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The Most Prejudiced Places in America via Twitter Feeds (Lincoln Involved...)

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Had someone that knew I was a die-hard Nebraska fan send an article to me about the most prejudiced places in America. Very disappointing that our favorite city shows up not once, but twice on their lists:






These were the worst offending cities by category, per Twitter feeds of citizens of those cities.


Now, I'm not sure that using Twitter is the *best* barometer, but it is one that's culturally relevant based on acceptance and usage, at any rate. Also, the original article that can be found here also addresses that they're looking for keywords/phrases, and that some cultures have attempted to appropriate negative slurs (e.g. the "N" word and African American culture) and that this isn't filtered out by their methods.


Anyway, thought this was interesting, especially in the context of recruiting for our University, as the last thing we need is for kids to be told that Lincoln is one of the most prejudiced places in America (whether or not the data is legitimate).

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If that's by volume of tweets, it could simply be one dedicated person or small group of people tweeting out a bunch of S. That's hardly a valid way to judge anything.


Lincoln has a fairly decently sized gay population, and I can't remember the last time there were anti-gay incidents in Lincoln. There are plenty of gay people in the community, not hiding their preference, and no harm seems to come to them. I'll go ahead and be highly skeptical of this.

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If that's by volume of tweets, it could simply be one dedicated person or small group of people tweeting out a bunch of S. That's hardly a valid way to judge anything.


Lincoln has a fairly decently sized gay population, and I can't remember the last time there were anti-gay incidents in Lincoln. There are plenty of gay people in the community, not hiding their preference, and no harm seems to come to them. I'll go ahead and be highly skeptical of this.


Lincoln also has a decently sized white trash keyboard warrior population.

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Let's put it this way. By looking at volume of posts on HuskerBoard over the last two months, I could deduce that HuskerBoard is mostly populated by people with Black athletes as their avatars. Why? Because Mavric's avatar would dominate my numbers, since he has the most posts of anyone over the last two months - as many as the next seven most prolific posters over that time combined. He'd skew my numbers, but it'd be as accurate as this.

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This also doesn't take into account the context of the tweet, or who tweeted it. While it may not be politically correct to use tne N word, fact is that it's typically not considered racist when used by a black person. Same with a gay person using their associated words.

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