 year old boy in my neighborhood does. Except that's not actually what this is. The head of the House Science committee has received $650k from the fossil fuel industry (that we know of) and that's more $ than he's received from any other source.
  17. Another thing with TA is he almost never stepped into the pocket to make a throw. He always ran out of the pocket. Perhaps this wasn't a problem though. He hit a lot of linemen in the last game when he stayed in the pocket a lot more.
  18. I wish we could have done something for every area China bullied. Problem is it's hard to go up against other powerful countries. It's easy when you're facing little countries like Iraq. The issue I have with Trump doing this is I have no trust in him at all to deal with an angry, powerful country in a way that doesn't seriously hurt us in some way.
  19. My football dreams quashed again.
  20. Well they have an int now
  21. Uhhhhh, wat? The whining and crying is being perpetrated by those who are protesting the election outcome. I'm just sickened by their actions.I fear that the entitlement mentality these people posses is going to lead this nation down a dark, dingy road. It's already started down that path. I frankly don't care for rude, selfish, thoughtless, or entitled people. Call me weird. It's amusing that you still think/pretend to think this was the issue people had with your posts in this topic and others. If you'd said the protesters are whiny and entitled there'd probably be some argument and that'd be the end of it.Since you still say you don't get it: the problem is you made a generalization about ALL millenials. It's convenient for your mind to put all millenials into this little box but it's a bunch of horse poop. Millenials aren't what you think they are. They're a very diverse group of people just like any other generation. Ok. Seems like I hit a nerve. No reason to rehash this discussion. Again, where did I say who I voted for?I agree, Trump is whiny and needs to sack up. Pointing out someone's foolish generalization doesn't mean the people who pointed it out are upset.What do testicles have to do with it? Sorry for the "friendly fire", Moiraine. But this is why people bring up the PC culture... It doesn't add anything except something else for people to be mad at. He typed a figure of speech, I don't believe he took the time to reflect about the role of women in society before he recommended Trump not be such a fragile personality. I'm about as "bleeding heart" as they come and I routinely tell my boys to "man up" as well as tell my daughter to "put on her big girl britches". If Trump was a woman, you may have a gripe (if it even was one to begin with ) On a scale of 1 to 10 of importance where 10 is the most important, this would be a 2 for me. That said I think things like this have a subconscious effect on people (mostly girls growing up) and I will always point them out especially when I'm somewhere where 99% of the people are males. When people (men or women) are not being mentally strong, they're told to grow a pair, man up, sack up, stop being a pu&&y. That doesn't make the people saying these things sexist but being mentally strong is not highly correlated with having testicles and lacking a vagina. I think these sayings affect people and how they see women whether they know it or not.
  22. Hanging Lake, Colorado Hiked to it in April when the top half of the trail was still covered in ice even though it was 55 degrees. Nearly died on several occasions. Still get mild goosebumps when I think about it. At one point I stepped slightly off trail to avoid sliding off the mountain and my leg went down into the snow all the way up to my upper thigh (I feel slightly sick right now just writing about it) and I almost couldn't get out and my boot almost came off. This thread is going to make me jealous. There are so many foreign countries I want to travel to. Planning to start in the next few years.
  23. The way I do it, which is literally just the way I do it because I find it motivating, not because I read about it somewhere (although I have done lots of reading on weight lifting) is this: (Days 1, 2, 3 etc does not mean they're consecutive days. Just whatever days you do the same lift. Also, do whatever # of sets you decide on). Day 1: Lift X pounds 8 times Day 2: Add Y lbs to the lift. Lift X + Y lbs 4 times Day 3: Lift X+Y 6 times Day 4: Lift X+Y 8 times Day 5: Add Y lbs to the lift. Lift X + 2Y lbs 4 times Example (the weights might be weird since I'm not a dude) Day 1: Bench 100lbs 8 times Day 2: Bench 110 4 times Day 3: Bench 110 6 times Day 4: Bench 110 8 times Day 5: Bench 120 4 times and so on. If it's super easy then just jump it up faster at the start. I have a couple reasons for doing it this way. Reason 1 is: When I first started lifting it was hard for me to curl 10lbs. I didn't have a 12lb dumbbell at the time so moving up to 15lbs was like a giant mountain in front of me. This probably isn't as much of an issue for men but I feel like it still applies to some lifts. Maybe some tricep stuff? Anyway, I had to figure out a way to do it gradually. At one point, using this method, I could curl 30 which I think was decent for a female but I'm back down to 20 right now (I took a super long hiatus and am now back to lifting again). Reason 2 is I rarely ever got to a point where I could not go heavier or for more reps (one or the other) using this method. Every time I lifted I could do at least one more rep than last time, or increase the weight. This was very motivating to me. I didn't want to do less weight than the time before. I felt like that would have bothered me a lot. This goes against any plan that says to lift to failure though. Also, I've read lots of articles saying you don't have to do things like dumbbell curls, as fb30 said. I do them anyhow just to make the workout last longer.
  24. Is that what you are? Merry Christmafunk
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